Exploring Connections.

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and essences; we became one unit, one being, complete and fulfilled. That filled the first hour and our physical focus on one another, after, filled the second.

      “Woman,” Charlie said, “we gotta go, now.”

      While in the shower, I stood with my arms around Charlie. Our time together was moving entirely too fast and I needed more with him.

      “Lover.” I pouted.

      “Promise me we’ll get online after we get back from Michael and Lu’s to find us a place to honeymoon.”

      “I’m with you Woman.”

      Charlie and I took the back way to get to Michael’s. Jumping the fence and getting the chance to see the vista from the top of the wall with Charlie’s arms around me changed my disposition completely. I felt really good and according to Charlie, he was feeling pretty good, too. We passed through the dense crop of trees and recognized the unfulfilled need and promise to make love within those trees again. Once again we renewed our promise to meet that need on the return visit.

      Holding hands, coming around the last bend, and seeing Michael and Lu waiting for us felt right. Our reconnect was splendid, replenishing, and made all of us groan from the goodness of it.

      After the hug-up we headed directly for the guest room.

      Charlie and I looked at each other after we were seated on the edge of the bed and he began.

      “Helen and I have buzzing in our ears. You guys got that?”

      “Si Charlie,” Lu said.

      “Like a little bug that sings all around my head.”

      “Yeah, I’ve got it to.” Michael chimed in.

      “What do you think that means?”

      “I’ve been thinking about it and think that we can employ the power of the four of us to get to the bottom on it. Focusing on the sound and zeroing in on it alone may give us a clue…”

      I stopped mid sentence and decided that I’d try an experiment right in front of them.

      Closing my eyes, I brought back from my recall the first time I heard the quiet buzzing. As I listened to it from the beginning I began to manipulate the sound slowing it down to a speed where the sound was audible. It was still difficult to understand but I slowed it down more and more until the answer was revealed to me.

      Looking at them with wonder in my eyes, Michael was the first to speak.

      “What? Baby, what?”

      His voice carried urgency and a touch of annoyance.

      “Simply stated, the buzzing is us.” I said flat out.

      Michael’s annoyance kicked into a higher gear.

      “What the hell does that mean?”

      I didn’t answer him. Instead I stood and grabbed Charlie’s hand and pulled him to Michael and Lu. I got them to stand and we hugged up again. When he was calm we took up our positions again on the bed while I explained what I meant by ‘The buzzing is us’.

      “Guys, it’s another gift of the connect. We are communicating with each other. Each time the buzzing picks up it’s one of us trying to communicate with our collective. The sound is actually all of our voices together that we need to slow down and isolate.”

      “Just how are we going to do that?”

      Michael sounded irritated again.

      “You know, Michael, the buzzing is bothering all of us but you seem a bit keyed up.”

      I stood up and again pulled Charlie by the hand to go to their side of the bed for a hook up.

      We embraced and Michael calmed down, we all calmed down. While we were in our huddle I continued to talk about the buzzing.

      “While we are together like this, please focus on the buzzing instead of trying not to hear it, try to hear it. Concentrate only on the buzzing.”

      I stopped talking and did exactly what I told them to do.

      Michael thought. ‘Now I don’t hear it any more.’

      Lu thought. ‘Yeah, I don’t hear it any more either.’

      Charlie thought. ‘I don’t hear the buzzing but I can hear what you’re saying.’

      ‘We’re hearing each other’s thoughts. Nobody is talking out loud.’ I thought.

      ‘I get it.’ Michael thought.

      ‘We just have to focus on the sound instead of trying not to hear it.’

      He laughed when he heard me say a mental, ‘Duh!’

      Physically I dropped connection with any of them and thought.

      ‘Let’s separate to see if we can do this from another location or when we can’t see each other.’

      After that initial success, we tried one experiment after another until we learned that we could hear each other’s thoughts, actually decipher the buzzing, when we were within eye range but we couldn’t decipher the thoughts if we were separated by walls.

      The final experiment was to see if we could carry on a conversation without talking to each other. It was difficult not to speak out loud. We went for a full half hour without speaking. We laughed often when we automatically opened our mouths to talk. I wondered if the process was easier for Charlie because he didn’t speak much anyway. Charlie heard my thoughts and told me that he didn’t know if it was easier for him because he didn’t know how easy it was for the rest of us. We all laughed over that.

      We also made plans to see if we could hear our thoughts when there were others present.

      Michael wondered if there was a way to filter his thoughts from the rest of us. We all picked up on his worry about thinking something that he didn’t want any of us to know about.

      My thoughts went out there for him to use or not. ‘Michael, do you have something you want to hide from us?’

      He wasn’t sure but he knew that he wanted to decide whether or not it should be known by us.

      “Michael.” I said.

      “Why don’t we just embrace this new wrinkle but make a plan to figure out how we can filter our thoughts.”

      After Charlie and I got back to the servant’s quarters we tried a few experiments of our own. We were surprised that we didn’t need to talk if we didn’t want to. Charlie could hear my thoughts and I could hear his. There were moments when it was easier to read his thoughts but then moments later the effort it took was much greater.

      I had a late afternoon appointment with Denice and Amanda and again got annoyed when we had to stop what we were doing and head in another direction.

      ‘Internet when we get back.’ I thought and Charlie

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