Soul Trap. Wayne Sr. Stewart

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Soul Trap - Wayne Sr. Stewart

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didn’t it. In fact; and to an immutable truth; it’s beginning to sound more like something you would find in hell itself.)

      Even so; and be that as it may; not one person I know of, or have ever heard of for that matter, ever took to dismembering themselves over something like this in protest as suggested by Jesus. In fact, not one person in all of recorded history ever came forth volunteering themselves in this manner. And because everyone is offended by something at some point in life, means that a lot of otherwise healthy people are going to burn in hell, to include Christians, if not apostles, rather than spend all of eternity in heaven minus those appendages that have been cleaved off as some form of entry fee. But then, only God knows why he would charge a fee over something as egregious as this. Right? (Wait until you learn about the apostle John and what, specifically, he failed to “cleave off” as his price for admission to the big show. Trust me, it’s a bulls-eye.)

      And here I thought heaven was all that.

      Yes. Too bad all those radicalized Muslims that are terrorists who blow themselves up in the name of Allah don’t realize that when they get to this place called heaven, and into the waiting arms of all those double-D debutants, their newfound afterlife will be all show and no go (what I call gilded around the edges,) if but for the blanks they shoot as a result of said missing appendages. But then, better to have at least fired a shot off in the dark, than to have never gone bang in the night. Right?

      But then, talk about a self-imposed hell of your own making, and for all eternity—my gwad people!

      To a truth, I show you this about our Lord and Savior because, besides being keen on kicking around weighty philosophies, he would have you do unto yourself something he would never do. We know this to be true because; and even despite all the anguish that Judas wrought upon his warm and tender sensibilities; he never once took to dismembering himself in protest. No. Despite it all, he still loved him even knowing that he was, wait for it: an egregious work of the devil bent on plotting his demise.

      Matthew 19:28 further tells us that Judas the betrayer was appointed as one of the supreme judges over the twelve tribes of Israel. Not only that, but for all eternity. To excuse it any other way would be to suggest that the Bible is but an allegory with some truths thrown into the mix, and that we are not to take every word from God that finds its way into print through the art of interpretation, translation and revision, quite so literally. Why? Because next thing you know; and when it comes to religion; you find yourself buying everything they have to sell you, is why. You know. Just like in church on Sundays.

      Hey! Wait a minute…

      Offered as further proof of this, I give you divine contradiction. You would better know it as that confession regarding St. John 18:23 where Jesus said of it: “If I have spoken evil by telling you an untruth about my virtues, or bragged on myself regarding them, then present that evidence.”

      With that, I give you more than just evidence: I give you proof extraordinaire. See I Corinthians 6:19 of the 1611 edition, albeit for edification, where Jesus said of cutting your hand off and or plucking your eye out: “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you only have because of God? It is not yours to do with as you please, because God purchased it for a price. So glorify him in your body.”

      I know. But there it is: the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the hypocritical truth that I warned you about. And again, thanks to the art of preaching, it’s anything but what you thought it was. By the way: that part in I Corinthians 15:12 thru 14 where it says that if Christ has not risen from the dead, then your faith in him is in vain? I will see you at the appointed place and time, because—you got it! It’s part and parcel to the greatest fraud ever perpetrated against the human race. And you can bet I can prove it using only biblical scripture as found lurking below the conscious reading level, or I would have never said it. This, just as sure as Judas never actually hung himself. Not even out of remorse. Who then; and oh by the way; saw Jesus ascend with all his parts and pieces intact because, you know, ‘tis better to enter the kingdom of heaven lame, than to have the whole body cast into hell for all eternity.

      Ah huh.

      But let us return to the rebellion of Jesus, as manifested against his father over control of the family throne. See St. John 19:10. “Then Pilate said to him, ‘Why don’t you speak to me, seeing that I have the power to crucify you, or to release you?’ 11 Jesus answered, saying: ‘You could have no power at all against me, except it be [prearranged] from above. Therefore, he that has delivered me to you has the greater sin.’”

      I know it’s common knowledge to accept that Jesus is referring to Judas Iscariot as the betrayer who sold him out for thirty pieces of silver to a church in cahoots with the Roman government, and everything is on the double-crossing up-and-up. Well, that is to say, as much as something like this can be. Nonetheless; and as you well know; not everything is as it seems in the Bible. To prove this to your satisfaction, read again verse eleven. However, this time, I would ask that you take note of the words “from above.”

      Missed something, did you? Funny how that keeps happening. Then again, we are dealing with a deception as wrought from below the conscious reading level with some truths thrown into the mix. The immutable truth here is that there exists only one power in all of creation that could possibly do this thing to Jesus—Judas adjudicated! It therefore goes without saying, who that someone from above is, that is guilty of this implied “greater sin.”

      You read that right, too. Jesus claims in St. John 19:11 that it’s God, and no one else, who is guilty of this particular sin. Can you, blame him? After all, it was his father who turned him over for eradication as if some sort of spiritual infestation. Why? Because Jesus knew the truth of his situation, is why. Ah, but he did. And because he did, I give you Romans 9:18, albeit for edification. That being where God said of it: “I will have mercy upon whom I will, and will [manipulate] whom I have hardened.”

      Those are some seriously powerful words, with rather egregious implications, manifesting a somewhat curious suggestion. And yes. It has everything to do with why Judas turned on Jesus. What’s that? Did your thought bubble just say that it was all part of some grander plan so as to set in motion, the salvation of humanity? I thought that was you out there in the dark of night, harboring unspoken whispers in the form of midnight riders. Even so, the lure of spiritual queries can be a real challenge. Then; and like an unruly child…

      Allow me to share with you that there is more going on with the crucifixion, than “they” want you knowing. You witnessed this very thing via the two philosophers disguised as thieves, and a thief disguised as a philosopher. Even so, those are his words as son of God and not mine. Ah, but they are. See Revelation 16:15 where Jesus said, as wrought for elucidation: “Behold! I come as a thief in the night. Blessed are they that watch and keeps their garments, lest they be found walking naked, and everyone see their shame.”

      Yes. Truth can sometimes mow you down like a runaway Mack truck that forgot to honk. This is especially true when you realize that you’re motoring down an expressway of religion on a dilapidated tricycle with wobbly, undersized wheels. Why? Because it was God who facilitated his son’s trial from on high, is why. Not only that, but as mandated by the same antediluvian laws governing humankind.

      And yes. These were antiquated laws that the Almighty was struggling to integrate with a higher philosophy because they had not within them, divine wisdom or truth. Or so, the Bible would have you believe. To verify this; and as promised; we need only visit I Corinthians 1:20. This being where Jesus said of it: “Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this world? Has not God made foolish, the wisdom of this world?”

      Understand that, for St. John 19:10 and 11 to read any other way (so as to implicate Judas of this implied “greater sin,”) would be

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