Soul Trap. Wayne Sr. Stewart

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Soul Trap - Wayne Sr. Stewart

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oh my! The places we could go (Shambhala,) and the things we can accomplish (spiritual nirvana) once we see clear enough to remove the log masquerading as a biblical “specter” from within our own eyes…

      By the way: you do recall where I suggested back in chapter two that; and when it came to the rewriting of the Bible and the distortion of its truth; revisionists would un-nail its riddled corpse and resurrect it, if that’s what it took? Welcome to the crucifixion. What you are about to learn next, will be to stride amongst the tumultuous winds of a hot restless night. Then it will come after you in the form of shadowy posers that seek you out in the dark, as if something unruly took hold of your sleeve and followed you home. I know. But it will: just like it did me. However, worry not because it’s a process.

      With that; and knowing this; let us begin with Matthew 27:37. “Set up over his head his accusation written, ‘This Is Jesus The King Of The Jews.’ 38 Then there were two thieves crucified with him, one on the right hand, and another on the left. 39 And those that passed by reviled him, wagging their heads, saying, 40 ‘You that has destroyed the temple, and rebuilt it in three days, save yourself. If you be the Son of God, come down from the cross.’ 41 Likewise also the chief priests mocked him along with the scribes and the elders, saying, 42 ‘He saved others; but himself he cannot save. If he is the King of Israel as he says, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe. 43 He trusted in God; therefore let him deliver himself now, if he will have him. Remember that he said he is the Son of God.’”

      Then there is Matthew 27:44 where the saga continues, albeit for edification, “The thieves also, that were crucified with him, cast the same in their teeth. [Meaning, they mocked and reviled him in the same manner that the priests, scribes, and elders did.] 45 Now from the sixth hour, darkness was over all the land, unto the ninth hour. 46 About the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying: ‘Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?’ 47 Some that stood there, when they heard it, said, ‘This man calls for Elias.’ 48. Straightway one of the men ran, took a sponge, filled it with vinegar, put it on a reed, and gave it to him to drink. 49 The rest said, ‘Let him be so that we can see whether or not Elias will come and save him.’ 50 Then Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost.”

      For other accountings of this story, we need only turn our Bibles to Luke 23:32, albeit for edification. “There were two other malefactors led with him to be put to death. 33 Then, when they had come to the place they call Calvary, they crucified Jesus and the malefactors with him: one on the right, and the other on the left. 34 Then Jesus said: ‘Father, forgive them. They know not what they do.’ [Something not mentioned in the book of Matthew.] There they parted his raiment, and cast lots.”

      Now see Luke 23:35 where the story, and the edification, continues. “The crowd of people, they stood about, watching [as he hung from the cross.] The rulers also derided him, saying, ‘He saved others; let him save himself, if he be Christ, the chosen of God.’ 36 The soldiers then mocked him, offering him vinegar, saying, 37 ‘If you be the king of the Jews, save yourself.’ 38 And a superscription was placed over him written in Greek, Latin and Hebrew, saying, ‘This Is Jesus The King Of The Jews.’”

      However, it’s about Luke 23:34 where Jesus says: “Father, forgive them. They know not what they do.” Why? Because it forces me to suggest that neither does he, is why. I ask you: would it have made any difference as to the outcome had God himself stood at his side, and said to the amassing crowd (all while pointing the finger directly ay Jesus:) “Kill him, and I will grant you eternal life in heaven.”?

      Well, the reason he didn’t is because it would be a lot like the incumbent running his reelection bid as a reformer.

      Now, about that…

      Do you suppose you would feel the same way about Jesus had there been no offer of eternal life, in that idyllic place called heaven? Please hold that thought because, turns out, you yourself put your soul, along with all of its spiritual belongings, up for auction. Ah, but you did. Not only that, but you sold out to the highest bidder in an attempt to secure the grand prize. Alas, it’s true.

      From here, everything went straight to the chopping block where men of religion gathered up to cast lots for your spiritual remains. This, they did, by fabricating excessive religious constructs that work to keep you buried in a sea of myopic delusion, as you spin counterclockwise in seven concentric circles while kissing the Sun/Son. Ah, but they have. And it’s true. This, ladies and gentleman, is why it even works. It’s because you’re so busy drowning in a sea of life that it never occurs to you to lift your head for the next breath to even know that everyone is rowing in a different direction. And yes. This is the ride we all take from cradle to grave as we bide our time from one eternity into the next: if only because it has always been this way.

      And yes. Jesus was no different. As a man of flesh and blood he too, had to find a way to trump all of his father’s OT threats of fear and intimidation. That is, if he was to ever win you and your family over, as well as the masses, and usurp the family throne. Right? See Revelation 5:13. “Every creature which is in heaven, and on the Earth, and under the Earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, ‘Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power, be unto him that sits upon the throne, and unto the Lamb forever and ever.’”

      As for the verse that binds the Lamb of Jesus to the throne of eternity, even forever and ever as the beginnings of another construct heaped upon yet another pile of religious debris, I give you Revelation 7:15. There, an angel of God stood, saying: “Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sits on the throne will dwell among them. 16 They will hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither will the sun light on them, nor any heat. 17 For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne will feed them, and lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God will wipe away all tears from their eyes.”

      The tradeoff here is that you seek the ultimate in self-preservation, where you give Jesus your undivided attention through the efficacies of glory, and he gives you a little piece of heaven in return. However, what if I told you I had in my possession biblical proof that when you get to heaven, serving up glory while on bended knee 24/7 as claimed by the angel in Revelation 7:15 above, that it’s just the beginning of what Jesus has in store for you? After all, how does one, be they the incumbent [God] or reformer [Jesus,] turn off their yearning for praise and glory just because you feel you made the grade, and have arrived? Since when does “forever and ever,” as cited in Revelation 5:13, imply even a coffee break? I don’t even see where “they” are allowing you to fill up on “angel’s food.” You would better know it as manna. However, what you don’t yet know, is that manna is anything but what “they” have been telling you it is. I know. But it’s true. And it is. (Just you wait and see.)

      Be that as it may, everyone knows that one eternity as it merges into the next is a long time, and that we need to be doing something useful as we wile away eon after eon after eon. Right? Yes. We do: if only because it’s in our natures to be productive. But then, what has meaning for one person does not for importance make to another. And so we row.

      With that; and knowing this; allow me to suggest that I will rendezvous with you at the appointed place and time, where “what I will” will take on a new import. Moreover, you will know it when you get there so as to witness for yourself, the true nature of heaven and manna. Believe you me, they are anything but what “they” keep telling you it is. And you thought I tilted my book SOUL TRAP — The Revolutionary Truth About God And The Bible!, why?

      Ah huh.

      But let us continue.

      See Luke 23:39, albeit for edification, “One of the malefactors that were hanged railed on him, saying, ‘If you are Christ save yourself, and us.’ 40 But the other answering, rebuked him, saying, ‘Do you not fear God,

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