The Joseph Communications: Illumination - Change Yourself; Change the World. Michael G. Reccia

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The Joseph Communications: Illumination - Change Yourself; Change the World - Michael G. Reccia

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suffering is created by man -has always been created by man. Man tipped the balance by being impatient; by thinking that he knew more than God and, by doing so, poured his impatience into the Field. That impatience was then perceived by other human beings around the world who also became impatient and who then became upset. They poured more negativity into the Field that God have given them to enable them to create whatever they wanted to create …and the Field turned from one of positivity to one of negativity.

      Your Field now is one of suffering: it is one of depression and depravity and poverty and violence, but God has not created this state. What a popular phrase is: ‘Why does God let this happen?’

      …He lets this happen because you are His children – He cannot go against Himself; He cannot intercede against Himself and you are part of Him. He waits patiently and instructs through His angels and through His ministers of Light so that there will come a time when you will turn that Field around again; when you will stop the suffering; when you will stop it happening.

      Why, Brothers and Sisters, do YOU let it happen? – That is a better question!

      Because, for one, you do not know better …but you know better now, don’t you, because I’m telling you this! You create the suffering around the world – every murder, every time someone is tortured, every time someone is robbed, every time someone is sexually abused. Maybe to only an infinitesimally small degree but you contribute to these things because you contribute to the Field with your thoughts. And you will say: ‘I am not a murderer! I am not a torturer! I have never abused anybody.’ No, as an individualisation of God you haven’t, but your thoughts contribute to the Field that some draw on more heavily than others.

      If you take away that charge of negativity from the Field then you would be surprised at how quickly those crimes of violence and violent acts would disappear because they would have no power …which brings me back to joy and the need for joy in everything that you do. If you daily practise a code of joy then you put into the Field positivity and Light and more of what God is about, and you push away from the Field the darkness, the suffering, the need to buy into negativity and upset every day of your lives.

      How can you be joyous when the Field tells you that you are miserable? Well, when you wake up in the morning you say to yourself: ‘I am alive – thank you, Father! And I am happy that I am alive; and I am happy that I am me; and I am happy that God has given me this opportunity to grow on this physical plane during this day.’ Then you should notice – really notice – the things around you during that day that bring you joy. You have a beautiful sphere, a beautiful planet. It has within it plant life, animal life, bird life, marine life that is a joy to behold – different expressions of God you could study for aeons and still find fascinating.

      But instead you put your blinkers on as you go to work and see nothing of the joy that is around you. Look up! Look up at the clouds and the sky and see the beauty inherent in such aspects of Creation. Be joyous! Be joyous that your heart beats from minute to minute without you having to think about it; that your thoughts flow from one thought to another without you consciously having to go through that process; that you can breathe; that you can touch, and feel, and smell, and taste, and that you are an infinite being.

      Also view on this special, joyous day every person that you come across as part of your family… because they are! And say: ‘There is such joy that I am part of that person on the other side of the street who is hurrying to work. There is such joy in…


      (I am sorry, Michael touched something, which momentarily withdrew the link.)

      …the person I am talking to across the Post Office counter, in the person who is in front of me in the car, in the people who are in the bus behind me. There is such joy that these are different aspects of God – all with potential; such joy in being part, ultimately, of a plan to raise the consciousness of this Earth and the people who live on it.’

      Then, you should also have joy in saying: ‘I am fulfilling God’s plan. I do not know what that plan is but there is joy because in my heart God will plant a seed and tell me what to do daily.’ You should have joy in that too.

      You would think that this was the easiest way out of your present predicament on Earth (and it is from a spiritual point of view) but from your point of view, from the human point of view, it is one of the hardest things to do.

      I want you to spend a second day (having spent a day in joy) - I would like you to spend a day in observation and, from rising from your beds in the morning to going back to them at night, I want you to see how many miserable people there are on Earth. Listen when somebody phones you and see what lies behind their words. Watch your television, watch your dramas, and see what your dramas are centred upon. See in the workplace how people are reacting to their day. See how many people ignore you as you smile at them in the street. I want you to be aware of the effects of the Field and there is no better way to become aware of them than to tune in and really observe for a whole day. By doing this you will really observe the need for change and really observe how many people are thoroughly upset, depressed, miserable and hopeless.

      People should be carefree – free of cares. Isn’t it said in the Bible that God takes care of you; that every hair on your head is numbered; that not a sparrow falls without God knowing about it; that the lilies of the field are taken care of? But you do not listen. Mankind does not listen. Mankind is content in its misery, content to steer its own miserable path.

      What I am suggesting is that first you see how true that is because the chances are that you are also locked into this world and have never thought about it in this way. I want you to observe and to see how upset most people are …and then I want you to do something about it.

      ...And the ‘something’ you can do is to live your life in joy, because in living your life in joy you change your world by putting positivity into the Field. You then prepare yourself for greater gifts because, as God observes (through being part of you) that you are raising your vibrations through being joyous, He can then send you messengers from the spirit spheres – messengers who will instruct you, who will inspire you, so that you can see the angel by your side, you can see the path ahead of you and you can feel from within yourself what to do in all circumstances.

      Strangely, you might think that elevating yourself raises your vibration and quickens your vibration – it does – but there is a paradox in that, as your vibration quickens, you slow down. Part of what is wrong with your world today is that everything goes at such a speed.

      And that is strange because if people stopped; if people were quiet for a few moments, for an hour, for a day; if they really took a week off and said: ‘This is a holiday from the world; I am going to be quiet; I am going to indulge in joy,’ then…


      (Sorry, I had disconnected with Michael again)

      …if people were to take time off their vibrations would rise, but they would do so as a result of the person slowing down. So, the molecules of their body would speed up but the effect on their lives would be to slow them down.

      There is misery for a reason; people indulge in misery, misery and more misery. Speed is all around you for a reason – speed, speed, speed – the reason being that speed does not allow you to stop. If you stop then God can get in. So, your society is geared towards misery; it says: ‘Come on, be fast, keep going, there is so much to do,’ because it knows (remember, the Field is conscious) that if you slow down you will let God in. And that is an echo back to the Fall. The souls involved

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