The Joseph Communications: Illumination - Change Yourself; Change the World. Michael G. Reccia

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The Joseph Communications: Illumination - Change Yourself; Change the World - Michael G. Reccia

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where you could say that you are driving a car and that the wheels are going forwards all the time and what I am trying to teach you is to put the brakes on, because if you put the brakes on you might be able to pull off the motorway into a beautiful little spot, a beautiful lay-by, and see things in a different way.

      First you have to put the brakes on. The speed of your world is burning up the physical body; is burning up the planet; you are running out of resources. You are running out of mental resources because all you think of doing is to build another chemical plant or make another material that defoliates the world or uses up the oil supplies.

      You are running out of ideas. We seek to provide you with new ideas to ensure that the balance is changed on this Earth. We don’t often say this but, looking at your world from a spiritual point of view, we see almost a blackened cinder – the vibrations of the Earth are so dense. I know that from space your world looks like a jewel but that is its spirit shining out. If you were to look at it on a level of spiritual perception of the human Field it would seem to you to be twisted, painful, misty and dark.

      And that is why communication with the spirit worlds is so difficult, because in order to talk to you we have to bring Light-energy with us – there is not enough Light on your level to sustain communication. The difficulty lies not in you struggling to perceive us as nebulous ‘ghosts or spirits’, it lies in a dependency on our Light to allow communication to take place, because yours alone cannot sustain it. We, therefore, have to generate a great deal of power. That is why we always say at services [Michael: a reference to spiritualist services] that people should join together to produce Light …but they don’t; they only take. Spirit communication should be (and is intended to be) a staple part of everyday life on Earth. It was once – it was in my time – and it has to be again.

      Is there anything else you would like to discuss?

      Jane: You said that God doesn’t know anything of suffering but does He suffer when we suffer? Is He aware of every individual’s suffering?

      Joseph. He is aware of the predicament of each of His children but by His nature He is joy, He is upliftment, He is creativity and Light. So His problem, if you like (if God can have a ‘problem’) lies in trying to give the best to His children but not being able to present it to His children in the form that it exists in because the Light that God is will not ‘fit’ into the human soul. The human soul is below that Light and has to come upwards to that Light. God cannot diminish what He is – He simply IS. He does not seek to diminish Himself or change Himself in that way.

      The children of God need to expand, to open themselves up to His goodness, and so God ‘drip-feeds’ opportunities to learn to His children. He places opportunities in front of them that strangely, very often through suffering, break away that suffering and lift the soul upwards. He has to communicate with them on their level as well as His but He cannot give them the Light that is on His level as it is. It would blind them. It would destroy them. They are vessels that cannot contain that Light as it is, so the Light has to be slowed down; the Light has to be ‘darkened’, and it is through experience that God brings back His children to His home.

      Does God weep for His children? God’s children – a part of Him weep – so He is weeping. God’s children suffer – so He is suffering. But there are multiple levels to God’s consciousness and God is aware on many levels: God can see His child as what it was – a part of Him; as what it is – a part of Him; and as what it will be – a glorious part of Him all at the same time. So the suffering that you are talking about with regard to each soul is only a period within that soul’s infinite existence. And, yes, He sees it, but He is always working joyously to elevate each soul through the experiences that are brought to it through the Lords of Karma who incarnate that soul into the best circumstances in order that those experiences can manifest themselves around and through that soul.

      The Field is almost anti-God, if you like. The Field is a creation of the human condition. It is almost an exclusion of God and that, of course, is a result of what the souls in the Fall did – they excluded themselves from God. They created that Field and, because it was a conscious wish – ‘We know better than God, we will create a society that is better than God’s society, a state of mind that is better than God’s state of mind’ – they built into the Field that wish to be excluded from God, that wish to move away from God because ‘they knew better’ …and that resonance is still within the Field.

      So, you have a state of being that God cannot really penetrate because, whilst it is of His children, it is not of Him; it is not of His ideals or His intent. This is why Light has to be ‘drip-fed’, has to be pin-pointed here and there to change that Field and to consciously bring back the children of God into God’s community. You must remember that God’s community does not just comprise of human beings; there are other physical manifestations of the soul living on other planets, other spiritual manifestations of the soul living in other areas of the spirit worlds.

      So, God is trying to bring His children on Earth (and in the surrounding area of space) back into the fold. But He can only do that, because of His nature, by presenting His children with Himself, not by changing that which is not Him, which is only an illusion, a shadow. He will not change it because it is not of Him; it does not really exist – which comes back to what we were saying in the first book – that nothing really exists except the Light, except God. So God has no need to change – it is His children who need to change. Is there anything else?

      Jane: No.

      [Michael: at this point the meeting was closed with a prayer.]

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