The Joseph Communications: Illumination - Change Yourself; Change the World. Michael G. Reccia

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The Joseph Communications: Illumination - Change Yourself; Change the World - Michael G. Reccia

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is not true.

      Encourage their dreaming. Encourage the manifestation of the new spiritual awareness that is coming through the next generation of souls. Encourage them to talk to the God-within. Encourage them to see the spirits who come to talk to them. Encourage them to think good thoughts. Do not make them competitive in the worldly sense – make them competitive only as soldiers for the Light, competitive in changing the status quo. And so you will be creating a new dream yourself and bringing your children into that dream so that they can reinforce and extend the new dream that changes the world.

      You may say to yourself, having read this chapter, ‘I am perfectly alright in my little corner.’

      Are you?

      Are you truly happy?

      If you sit down quietly and examine your life are you happy or are you afraid? Are you happy for today but frightened that tomorrow will take away what you have today?

      How long will your little corner exist? Everything changes. Everyone changes; everyone travels and moves on to different dreams. ‘I am separate from people,’ you may say, ‘I am OK. I don’t care about anyone else.’ In not caring about anyone else you do not care for yourself because you are everyone else. There is only you – the you that exists around this planet as millions of souls. Only you! You think that you are separate from other aspects of yourself because of the illusion of the Field, because of the dream.

      I am inviting you do something. Is it so much to ask that you see your world as perfect and holy and God-like? Isn’t that what you would want for other people and for yourself? …I take a crowbar to prise you out of your corner; to invite you to change things for everyone.

      The dream at the moment is heading for cataclysm.


      You can stop that! You, each of you, can stop the end of the world!

      Each of you, by dreaming the right dream, prolongs the time until the end of the world – until such time as sufficient Light can come in and change that ending because it is not inevitable.

      Not yet!

      But if dreamers keep dreaming the same dream then this world – as far as you are concerned, as far as the human race is concerned – will end …and end fairly quickly.

      Do you want that? Then change things! Change things: love this planet – the planet needs LOVE. The dreamers have tortured this world for thousands of years. Tortured a spirit! God cannot allow that to continue; you will be called to different dreams.

      So, step one is to change the way that you perceive things. There will be other steps as this book progresses but, please, I ask you each day to see the best world that you can possibly imagine: a world where there is no violence, where people love each other; a world where there is support for each other; a world where the only demand on people is that they be who they really are and revel in that.

      It is strange, isn’t it? My task is to awaken the ‘sleepers’ and you think that you are awake… but you are not! I am penetrating your dream now; the words I bring to you come from outside the perceived reality of the Field, which is only a dream. And I exist within a dream and God exists within a dream – that is how we measure ourselves, that is how we measure consciousness. We dream; we bring forth constructs from nothing. We bring forth existence from nothing – and think that these things are separate from God.

      No! Your earthly existence is a dream.

      It is time to change your viewpoint.

      Chapter Three

      You Change ‘the Field’ Through Joy

      Michael’s observations: This was the first Joseph communication in which he delivered his words by taking control of my physical body and mind, with me being placed in a trance state so that he could ‘step in’ and talk to us. This delicate connection was severed momentarily on three occasions, possibly because this was the first time that Joseph and I had worked together in this way, and Joseph’s linking comments at the points at which this happened are indicated in the text. He also mentions atmospheric conditions impeding the usual smooth flow of communication.

      Included at the end of this chapter are questions from David and Jane and Joseph’s response to these. From this point onwards Joseph repeatedly invited and openly encouraged questions to be asked following the delivery of each chapter. His answers always proved to be highly informative and provided further insights into the topic he had chosen to talk about on each occasion. Subsequent question and answer sessions are, therefore, included where appropriate throughout the rest of this book at the end of the relevant chapters.

      Joseph: In this session I would like to speak about joy and about the ability of the human spirit to bring forth joy. You might think that that is a trivial subject to talk about in a book that is intended to change the Earth, but it is one of the most important factors in Creation and one of the factors that is missing most from people’s souls and from their approach to the Earth and to their lives at this time – and it has been missing since the time of the Fall.

      God is joyous – again one of my statements – God is joyous. I said in the previous book that God is a circle, but God is also joy. God, principally, is joy. You can say: ‘Well, God is happiness, God is sadness, God is all the other emotions that apply to the human being,’ but I would say, ‘No. Principally God is joy because Creation is joy.’

      In the beginning – in the beginning of ‘time’ as you measure it on this level of consciousness – God brought forth joy. Light is joy. Light – when applied to any situation, to any human being, any soul, any conflict – is joy. God’s natural state is one of bliss, one of joy, one of happiness – extreme happiness. In the beginning God imbued His children (because they were and are His children – a part of Him) with a joy at being in the physical universe, a joy at approaching their lives and discovering the things that were intended to be discovered on a physical plane.

      Discontent then grew through the minds of men as the balance of the Field (the Field of joy, of course, that was created by human beings in the beginning) was gradually changed through the discontent that came to a few with obstinate minds and a strong intention to know better than God and to do better than God. And so the balance was tipped and, as people began to experience the darker side of creation, the darker possibilities, then those vibrations were also poured into the Field so the Field itself became polluted. The Field of creative joy became a Field of pain and of suffering.

      In this particular chapter I want to underline the fact that suffering does not come from God. God knows nothing about suffering or pain; that is not God’s natural state and it is not the natural state of His children.

      Many of your religions are built around the concept that God wants people on Earth to suffer. This, children; this, priests; this, ministers; this, religious fanatics, is a nonsense! God does not want any of His children to suffer. God’s vibration is so far above that of suffering that He cannot even conceive of what suffering is. He only feels, perceives, the need of His children for Him. I want you to understand that God does not feel apart from His children, He does not feel separated from them. It is the reverse that is true: His children, deep within their souls, feel separated from Him and He perceives that within His creative field, within His creative aura, if you like.


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