Exploring Connections.

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Exploring Connections -

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When the situation, breakfast, appeared Helen took us there. We saw us all having breakfast at ‘The Miles’. Not a lot went on but we saw that we were together. I heard Denice remind Helen about an early afternoon meeting. When we were conscious again we dealt with the sexual need caused, which was, I might add, insane with its intensity. I couldn’t get close enough to Lu and I think she felt the same.”

      Lu gave her report next.

      “Si, I agree with Michael it was smooth and very easy to be part of. I wasn’t scared of the redness in the portal. Having Elena and Michael show us how was good. Seeing what will happen tomorrow morning at breakfast was fun and can’t wait to see if it really happens. I remember that Charlie kissed Elena three or four times during those few minutes. When I wake up, I wanted Michael and couldn’t even see him but I could smell him. When we left you we had really good love.”

      We all smiled at her; she was beyond adorable.

      All eyes turned to Charlie as he gave his report.

      “Jumping into the red was easy; interesting, not scary and the portal was remarkable. It was fun like Lu said to see us at breakfast. Did anyone else see that Wyatt looked a bit put out? Anyway, he did. Afterwards, the sex was ‘off the hook’, to quote a friend.”

      We left them knowing that we’d see them at breakfast. Our trip back to the servant’s quarters was round about as we made our way around to all the small community gardens on the estate to say hello. We eventually found ourselves on the trail headed toward the garden wall and when we were in the darkness of that dense crop of tall trees we joined our bodies quietly at the base of those trees fulfilling a promise we’d made to each other.

      After we got back to the ‘quarters’, we worked steadily for a few hours on Miles’ belongings. Now and again I’d find a little something, a photo, or a recipe, or a letter, or a personal document and add it to my little box of treasures. As I took an assessment of where we were with the project and what would need to go where, I thought about the large box of documents that I’d need to take to Wyatt for help; so, I made a mental note to talk to him at breakfast to see if I could get some of his time.

      While I continued the examination and resolution of all things Miles, Charlie prepared us dinner. I found a little old checkered suitcase that had leather belts as closures stashed in the back of one of the shelves in the linen closet. Even though I unbuckled the belt closures the case would not open. I had to use a letter opener to pry it open. I got it open but broke the letter opener and scratched my arm in the process. One half of the case was filled with completed coin collection books and the other half contained bags of old coins. I set the case aside with the original contents only barely disturbed and planned to go through the case thoroughly at some point.

      It was Wednesday evening and we were glad to have the time to ourselves even if we spent the time working on clearing out Miles’ stuff. After dinner and the clean up Charlie and I continued, with determination to finish before bed. We didn’t quite finish but we got very close when I caught what Charlie was thinking.

      ‘Jesus, Woman how can I want you so much all of the time?’

      I looked at him and smiled and thought, ‘How about now, do you want me now?’

      Charlie held my eyes as he walked to me nodding his head yes. I dropped the towel I was folding and put my arms out for him to take me. We kissed a deep and wonderful kiss, a beginning. Charlie picked me up and carried me to the bedroom, removed our clothes quickly.

      ‘Like I mentioned before, we really shouldn’t even bother with clothes.’ Charlie thought.

      There were no thoughts from either of us as we enjoyed our lovemaking. We exhausted each other and fell asleep in a sweet state of satisfaction.

      My dream was about Tut; I was looking for him but couldn’t find him. Calling for him and going from room to room searching for him and not finding him generated panic and fear. Then I opened a door and found Tut and another parrot. They were in cages. I went immediately to release Tut from confinement. When Tut walked out of the cage, he walked straight to the other cage and tried to open the door.

      I talked to Tut but he ignored me and was focused only on the bird in the other cage. The other bird was unfamiliar to me; she was distinctive looking with only two colors, blue and green, pretty but not beautiful like Tut. Before I released the latch and opened the door to free her I noticed that her wings were clipped so she couldn’t fly away.

      When I opened the door the two-colored parrot moved sidewise on her perch and Tut walked into her cage and jumped up onto the perch and rested there next to her. She bobbed her head and whistled and Tut repeated the head bob and whistle. They each stepped sidewise closer to each other, bobbing their heads the whole time, until they were touching wing to wing.

      When I awoke from the dream I was kissing Charlie; he was above me and ready to couple. Without even thinking I responded to his need with need of my own. It was all good. We’re so perfect for each other.

      The following day our good moods were evident from the get go and we brought our cheer to breakfast with us. When Michael and Lu joined us we hugged up before we joined the others at the breakfast buffet and had a brief chat about not changing things but allowing everything to just flow. We’d get together again in the late afternoon to debrief.

      While we were seated at the round table and I was kissing Charlie again. Charlie’s ‘one-word’ thought, ‘Wyatt’ was enough for me to check out Wyatt. Just as Charlie had said in debrief, Wyatt was ticked off about something so I focused my attention in his direction for a bit.

      Every now and then I’d look at Lu and Michael to see them unable to hide their glee at least from me and I’d bet from my sister either. Denice cut into my thoughts with her reminder of our lunch date and a decision not to disclose the location. A change, I’d assumed that we’d luncheon right where we were. There was no mention of anything different.

      Charlie and I kissed; then I caught his eye and thought, ‘Lover, did you know anything about going somewhere else?’

      ‘No, Woman, if you’re going, I’m going with you.’ Charlie assured me.

      ‘Damn straight.’

      Before breakfast was over, I went to Wyatt while he was getting another cup of tea at the buffet table to say a personal hello and to see if there was some way I could alleviate some of his stress. Setting his cup on the table he hugged me and kissed the top of my head.

      Wyatt and I met up in his office about 15 minutes after breakfast. Charlie carried the box of documents I considered to be important and needed Wyatt’s take on.

      “Cary Colton is issuing subpoenas to Michael and Lu; he’s including them in a suit against you and everything that you’ve ever touched.”

      His face was serious but also annoyed.

      “This bloke is starting to get my dander up and is going to get a major ‘piss off’ from me.”

      Wyatt showed more emotion than I’d seen from him since he told me of his love for Millie.

      Seeing that kind of emotion coming from him was, for some unknown reason, a comforting and endearing thing. Because of that comfort, I didn’t worry about Cary Colton and what he might try to do to ‘The New Holdings’. But I was still concerned with what he might do to Michael and Lu.

      “God Wyatt, he can’t do anything to them,

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