Soul Trap. Wayne Sr. Stewart

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Soul Trap - Wayne Sr. Stewart

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the little things trip us up. You know, like that of the condemned speaking so eloquently while suffering so horribly up on their cross of burden, or Judas killing himself out of guilt. And yes. I can prove this doozy of a deception using only biblical scripture as hidden in the hanky right under your own nose, properly disguised as the rest of the story. Just try to avoid any inconvenient sneezing.

      With that, let us begin with St. John 19:25. This being where Jesus hangs in crucifixion. “Now there stood by the cross of Jesus his mother, Mary, and his mother’s sister, Mary, and Mary Magdalene. 26 When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing with them whom [what?] he loved, he said to his mother: ‘Woman, behold thy Son!’” (I know, but the three Mary’s? Worse yet, is that two of them are sisters? And, all before Mary and Joseph were even a religious pair to draw to? Now you know why Catholics are always doing three “Hail Mary’s” (and however many “Our Father’s”) during common repentance. It’s because everything has for its initial inception, an origin. In this case, it has everything to do with excessive constructs that work to keep your head underwater. And just because it’s something you always did, does not for a truth make.)

      Okay. Now that we know Judas is the disciple whom Jesus loved, I give you St. John 20:1, albeit for edification. This being where they have gathered at the son of God’s final resting place. “The first day of the week came Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulcher [burial chamber.] 2 And seeing the [large round stone rolled back exposing the entrance to the sepulcher,] she ran to Simon Peter, and to the other disciple whom Jesus loved, saying, ‘They have taken away the Lord out of the sepulcher, and we know not where they have laid him.’ 3 Peter therefore went forth, and that other disciple, and came to the sepulcher. 4 So they ran together: and the other disciple [whom Jesus loved] did outrun Peter, and came first to the sepulcher. 5 And he, stooping down and looking in, saw the linen clothes lying about; yet went not in.”

      Now see St. John 20:6. “Then came Simon Peter following him into the sepulcher, where upon seeing the linen clothes, 7 and the napkin that was about his head, not lying with the linen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by itself. 8 Then went in also that other disciple [that Jesus loved] who came first to the sepulcher, and he saw, and believed. 9 For they yet knew not the scripture that he would rise again from the dead.”


      Please allow me to lift your head for a breath of life sustaining air. See Matthew 27:57, as wrought for elucidation. This being where it’s written, “When evening set in, there came a rich man from Arimathaea, named Joseph, who was also one of Jesus’ disciples. 58 He found his way to Pilate, where he begged him for the body of Jesus. So Pilate released the body to him. 59 And when Joseph had taken it, he wrapped it in clean linen. 60 He then laid Jesus in his tomb, which he had hewn out of rock just for him, and then sealed it up with a great stone. 61 There was also with him Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary [meaning, his mother] sitting against the sepulcher, watching. 62 Now, after the day that followed the day of burial preparation, the chief priests and Pharisees came to Pilate, saying, 63 ‘Sir, we remember what that deceiver Jesus said while he was yet alive, saying: “After three days I will rise again.” 64 We therefore ask that you command the tomb to be made secure until the third day, lest his disciples come by night and steal him, saying to the people that he has risen from the dead.”

      Again, there are many parts of the Bible that prove themselves not only suspect but downright deceptive: albeit deceptions with some truths thrown into the mix. Should you disagree with this, even with what proof I have shared with you thus far, I understand. However, know that I can further prove it. See Matthew 12:40 where Jesus said to his disciples, regarding his resurrection: “For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so will the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the Earth.”

      Even so, it’s not true. Ah, but it’s not grasshopper. Not even hand-grenade close. Since we are verifying the word of God according to his own judgments and condemnations, even as cast from the belly and into the airy draft, then answer me this: if Jesus was crucified on a Friday (because he was), then resurrected on Sunday morning (because he was), how could his word regarding this event, even be true? You know, that he spent not only three days in the heart of the Earth, but three nights.

      To a truth; and no matter how you arithmetic on it; it does not add up. Not even if you went all Ninja on the numbers. Why? Because no matter how you slice and dice on it the result will always be the same, is why. Okay, one more time then. You know. Just to be sure. This way, there can be no denying that the square root of a fabrication will always equal the girth of its demise.

      To begin, there is Friday the day of crucifixion, where Luke 23:44 thru 46 tells us that Jesus didn’t die until sunset, so you can ixnay day one. Then Deuteronomy 21:22 tells us that when you crucify the condemned, their body is not be left on the cross all night, but is to be buried the same day. This means that, so far, our Lord and Savior has spent 0 days and 1 night in the “heart of the Earth.” Next, we have Saturday and Saturday night making for a total of 1 day and 2 nights. Then there is Sunday morning, the day of the resurrection, making for a grand total of 1.3 days and 2 nights where, where… Ops! And there you have it: The demise of a girth equaling the square root of its fabrication.

      Look. I realize that there are a plethora of footnotes and other manmade references out there, all of which, work against the truth of this discovery: even those that outright contradict them that we could justify this whole affair so as to maintain the status quo of our faith. Worse comes to worse we could ignore the whole thing by turning the other cheek, if not a proper blind eye, and hope it all goes away. Right? Yes. We could. However, none of that changes the nature of its biblical truth. And that is what Soul Trap is all about.

      But then, I have made my point. You know the point. Or at least you are beginning to appreciate it. It has everything to do with the discovery that the Bible is anything but what “they” keep telling us it is. Should you find yourself wondering how they keep getting away with it, the simple answer is to tell you it’s because you sit yourself down in a pew every Sunday morning, allowing them to dictate what you should and should not know about the Bible. And since when, does the word ‘preach’ imply interaction? After all, the church sees you as lost sheep in need of a flock, as lorded over by a herder as tendered to their institution. I know. But it’s as simple as that. Better yet, fodder for their machine of religion.

      To show you what I mean about being preached to in accordance with what the church wants you knowing, verses what they’re telling you, let us have another look at Matthew 27:63. Why? Because it harbors an unspoken truth as written below the conscious reading level, is why. This being where Jesus said that after three days he would, wait for it: rise again from the dead.

      I know. Astounding, right?

      If so inclined, you could also go with St. John 20:9. This being where it says, albeit for edification, “As yet they knew not the scripture, that he [Jesus] must [do what?] rise again from the dead.”

      Not only does this mean that the church is actively controlling the overall message of the Bible, but that Jesus has indeed, done this before. Just who he was prior to this, you won’t believe. But know ye this, about that: he’s into children, which is why he said of it in Matthew 18:3: “Verily I say unto you, except ye be converted, and become as little children, you will not [what?] enter into the kingdom of heaven.”

      Since everyone knows that Jesus was himself a man of flesh and blood, such a thing does not for an escape clause make. With that; and knowing this; I ask you: why would Jesus, as quoted above in Matthew 18:3, say something as ridiculous as this when he knows it applies to him as well? The simple answer is to tell you that it’s because he too, has sinister designs on our children. I know. But he does. And you can bet I can prove it using only biblical scripture as my source as plucked from below the conscious reading level, I would have never suggested such a provocative thing.

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