Soul Trap. Wayne Sr. Stewart

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Soul Trap - Wayne Sr. Stewart

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in that, there are reasons why the son of God would even say such incorrigible things, I give you, albeit for edification, Mark 1:34 of the original 1611 KJV edition. “He [meaning Jesus] healed those who were sick, and cast out many evil spirits. But he would not permit the demons to speak [why?] because they knew him.”!

      Do you now see the totality of what these verses labor to show you, as they reach up out of their chasm of disillusion? To deny what exists in plain sight is to deny the truth of the Bible simply because it upsets you. After all, if the son of God had nothing to hide in that hanky of his, there would be no reason to censor the demons. Nor would Mark 1:34 have ever said what it did, the way that it did. You know it. I know it. And Jesus most certainly knew it. Why? Because he is not who or what he says he is, is why. And yes. This is why I don’t capitalize the title “son of God” as “Son of God” and so on. It’s because I know something about this that you don’t. Yet that is. But you will, and soon enough. I guarantee it.

      (There will be more to come regarding this discovery where appropriate, as it has everything to do with who said what, and to whom, in the Garden of Eden: a truth that will challenge everything we ever thought we knew of it. This, just as sure as “In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida” by Iron Butterfly = “In The Garden of Eden.” All because it’s a rock-n-roll stoner’s Lady Mondegreen, baby, it’s a Lady Mondegreen. And what is a Mondegreen but a misinterpreted, if not misunderstood, aural malapropism? [On the Internet, look up “Lady Mondegreen.” It will tell you everything you need to know.])

      Now that you’ve been able to glimpse the darker side of what “they” don’t want you knowing, and why, I invite you to join me in changing the world for the better. I extend this invitation to you and yours because the deception that is the impetus behind commercial religion has progressed to a point of systemic social failure. At our current rate of moral decay as defined by a universe of entropy, it’s only a matter of time before what goes around sneaks back around, and bites us all in our sanctimonious cabooses. Therefore, we have much work to do if we are to ever hand our children, your children, the world’s children, community plowshares instead of freshly whetted swords. You know the double-edged steel rapiers for which I speak: they are the same ones we hold on high out of righteous indignation that, sooner or later, always manage to cut both ways. Yeah. Those ones. And yes: sanctimonious cabooses.

      Truth is, the reason we are intolerant of other people and or cultures is because we are helping to foster, albeit unwittingly, misguided notions of religion. This not only applies to us as a Christian nation, but to any culture operating off religious-based foibles. These are those intangible qualities of a higher morality regarding judgment that we strive to abstain from by turning the other cheek, but cannot. Why? Because they have their basis in a book of subjectivity concerning the judgments of a God who operates on the principle of an eye for an eye as dictated by the emotions of “what I will,” is why. For proof that this is indeed the case, I give you Isaiah 61:8. That being where the Almighty said of it: “I the Lord do love judgment….”

      What we discover as a result, then, is that God does not merely tolerate judgment as an implement of morality. Nor does it say that he approves of it as a tool of the divine legal system, either. No. We instead learn that he is overtly emotional about it because he, of all things, thrives on it. I, therefore, give to you not its logical conclusion (because there is none,) but its logical escalation (because of that there is plenty.) See Leviticus 21:17 where a brutally judgmental God, poised with an equally demented emotional bias as filtered through “what I will” said, albeit for edification: “Whosoever [of your people] that has a blemish, let them not approach to offer the sacrificial bread of his [or her] God.” (As for its logical progression, you will have to keep reading. Believe you me when I tell you that this rabbit hole goes to places where even angels fear to tread. But tread they must because, they too, have been deceived. I know. But they have. We all have.)

      Allow me to be so bold as to suggest that I know how you’re feeling right now. That is because I too, have been there and done that. He is God, after all. The same one that we, as little children, grew up with and prayed to every night. “Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep, that if I should die before I wake, my soul is free for the Lord to take. Amen.”

      Yes! This same God utterly broke my heart and made me cry at age seven while attending church when I finally I understood what the world had done to his son. As the preacher preached, it devastated me to know that humanity could do the terrible thing that it did. It was a beautiful Easter Sunday morning on 14 APRIL 1963 when it all dawned on me like the rising of a profoundly new sun. I cried in sobs to the point that no one could console me: not even with the promise of eternal life to come from this mess. That is because “they”—were the bastards who killed my God! (I was only seven, after all. And singing [whilst emotionally clinging to] “The Old Rugged Cross” at the time, did not help matters either.)

      Worse yet is that a temperamental God while trussed up in the throes of judgment cursed all of humankind for all eternity concerning the actions of only two people who; and by all accounts; were still running around in their emotional diapers having just figured things out. This is to say that; and because of Adam and Eve’s personal choices; all are born into sin: even confused seven year-olds. (See again, the dictate of Romans 3:23.) The despair I felt that day wholly transcended the emotional library of a second-grader. It wasn’t until I grew up and matured, that I even questioned what possible deity could hold untold generations accountable for the actions of only two people acting on the gift of freewill. To my way of thinking (and hopefully soon to be yours too,) it didn’t make sense.

      To me, the whole thing is akin to breaking the wings of a hapless bird and tossing it off a cliff whilst demanding that it keep the faith, and then bellowing “Next!” And yes. Even Jesus was aware of this peculiarity. See Matthew 10:29 where he said of it, albeit for edification: “Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing [half penny?] Yet, not one of them [meaning, the birds] will fall to the ground without your Father.”

      If it’s your contention that Jesus is trying to say God will be there for the bird when it dies, just as he would for the human soul when it departs the body, me thinks not. Besides God having such animals relentlessly slaughtered for the sake of personal glory, I would have you see Ecclesiastes 3:21. That being where it’s written, albeit for edification, “Who knows the spirit of man that goes upward, and the spirit of the beast that goes downward to the Earth [meaning, place of sheol?”]

      Then there is Malachi 1:8, of the 1611 edition. That being where God said: “When you offer blind animals in sacrifice, is that not evil? When you offer those that are lame and sick, is that not evil?”

      What we learn, then, is that Matthew 10:29 should have read, “Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? Yet, not one of them will fall to the ground without your father having thrown it there in disgust.”

      What was it again, that Jesus said about the discovery of this particular truth? Oh! That’s right. It was Matthew 10:26 where he said: “There is nothing covered, that will not be revealed. Nor hid, that will not be known.”

      When you search for the truth with an open mind; and as suggested by Jesus himself in Acts 28:27; passages like Matthew 10:26 have a way of opening up, and speaking for themselves. This, as opposed to those verses that say God so loved the world… And don’t make me list every occasion that God Almighty got upset and killed people or sacrificed animals for personal glory because—I would pretty much have to include the whole of the OT here!

      Now, regarding original sin as manifested through divine odium where God curses all of humanity for the actions of only two people acting autonomously; and declared as defacto in Romans 3:23; I give you Deuteronomy 24:16. I share this verse with you because I want you to fully understand; and without a shadow of reservation; that it’s from within the Bible, and not me, that a contradiction of this type and magnitude arises. Okay then. Deuteronomy 24:16 it is. That being where God said: “The fathers

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