Our Higher Calling. Sherrell Byrd

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Our Higher Calling - Sherrell Byrd

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to play God, never realizing that all he does is in vain.

      But to whom does the earth belong? According to the Bible, the earth and everything upon it belongs to the Lord. He created it. He formed it. Understand that God will establish you. He will honor those who worship and honor Him. The glory that man seeks is vanity before an almighty God. Be glad you belong to Him each day you live. All the earth is His. Come before Him with clean hands and a pure heart.

      Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for being my King of Glory. Let all that I do this day bring glory and honor to You.

      Day 5

      Words and Meditation

      Psalm 19

      I was out shopping recently and overheard a conversation between two individuals in the checkout lane. Every other word was filthy, but they continued talking as though no one else really mattered. The worst part was they had small children with them who took in every word. I wondered if the children were using the same language as their parents. Then to my astonishment, they mentioned that they attended church. It’s amazing that there are so many who feel God is only in the church house, but the Bible reminds us that He is everywhere. There is no way we can escape the presence of God.

      Psalm 19 tells us that His glory is all around us. When we look into the heavens, we witness His glory. When we rise each morning and lie down each night, He displays His glory. It is God who converts the soul and whose Word is true. His Word makes our hearts glad; purifying it that we may see clearly the things He has in store for us. Reverencing the Lord cleans us from within that our light may shine through. So sweet is His Word that honey has to take a backseat. There is nothing on earth sweeter than the Word of God.

      Before you speak, will your words be acceptable in the ears of God? Will He approve of your speech? Will your words bring forth glory or shame? Will your thoughts and reflections be pure and clean before an almighty God? What will be said about you when you leave the presence of others? Ask Him to remove any obstacles that would hinder you from serving Him in spirit and in truth. After all, He is our strength and our redeemer. Monitor your words and your thoughts.

      Day 6


      1 Corinthians 14:15

      As Christians, we pray and seek the Lord for answers to our problems. We pray in a manner without understanding. We sometimes don’t understand that God wants us to “brag” on Him. We need to tell Him how great He really is and how wonderful, loving and gracious He has been to His people. After all, who do you know who can love us like God? When we pray with understanding, we allow the Holy Spirit to guide us so that our prayers will reach heaven.

      Even when we sing, we are to do so with understanding. Let the Holy Spirit put a song in your heart that is best for your situation. Then you will understand why you’re singing praises to God. You’ll understand the words to great songs such as, “I Don’t Feel No Ways Tired” or “Amazing Grace.” Whatever you do for the Lord, understand why!

      Day 7

      A Good Name

      Ephesians 5:1-5

      What’s in a name? How important is it for you and me to have a good, wholesome reputation or a good name? It’s really very important, because you and I represent a Holy and Almighty God. There are a variety of ways to walk in the world, but a Holy walk and a walk of love is a requirement for those that live in the household of faith. But how should you walk? I’ve listed five of them for you:

      Follow God as a child follows his or her father. In him they feel loved and secure.

      Walk in love, knowing that we are using Jesus as our example. We are to imitate Him.

      Avoid the unclean things of this sinful world.

      Be thankful.

      Live the life of a saint. After all, you represent God.

      Created in His Image

      I could have been a turtle,

      But God knew I’d be too slow.

      I could have been a horse,

      But to that the Lord said no.

      I could have been a tiger with lots of might and power,

      Seeking out my prey at night, to which I would devour.

      But God had other plans for me,

      To this I must confess.

      He said He would create a man,

      Created in His likeness.

      To men and women everywhere,

      You could have been a limb.

      But God above loved us so,

      And made us just like Him.

      Day 8

      To Be Like Jesus

      1 John 3:1-3

      God loves us so much that He calls us His children. We are to look upon Him as the “Faithful Father” who is able to meet every one of our needs. Look around and see how God has blessed all of us and given us divine favor to be called His sons.

      Don’t expect the world to know who you are, because it will never comprehend or understand a Holy God. Your nature is not aligned with theirs. It is wonderful to know that the day is coming when we will be like Jesus. We may not know right now just how He will look, but we do know that when He comes, we will look like Him and see Him as He is.

      We have this hope that a dying world will never see. We have a hope that a fallen world will never understand. We have a hope that Satan can never steal from our heart. We shall be like Him.

      Day 9


      2 Corinthians 4:8-16

      We go through so many trials and tribulations as we live out our lives. It seems like after one trial passes another one is waiting for us at the door. Often, we seek ways of overcoming our problems by our own means; only to find that we have sank deeper into the quick sand of despair. The more we struggle, the deeper we get.

      But the Bible gives us the assurance that we need to continue on. Yes, we will get sick. Sure, we will experience pain and suffering. And certainly we will be lied to and talked about. But God renews our inner man and woman. Just like we live from day to day, God renews us day by day. Our body may wear out, but our soul is renewed each and every day we live. When trials come, look to be renewed.

      Day 10

      The Spirit in Man

      Proverb 20:27

      Have you ever wondered why we feel so guilty when we do the wrong things? Have you ever felt that there are times when someone

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