Primary Care for COMLEX Level 1. Dr. Jahan Eftekar

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Primary Care for COMLEX Level 1 - Dr. Jahan Eftekar

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      •Liver disease affects all blood coagulation factors EXCEPT vWF.

      •Cerebellum is a double crosser [symptoms of lesions are presented ipsilaterally]

      •Anion gap is increased by all metabolic acidosis EXCEPT the Hyperchloremic acidoses (i.e. addition of HCl)

      •All Renal tubular acidosis are associated with hypokalemia except Type IV


      •All hepatitis virual diseases are chronic EXCEPT for Hepatitis A (HAV)

      •All hepatitis viruses are spread by blood EXCEPT A and E.

      •All rickettsial organisms have arthropod vectors EXCEPT Coxiella burnetii.

      •All hepatitis viruses are RNA viruses EXCEPT Hepatitis B virus.

      •All fungi exist in yeast form in the body Except Candida that exists in spore form.

      •All DNA viruses have double-stranded genome EXCEPT Parvovirus (smallest of all). All DNA viruses are linear EXCEPT papova and hepadnavirus.

      •All RNA viruses have a single-stranded genome EXCEPT Reoviruses that have a double-stranded genome.

      •All viruses starting with letter "R" are RNA virus (Reo, Rhabdo, Retrovirus)

      •Shigella has no flagella!

      •All DNA viruses replicate in nucleus EXCEPT Poxvirus.

      •All DNA viruses have icosahedral structure EXCEPT Poxvirus that has a complex structure.

      •All DNA viruses are naked EXCEPT Herpes and Hepadnavirus that are enveloped, and Pox that is complex.

      •All RNA virus replicate in the cytoplasm EXCEPT Paramyxo and Orthomyxo viruses that replicate both in the nucleus and cytoplasm.

      •All RNA viruses are enveloped EXCEPT picorna and reoviruses that are naked.

      •All Rickettsials react to Weil-Felix assay EXCEPT Q Fever.

      •All Rickettsials have arthropod vectors EXCEPT Coxiella burnetii.

      •Lupus is the only condition causing subendothelial deposition in the kidneys.

      •All Gram-positive cocci are coagulase-negative EXCEPT Staph aureus.

      •Only Gram-negative microorganism have endotoxin, with the exception of Listeria monocytogenes which is a Gram-positive

      •All bacteria are gram-positive or negative EXCEPT mycobacteria, spirochetes, and mycoplasma.

      •The only unique helminth that lives all its lifecycle among humans is the pinworm.

      •The three helminthes that ultimately emigrate to lungs are necator, strongyloides and Ascaris.

      •The three helminths acquired by eating eggs are entrobius, Ascaris and trichuris.

      •The two helminths that get in through skin are necator and strongyloides


      •Leukemia are more prevalent in kids

      •Hodgkin’s occurs in young kids.

      •All nephrotic syndromes show glomerular damage EXCEPT lipoid Nephrosis.

      •All lipid storage diseases have more predilection for brain and liver tissues EXCEPT Fabry’s which affects Renal and dermal tissues.

      •Anderson’s disease is the only glycogen storage disease that lacks hepatomegaly

      •All Glycogen storage diseases are associated with an increased storage of glycogen in liver or muscle EXCEPT Andersen’s (Type IV) disease (That lacks branching enzyme system which is required for glycogen synthesis from glucose).

      •Most carcinomas of the GI are prominent in men EXCEPT gall bladder which is more prominent in women.

      •All genetic renal diseases are autosomal recessive EXCEPT for Adult Polycystic Disease.

      •All coagulation factors are made by the liver EXCEPT coagulation factor VIII (that is secreted/associated with the endothelial cells). Note that the integrity of VIII—made by the liver, is dependent upon vWF that is secreted by the endothelium.

      •Cancers of esophagus tend to be of squamous epithelial origin EXCEPT for Barrett's CA.

      •All connective tissue (collagen diseases) are more prevalent in females except polyarteritis nodosa.

      •All Aminoacidopathies cause mental retardation EXCEPT tyrosinemia that causes pigment-related anomalies, liver cirrhosis and renal acidosis.

      •All porphria are more common in females EXCEPT cutanea tarda.

      •All mucopolysaccharidoses are autosomal recessive EXCEPT Hunter’s disease.

      •All types of Hodgkin’s are more prevalent in young men, EXCEPT nodular sclerotic types

      •If it is an endocrine deficiency it is most likely due to an autoimmune ailment

      •If it is endocrine excess it is most likely due to a benign adenoma EXCEPT hyperprolactinemia that is due to dopamine deficiency.


      •All diuretics cause hypokalemia Except the K+ sparing diuretics.

      •All H1 blockers cause drowsiness EXCEPT for Seldane.

      •All drugs cross the placenta EXCEPT for heparin.

      •All third generation cephalosporins are used parenterally EXCEPT for Cefixime (orally)

      •Drug of choice for all nematode infections (round, pin, hook and whipworm) is Mebendazole, EXCEPT for two "T" nematodes (Threadworm and Trichinella) that are acted upon by a "T" drug--Thiabendazole.

      •All diuretics cause hypokalemia EXCEPT SAT (Spironolactone, Amiloride, and Triamterene)

      •Clomipramine resembles tricyclic antidepressants in structure but acts like SSRI’s (Fluoxetine, Sertraline, Paroxetine and Fluvoxamine)

      •All MAO inhibitors are Type A except for selegiline.

      •Bleomycin is the oddball anticancer drug.

      •The anticancer drug that is most noticeable for causing gout is mercaptopurine.

      •The antipsychotic drug that is most noticeable for causing Pigmentary retinopathy is Thioridazine.

      •The two drugs that cause Steven Johnson Syndrome are Sulfonamides and penicillin.

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