Soul Trap. Wayne Sr. Stewart

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Soul Trap - Wayne Sr. Stewart

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symbols” as he put it, that would teach him how to understand the rest of it. He later confided in me telling me that these symbols were the language of the dead, and that only the dead could read or understand them.

      Each time he progressed deeper into his knowledge of the universe, “The Man” would hand him a new clay tablet with even more language of the dead written on it, taking him ever further into the rabbit hole. As each layer shed its secrets, he would be exposed to more and more of what he called, “pure truth.” He then drew out four connected squares, while filling each one with more and more pencil specs. Each spec, he said, was another universe unto itself and that we lived in the first square with only a few pencil marks, or specs of universe representing pure truth as the case may be. But when he got to the fourth square, the one where Jesus said all knowledge of the universe is stored, as he more or less shaded it in while saying that the universes in that square were innumerable, he was told not to try and understand it because it would “explode his mind.” He then said something unusual. He said that every human being is born knowing this information, but forget as they age. He then added that, only in death, will the Almighty remind them. And that only when death is final with no chance of return, will he reveal the hidden fifth square.

      I did my best to try and understand everything he was telling me (as did everybody else,) but alas, it only got more and more complicated. Even to the point where he would incessantly repeat himself, and start to speak gibberish. Or, if you prefer, that which he called “tongues.” Mt father did his best to explain everything as knew it, even to where he would stare at you with incredulity as if you were the one speaking a foreign language, but alas, words failed him along with the connection he was trying to forge. He finally admitted that it’s just that way when you’re in physical form, because the body is so limited. To date, no one in the family has been able to make sense out of what he was trying to convey. He finally admitted that it was a very intense, highly personal thing met for his eyes only. I couldn’t agree more. For those verses that bind this experience of his, I give you Proverbs 8:11. “Wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it.”

      Then there is Matthew 6:24, albeit for edification: “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon [meaning, material possessions.”]

      All this, and not one person in all of recorded history ever reported the same experience.

      Question: how can this be if heaven is a place of commons, as held in reserve for its masses from around the globe, as slated for everyone who ever believes since the year 1 A.D., to lord knows when in the future? The simple answer is to tell you that there is more to this place called heaven than you know. This is especially true when you realize that countless trillions of people, or those who lived and died before the “age of grace,” where never given the same chance to go to heaven.

      Ah huh.

      With that; and knowing this; statistics show that every day around 150,000 or so people from around the globe die. Of that number, fully a third are Christians. This means that (50,000 [or 1/3] x 365 days) = 18,250,000 Christians die annually, where (18,250,000 x the year 2012 [as based on the year 1 A.D. when heaven first opened its doors for business]) = 3.6719^10 or 445 562.315 Christian souls. Now that’s a helluva lot of “God-fearing” people. What’s more; and according to Christian doctrine; is that the other two thirds, or 66.333%, are taking up residence in you know where, meaning: you know who is winning this battle. Not only that, but at a very decisive rate. Again, that’s not only according to statistics, but Christian doctrine.

      Now, as for how all these highly personal afterlife experiences are being carried over into the kingdom of death, and sometimes back again, I give you Matthew 16:19. This being where Jesus said of it: “I will give to you the keys of the kingdom of heaven so that, whatsoever you bind on Earth will be bound in heaven….” (In other words; and in today’s vernacular; “Whatsoever resonates with you personally during your lifetime, whether you read it or heard it, so shall it resonate with you in the afterlife. Even if you don’t remember it.” And there you have it: the keys to the secret of not only this life but the one to come no matter its duration because time and space do not exist as we know it. By the way: my father passed on at exactly age sixty-six, so there is at least that: although I believe it to be nothing more than a self-fulfilling prophecy because he wound up doing it to himself as an abuser of prescription meds and alcohol. My mother, herself a heavy smoker, drinker, and abuser of prescription meds, followed him eight years later at age seventy-two.)

      And yes. These are those chasms of religion awash with disillusion that labor to play havoc with the abraded soul. And yes again. We just hurdled another one into a quantity of rarified air, via the immutable truth. Feels good, don’t it?

      Yeah, I thought so. Why? Because it’s a healing process, is why. And any healing process worth its salt first requires the right information. No one I know, or have ever heard of, for that matter, ever built anything worth having without first acquiring the proper knowledge. So shall it be for us, too. That’s just the way it is in a universe whose arrow of time progresses according to laws of entropy. As far as that goes, I am of the opinion that the death experience is a very common thing, highly personalized and tailored to the individual as based on their own life experience that all creatures, both great and small, go through in order to ease the dying process: a final trick of the mind before it dries up and withers away, if you will.

      Moreover is that, death is the one place that operates outside the normal boundaries of time and space, where all of eternity in a place of bliss is just a thought away. That is, right up until the individual actually goes into the light and “crosses over,” whereby effectively rendering the act of returning impossible. The reason for this kind of two-stage event, I suspect, is because key areas of the body are fighting the good fight. It’s only when they have sent the death nail signal, does the individual cross over into their own personalized version of the afterlife where time is anything but we believe it to be. But even that, is not forever. Why? Because it only seems that way, is why.

      The only reason we don’t know any of this beyond speculation is because no one has ever been able to come back from that far down the line, if only because there is nothing to come back to. So yes. There is a kind of clinical death allowing people to come back because there is still something viable cooking in the oven to come home to. Then there is the kind of death that is eternally permanent because the structure that houses life is broken asunder, leaving it nothing to work with. And yes. This fate awaits us all, where everyone alive on planet Earth today will be dead in the next hundred or so years, whereby forging their own afterlife experience. And this is a big part of why I wrote Soul Trap. See Romans 8:6. “To be carnally minded (worldly or earthy) is death. To be [what?] spiritually minded is life and peace.”

      As for those who continue to doubt their own unbelieving eyes regarding what they read, I would ask that you follow along using your own personal edition of the KJV Bible. Use keynotes to highlight those verses under consideration, for a deeper self-examination. This way, there can be no denying the truth of the situation. You know the truth for which I speak, and the Bible refers to. It has everything to do with what we choose to believe whether it be in this life, or the one to come. Yeah. That one.

      Above all else, it’s paramount that you trust in yourself, and not what someone else would have you believe. The difference is day and night, wrong and right. And, should they at all accuse you of not being qualified to think matters of this nature through for yourself…

      By the way; and for the duration of your journey; I have arranged a window seat for you. I don’t want you missing the parallax view, as you put behind you, the power of misconception. Letting go of notion as if it were fact is empowering. In other words: what works for the goose is good to go with the gander. To better position it for the overstuffed goose, where does the Bible say that seeking

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