Exploring Connections.

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Exploring Connections -

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other’s thoughts would be a selective tool, used only if necessary.

      “We need practice; it wasn’t that hard for the two of us.” Charlie said.

      Without speaking I reminded Charlie that we barely needed words to communicate, that body language was our native tongue. He laughed.

      We spent a great deal of time experimenting with self control in blocking our own thoughts and directing thoughts to a specific person while in the group. As soon as a goal was set for any experiment to understand the silent correspondence it was realized by merely a thought. We were amazed over and over again at how easily our understanding came. Our control over our own thoughts was the key.

      With the coffee drank, pee breaks taken, and another good physical hook up, we were ready for a ‘look see’ into what red travel would be like with the four of us. We talked about just going where Ricky took us but I reminded them of my first adventure with Ricky taking the lead and how far back in time she took me and how much recovery time it took.

      “Let’s just take Charlie and Lu on a tour of the portal and give them the benefit of seeing for themselves. If we can control the collective and not go either way, that is to say either back in time or forward in time, no time passes on this side. Michael, remember, we spent all that time examining the portal and no time passed while we did that. It was like free time to us.”

      Lu had sat quietly through most of the conversation but she was ready to take some action.

      “Si, si, si, let’s go!” Lu chided all of us. Eagerness worked for me.

      Looking at each face in our group, we were all smiling like we just got the best gift ever. Displaying our catalysts to be seen by the collective was a given and it was like a toy reunion to see the catch objects in their hands, Michael held ‘Hellie’ and Lu held ‘Arec’ and Charlie held ‘Us’ and of course, the mother of it all, Ricky on the pinkie of my right hand.

      The inviting tiny particles were seen first around ‘Hellie’ in Michael’s hand and a split second after were seen around ‘Arec’ and Lu; then Charlie’s ‘Us’ presented and joined the other particles. Ricky made her entrance in a grand way and we were nearly swimming in particles that glowed and danced around us.

      Ricky sent her red sparks and the four of us eagerly jumped in and there we were in the portal. We stayed there and showed Charlie and Lu every thing we could think of and took them to dates both in the future and in the past never leaving the portal, never stepping onto those date ledges. Charlie and Lu’s amazement enabled us to relive our own first trip thrill; it was a gift to us to share it with them.

      When there was nothing more to show them, we all opened our eyes to see that our heads were very close together as we had each fallen into the middle of the bed when we jumped. We knew instantly that we’d need to address our location and position with more concern at the next go-round.

      Carrying a collective smugness, we all wanted to travel and experimented to find that travel with only two or three participants when four are invited blocked portal entrance and no one traveled. Then we wrestled with the dilemma of safety for the four of us if we all traveled.

      After much discussion we decided that we’d travel only a brief distance into the future because it took less time from us in the physical world and that we’d be vulnerable for a shorter period of time.

      All ‘go, go, go’, we aligned our bodies tightly next to each other on the big bed, and we looped our arms, and presented our catalysts to catch an invitation. The speed at which they responded was a kick and we showed respect by jumping immediately.

      In the portal, red and hazy, we still maintained the soft peace and calm that was a product of our reconnect. The portal’s reaction to our collective thought was instant and we were at the date ledge for the following day which we took to breakfast at ‘The Miles’.

      Observing things in the future was something Michael and I had done quite a few times but we were joined by Charlie and Lu who were new to all of it. We saw ourselves gathering our food from the buffet table and carrying it to the large round table in the kitchen where we found Denice, Sam, Amanda, Rick, Wyatt, Millie, and David already seated.

      Not much happened except we ate and Denice reminded me of our lunch date at 1 o’clock. I told her I’d be there; Amanda chimed in with, ‘me too’. While we watched, Charlie and I kissed three or four times and seemed oblivious to the others most of the time.

      We were aware of each other as soon as we were conscious but unable to see or move. Our sight returned after about a minute of darkness and then we took another minute just to focus on our collective thoughts to check in and to see that we were each alright. We were all relieved that something catastrophic didn’t happen while we were away.

      Even before movement was possible for any of us we were gripped by a sexual need for our mates that was more demanding than anything our bodies had yet asked of us due to traveling via the universe, red or otherwise.

      When Michael could move, he took Lu into his arms and carried her out of the guest room and in the direction of their own room. I really couldn’t say because my focus was Charlie and oh my God he was all about me.

      Charlie and I stayed on the bed and rolled into each other and recognized the need seen on each other’s faces and felt as our hands gripped, kneaded, caressed, and massaged urgently. We ate each other up. Charlie kissed and tasted me and in his signature move removed first my clothes and then his own.

      Charlie’s need for me was nearly over-powering and almost more than he could handle. After he anchored me on my back, his face only inches from mine; looking at him above me, my breasts tingled, a sign to get more involved I separated my legs to give him more comfort and access when the time was right. For Charlie the time was right immediately and he quickly joined our bodies and ejaculated instantaneously in hot and hard pulses that brought me to climax more than once.

      Before I could catch my breath Charlie was ready for another round. Still above me he looked into my eyes and smiled a sweet smile of love. He kissed my forehead and then my nose and brushed his lips across each of my eyes and finally he collected my entire mouth around his big lips and kissed me deeply drawing out of me the need for more lovin’. We thought as one and understood how to achieve our goals. Charlie’s goal was to touch all of me and to make things fit together in, sometimes funny and always satisfying, inventive ways.

      While we coupled, we marveled at how wonderful we felt and we urgently wanted to please and tease the other. We satisfied our need of each other and didn’t hurry our lovemaking but honored each other thoroughly.

      After a shower and more fun we joined Michael and Lu in the music room to debrief and to reconnect. Michael started because he was ready and willing to go first.

      “None of our travel has been that smooth, ever. Helen how was it that you were able to maintain such control?”

      “It had to be the power of the four of us together because it was incredibly easy. It was nearly the same as jumping into a current.” I said.

      “The red didn’t even feel menacing.” Michael continued.

      Lu said, “Go back to the beginning and debrief correctly.”

      Reining in Michael and me from our conversation that didn’t include Charlie and Lu was right.

      Michael started again.

      “The portal felt

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