Soul Trap. Wayne Sr. Stewart

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Soul Trap - Wayne Sr. Stewart

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it a vehicle that turns all inroads, into floodgates.)

      Please understand that it’s not my intention to single out the Amish or their kissing cousin the Mennonites—not even hand-grenade close! Instead, I hold them out as examples regarding idiosyncrasies found within ALL religions. Believe me when I tell you that every last religion on this planet harbors its own internal foibles. It’s just that some are more notable than others.

      Perhaps I should be addressing those people who, through the culmination of their faith, put everything into the hands of God: even the sad and corrupt state of worldly affairs. I address you specifically because, what are we to do with the truism that God helps those, who help themselves? And never was a fig tree riper for the picking, than the one set before us here and now. Otherwise, we can always watch in religious indignation as humanity hurls itself towards the event horizon of the great abyss, believing it all to be part of some grander plan. Worse comes to worse, we could just pitch a fit over it. You know, like the son of God did regarding that fig tree incident of his.

      Ah huh.

      Now, concerning what Jesus said in Mark 10:17 and 18 about no one being good but God Almighty, to include him, and how it becomes necessary for his father to prune him of his “imperfections” from time to time (see again, the admission of St. John 15:2: especially as it relates to him being violent, disorderly, unruly, uncontrolled, uncontained, lawless, mutinous and even rebellious,) I give you Matthew 7:17. This being where he further said of it, albeit for edification: “Every good tree brings forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree brings forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit. Neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19 [Every tree that brings forth corruption…is cut down and set ablaze.] 20 Wherefore by their fruits you will know them.”

      What was it again, that Jesus said of himself concerning trees of corruption that bear evil fruit? Oh! That’s right. It was Mark 10:18 where he publicly stated: “Why do you, call me good? None is good but God.”!

      Ah yes, grasshopper. Suddenly, the light of enlightenment burning at the base of your brain begins to glow a bit more intensely. Watch out though because, next thing you know, an unruly child is tugging unmercifully at your sleeve. And its got questions: lots and lots of thorny, sticky, and yes troubling if not unseemly questions. Even if that means having to reach out and pry open our hankies for a more detailed examination. I know, and let me guess: “Ewe!” Right? But then, uncovering religious truths of this nature can be that way. This, after all, is the spiritual fortitude required of us on a heretofore-unimaginable scale.

      Be that as it may, it’s about Jesus saying no one is good but God, that garners our attention here. Why? Because of the verse that binds this dynamic duo at the hip, is why. See again, Isaiah 45:5, as wrought for elucidation. That being where the Almighty declared: “I am the Lord, there is none else. There is no other God besides me…7…I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, as well as disease, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.”

      And, with that proof I promised you not too long ago: it all depends on the one we feed. However, I would be remiss if I did not advise you, in that, everything you are going to learn in this book is the revolutionary truth, so help me, and nothing but the immutable truth. Even insidious truths like those found in I John 1:5. “This then, is the message which we have heard…and declare unto you that God is light. That in him is no darkness at all.”

      I agree. I John 1:5 seems harmless enough. But then; and this is the important part; this is how the deception empowers itself. All because I John 1:5 is a one-verse-wonder that no one bothers to demand any more of, only to label their apathy “faith.” And yes. There are many such verses like this in the Bible, all ascribed with the same lack of spiritual indifference. Nonetheless; and lest we fall victim to the same failings that entangle this world with slithering tentacles of spiritual unrest; we need to be more insisting of it: even if that insistence demands resolve. Otherwise, we become part of the problem.

      Look, that’s a harsh truth to bear I know, but know that it goes even deeper than that. In fact, it goes much, much deeper. Let’s call this particular profundity an ill-defined rabbit hole from within the margins of life for which we cast our faith in the form of a proxy, and hope for the best as it gropes its way around in the dark searching for what we know not because even if it found it we would have no way of knowing what we were looking at. Not to mention, we didn’t even know we were looking for it in the first place. That’s just the way it is, when striving after the wind. But then, everyone knows there is no new thing under the sun. Right? (See Ecclesiastes 1:9.)

      Truth is, by perpetuating the problem verses the solution concerning religion and its inherent failings, we commit our children, your children, the world’s children, to a tenuous future. After all, if it were not for spiritual maturation, we would still be sacrificing human life to appease the gods. And you know we would. What was it again, that Einstein said about this? Oh! That’s right. It was, “The further the spiritual evolution of mankind advances, the more certain it seems to me that the path to genuine religiosity does not lie through the fear of life, and the fear of death, and blind faith, but through striving after rational knowledge.”


      But let us return to the hidden message of I John 1:5, in that, it says there is no darkness whatsoever in God. Why? Because of the discovery of St. John 3:19, is why. “This then, is the condemnation. That men love darkness…[why?] because their deeds are evil.”

      So what, exactly, does the overall message inherent within these passages have to do with anything. Right? I thought the same thing myself at one time. This particular hiccup happens because the Bible is only letting you in on part of the story. And even then, it’s only that part “they” want you knowing. And now you know why you defend it to the core of the self the way that you do.

      Welcome, grasshopper, to what beats at the heart of a secret religious agenda, as tucked away and hidden below the conscious reading level because its rigged to tell you what you want to hear, ergo its power. To better sort our way through this particular chasm of disillusion, as filled to the brim with the bleakness of muddled misinformation, we need only turn our KJV Bibles to Matthew 10:27. Here, you will find the rest of the story. This being where Jesus, as the son of a God who can only do what he sees his father in heaven do, said of it: “What I tell you in darkness, you speak in light….”

      Perhaps what we need in this situation is to juxtapose these verses (maybe even write them down in order to avoid the pitfalls of confusion.) That is because their truths seem random and extraordinarily discombobulated when; and to an immutable truth; they are anything but. Even so, there is no way I can prepare you for the reality they harbor, other than to simply do it. Okay then. See Mark 10:17. “When he was gone forth into the way, a man came running to Jesus, and kneeled before him, saying, ‘Good Master, what need I do, to inherit eternal life?’ 18 Jesus replied to him, saying: ‘Why do you, call me good? None is good but God.’”

      As if to confirm that statement; and as you now know; Jesus went on to say in Matthew 10:27: “What I tell you in darkness, you speak in light….”

      To add spiritual fuel to a religious fire as disturbing as this one is, I again give you I John 1:5, albeit for edification. “This then, is the condemnation. That men love darkness, because their deeds are evil.”

      What was it again, that Jesus said about this obligatory nuisance called evil? You know the failing for which I speak. It’s the same impiety he says he champions from out of the darkness, and that we are not to resist? Yeah. That one. See St. John 3:20: “Everyone who does evil hates the light…lest their deeds be exposed.”

      Now see Matthew 7:19 where he then said of it, albeit for edification: “Every tree that brings forth corruption [meaning, evil] is cut down, and

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