Soul Trap. Wayne Sr. Stewart

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Soul Trap - Wayne Sr. Stewart

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the story of the crucifixion are but the beginning of what revisionists have bleached in order to purify of their inherent “colors.” All done to brighten the primrose path to salvation—of course! An ethereal corridor to the pearly gates of good and plenty that is anything but what you think is. And yes again. You would be right to suspect that I had further proof of this, too.

      Okay. I’ll buy that. It was, after all, a “deathbed” confession on the thief’s part. Right? But then, what becomes of the other accounts concerning the crucifixion? You have St. John 19:16 thru 34 where a Roman Centurion pierced Jesus’ side with a spear to see if he was dead, where blood and water gushed out. (Something not mentioned in any other accounting.)

      Then there is Mark 15:15 where we read that the murderer Barabbas was freed in Jesus’ stead. (Something else, not mentioned in any other accounting.)

      Which version then, we are to believe, and why? The answer reminds me of a discussion I was having with a female friend some time ago, relating to biblical circumcision. I was explaining to her how wrong it is to perform this Jewish custom on Christian babies too young to have any say in the matter, especially when it scars their body for life, that this was something they should be able to decide for themselves when adults. Her response to me was, “Yeah but, have you ever seen an uncircumcised penis!?” as she feigned a shiver of disgust. And now you know why the Amish do what they do to their children when it comes to educating them beyond the eighth grade. Or why religion is what it is. It’s because we are indeed—all that and a bowl of angel hair pasta too!

      Then there is Mark 15:23 where the Bible says that they gave Jesus wine mixed with myrrh to drink, and not vinegar and gall (piss) as told us in the book of Luke. Maybe we will find the “truth” where he calls out to God in a final fit of anguish, but in a state of delusion, speaks with Elias instead. Yes. The apostles, as live witnesses, tell different stories. I understand, but they do. They all do. And where there exists a multitude of personal “misinterpretations” concerning the same story regarding a single event some eighty or so years after the fact, do we learn why the devil lives in the details. That’s because, while words and names will only hurt you spiritually, sticks and stones will break your over-inquisitive gwad awful protruding bones. Just ask any of the philosophers up on the cross. Then men of religion will gather themselves up to cast lots for your belongings, whilst grinding your withered remains into grist for that machine of theirs.

      I want you to imagine that you are huddled in the amassing crowd, while Mary watches her son hang from the cross. I want to you to feel a hot desert wind, and the heat of the day, as a short-lived dust devil works its way through the crowd, blowing grit into your eyes. I want you to feel your parched lips, and the power that drives your thirst. I want you to hear the old black crow soaring high overhead as it caws out in disgust at the scene below. I want you to hear the murmurings of the crowd, and see the tears of those that whimper under their breath for fear of those Roman soldiers eyeballing them. As you stand there in the midst of it all, what do you see? A tattered and beaten man nailed to a wooden cross attired in a dingy, blood stained, off-white robe?

      Please hold that thought because—yes! Revisionists have bleached more than one inherent truth of its “color” here. Ah, but they have. See St. John 19:1. “Pilate therefore took Jesus, and scourged him. 2 Then the soldiers platted a crown of thorns, and put it on his head, and they put on him a purple robe, 3 saying, ‘Hail, King of the Jews!’ Then they smote him with their hands. 4 Pilate went forth again, saying, ‘Behold! I bring him to you, that you may know that I find no fault in him.’ 5 They then brought Jesus forth wearing the crown of thorns, and the purple robe. Pilate shouted to them, ‘Behold the man!’”

      This is where I would tell you that, if one part of the Bible is suspect, like that of putting a purple robe of royalty on someone and beating them senseless all-the-while proclaiming their innocence, then other parts are too. It is, after all, the nature of the beast that is biblical revision. Furthermore, a purple robe? The reason for this particular “adjustment” of truth is because the color purple was not humble enough, and, in fact, denoted wealth and royalty as fit for a king: the king of the Jews, to be exact. All of which, is why they attired him the way that they did to begin with. Otherwise, it would be like suggesting there was no sign over the cross saying that that he was king of the Jews. Rather: effigy of the misunderstood and abused, if only because there is no fault in him.

      Ah huh.

      With that, I ask you: these people did this to Jesus, why? The correct answer is to tell you it was because he had midnight riders of his own. Ah, but he did. Not only that, but in ethereal spades. And you can bet I can prove it, or I would have never said it.

      Now, about that statement I made concerning parts of the Bible being suspect because, get set for a doozy. (By the way: the word ‘doozy’ is a play on the word ‘Duesy,’ as taken from its namesake the Duesenberg automobile. This was the first American made muscle car [Indianapolis, Indiana] to win the prestigious Grand Prix of Le Mans in France. It’s quality was so top-notch, that only another Duesenberg could match it. As a result, when one came ripping along at its top speed of 140 mph while proclaiming its 400 horsepower out its eight independent exhaust pipes as developed by a supercharged V-8 with overhead cam and four valves per cylinder, people would exclaim, “Get set! Here comes a Duesy!” This, they did this as a warning to other bystanders so that they weren’t startled when it blew by.

      The vehicle pictured below is of a 1935 SJ LaGrande Dual-Cowl Phaeton, and is of the type I imagine the zoot-suited Judas to be heading off to Vegas in because now he’s a “gangsta.” And there, in the rumble seat rapping out to “Jesus Christ Superstar,” are his newfound bosomy playthings as they charge a glass of Champaign in celebration. And even though the blood red Duesy enhanced his appearance, and the thirty pieces of silver made him richer, poor ol’ Judas Priest still couldn’t get his picture on the cover of the Rolling Stone. Why? Because that form of “rock and roll” was already busy sealing the entrance to the sepulcher containing the now deceased Jesus H. Christ, is why. [Ain’t insurance premiums a bitch!?])

       Duesenberg.png RedZootSuit.png

      Speaking of which…

      What I share with you now, has everything to do with where I told you that it wasn’t exactly correct that Judas went and hanged himself out of remorse. See Matthew 27:3 where it’s written, albeit for edification, “Then Judas, who had betrayed him [Jesus,] when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself [meaning, he had a change of heart,] and brought the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, saying, 4 ‘I have sinned, in that, I have betrayed innocent blood.’ They said to him, ‘What is that, to us? See thou to that.’ [Meaning, take a hike and go get lost while you’re at it.] 5 So he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple [at their feet,] and departed, then went and hanged himself.”

      Yet, when it comes to the apostle Judas hanging himself, there is more. There is St. John 13:21 concerning his part as turncoat during the last supper, albeit for edification. This being where it’s written, “Jesus said: ‘Verily, verily, I say unto you that one of you will betray me.’ 22 The disciples looked at one another, wondering of whom he spoke. 23 Now there was leaning on Jesus’ bosom one of his disciples, whom he [Jesus] loved. 24 Simon Peter therefore beckoned to him [to tell them of whom he spoke.] 25 At that, the apostle lying on Jesus’ breast said to him, ‘Lord, who is it?’ 26 Jesus answered: ‘It is he to whom I [dip this bread in olive oil, and give it to.’] And when he had dipped it, he gave it to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon [Zelotes.”] (You would better know this betraying imp as that egregious thing that he called, wait for it: the devil.)

      You should also be aware that there are many other verses in the Bible that

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