Our Higher Calling. Sherrell Byrd

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Our Higher Calling - Sherrell Byrd

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to heaven and say, “Thank you, Lord,” after they’ve experienced a close call. Why?

      God placed within every man and woman, His spirit to know Him. Those who belong to Him receive inspiration to do those things that please and glorify Him. Those who give themselves to God have been prompted by the spirit to depend upon their Creator.

      Great men and women of faith have left their mark on history because they received inspiration from God. The knowledge they acquired was spirit-breathed. Take a moment and think about how God has blessed you to be where you are today.

      Day 11

      God’s Copy

      Genesis 1:27

      We have machines that copy documents and even our features with little or no effort. Nearly everything that is made today can be duplicated or copied. Man has come a long way and achieved many great things, yet he cannot create anything. To create is to make something from nothing.

      But God is the Creator of all things! He created the heavens and the earth. He created everything upon the face of the earth. Then He created “man” in His image. Male and female were created by Him, and we have many of His attributes. We have feelings and compassion like our Creator.

      God loved us so much that He made us special creatures unlike anything He had made. Do all to the glory of God.

      Day 12

      Candle Snuffer

      Proverbs 20:27

      How can a man or woman of God be a light unto the world when they have no light? It’s impossible! We are to help light the way for those who walk in darkness. But there must first be a light in us too. There can be no darkness in our souls or else we’re lost.

      Proverbs reminds us that the spirit of God is like a candle. There are things within us that we may be unaware of, yet the Holy Spirit is able to shed light on them and take them out. God placed His spirit within us so that we may have light and understanding.

      The “spirit of man” is a candle of the Lord. God uses us to give light to a dark, dark world. But the good part is that we have the ability to know right from wrong. Whatever you do, don’t snuff your candle.

      Day 13

      Who is in Control?

      Genesis 1:26

      When God created man, He gave him control of every living creature. Man was to have dominion over all living things upon the face of the earth. That is a lot of authority. But it is strange, how man cannot love man and has turned his love more towards the “animals and creeping things” all around him. No one should be allowed to abuse animals or kill them just for fun. But, we are also told to love our neighbors as ourselves.

      Today, it seems as though the animals are in control of man because we will feed the animals before we will come to the aid of the homeless. We dress animals in clothes while our brothers and sisters go naked in the winter. There are even restaurants and hotels that cater to pets, providing air conditioning and even television. Think about it.

      Day 14

      Yes, God Cares

      John 3:16

      How much does God care for us? Are we really all that important to the Creator? God thinks about us all the time and we should never forget that. He sees us when we are ill and when we are in pain and suffering. He is aware of our needs and desires. He is God!

      But how much does God love us? He loves us so much that He wants us to be with Him when our days are over on earth. He wants to deliver us from the flames of Hell. He wants us saved!

      God loves us so much that He gave His only Son as a sacrifice for our sins. Jesus did not have to do this. We certainly didn’t deserve it. But the Lord did it out of His love for us. “Whosoever believeth in Jesus should not perish.” God provided a way out for those who accept His Son.

      Church Folks

      Some do not come to Sunday school,

      But try to hold the pastor liable.

      Because when the sermon scriptures are given,

      They can’t find them in their Bibles.

      They thumb through, page after page and book after book,

      The sermon they have missed.

      When the only place they had to go,

      Was to the book of Genesis.

      Throughout the service, some spend

      their time talking to a buddy,

      And they’re the ones you’ll never find sitting in Bible Study.

      They want to go to heaven because they don’t want to burn,

      But the devil will keep them ignorant

      because they don’t want to learn.

      Day 15

      You Can’t Buy Salvation

      1 Peter 1:18-19

      Men and women today are so sure of themselves that they feel they can buy or talk their way out of any situation. They are wrong! Because Satan has blinded them, they cannot see that God is in control of everything. Our redemption is not with earthly things, such as silver and gold. We cannot buy salvation. Only the blood of Christ brings us our redemption.

      Each day you wake up, you should be thankful that you are not lost. That innocent, spotless Lamb of God made salvation possible for you and for me. No amount of money did it. No amount of “good deeds” did it. Only the shed blood of Christ brought about redemption. You have been bought with a price.

      Day 16

      Have Your Way Lord

      Luke 1:57-64

      God has a plan for all of us. He is the only one who has the power to call us into existence and chart our course in this life. No horoscope, fortune teller or palm reader can do this. Only God has such power.

      God had great plans for John the Baptist; he would be used to guide men and women to Christ. Because of his age, Zacharias did not believe Gabriel’s words concerning the birth of a child and he was struck dumb. He would be able to talk when the child was named. God did not allow anyone, including the parents, to name this child. God named him in verse 13.

      When God is allowed to have His way in our lives, great things will happen. In all that you do, never forget to “let God have His way.”

      Day 17

      Feed Me

      John 6:35-40


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