Our Higher Calling. Sherrell Byrd

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Our Higher Calling - Sherrell Byrd

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human comprehension.

      When we come to Christ with a humble heart, we will never want for anything. We will never hunger or thirst. All that the Father gave Him, He gives to us. It’s good to know that we belong to a Savior who will not turn us away. And in the end, He will raise us up and take us back with Him.

      There are no “hunger pangs” in Christ. He will satisfy our every craving.

      Day 18

      Take Him In

      John 6:51

      There are times when we are not at our best, because we do not take in those things that nourish us. It’s one thing to know what’s good for us, but it’s another thing to use it. When we neglect proper nutrition, we rob ourselves of energy and strength.

      The same holds true when it comes to allowing Christ to enter in. He says, “He is the Bread of Life.” In other words, He is the real “Wonder Bread.” But we must take Him in that we may receive spiritual strength.

      Jesus separated Himself from our physical bread by saying, “He is the Living Bread” which came down from heaven. But He also said that we are to take Him in that we might live forever. No red, yellow and blue balloons to identify this bread. Take in Christ!

      Day 19

      What’s My Name?

      Exodus 3: 1-14

      There are many names for God. The names of God, which we find throughout the Bible, have meaning because they often describe His abilities and achievements. But the one that I find the most interesting is the title He gives Moses in the Book of Exodus. When Moses needed a name of the one sending him to the people, God told him to tell them that “I AM” has sent you.

      Simple isn’t it? But it makes sense because that’s who He is. God alone can say, “I Am everything you need.”

      And it’s amazing to find so many Christians who do not have a full understanding of who God really is. They belong to a church, yet they lack any knowledge of who He is in their lives. When they refuse to study the Word of God, they will never know who God really is.

      Day 20

      Don’t Look Back

      Isaiah 43:14-21

      There are times when God reminds us to look back and then there are times when He will tell us not to dwell on the past. Sometimes our past will call us back. That is one reason we should not dwell on our past. What we did when we were in the world should be forever behind us. Satan tries to tempt us by telling us that we had a great time when we were in the world, living in sin. But he’s wrong!

      Satan will cause you to question your salvation if you allow him to. But the Bible says to “Remember not the former things and don’t dwell on them.” God will do a new thing in our lives because we are new creations. God says, “I am the Lord, your Holy One.” He is our Holy God. And because He is Holy, we are to be Holy also. Don’t look back!

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