Ailleianne. Tina Marie Maes

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Ailleianne - Tina Marie Maes

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you have a checkbook? Because normal people have checkbooks or checking accounts. And you don’t have to pay the full amount upfront.” She stared down at the cash in her hand and then back up to zim, almost wanting to ask where ze’d gotten it. She was beginning to think that the independent-wealthy-idea had increasing merit. Who else had crisp bills just lying around?

      “I have acquired a significant amount of monetary capital from one of the many automatic teller machines of a financial institution. I do not have a checking account.”

      “Has anyone ever told you that you talk weird?”

      “Your sense of grammar or sentence structure is no less bizarre.”

      “Right, but I at least sound like I am from this planet. You, I’m not so sure of.” London looked down at the stack of bills that Ailleianne had given her. She imagined ze must have cleared out zis banking account, or was one of those people who kept their savings underneath their mattress. Or...

      London pulled herself back to the conversation. “You didn’t like, rob a bank or something, right?”

      “Rob a bank?” Ze asked it as if it was the last thing on zis mind.

      “Ah, it was a joke. This is a lot of cash and I don’t want to bankrupt you.”

      “I will never be bankrupt. I would like to stay here for the next six months.”

      London stared for a second, wondering how ze’d earned the money. “Just no illegal stuff, okay,” She said, not caring where the money had come from. She quickly counted out the correct amount from the pile of bills she’s been given. There was an extra hundred dollar bill in the envelope. For a second she wondered how terrible it would be to keep it. But no, her conscience wouldn’t allow it. This person was her tenant. Given that she’d just negated any illegal activity in her house, she probably shouldn’t steal from him. It was illegal and mostly against her morals.

      Her morals were getting looser the less she had in her bank account.

      She gave back the extra hundred, and the amount beyond the first month’s rent and security deposit. Ze seemed reluctant to take it. They finally agreed that Aillie would pre-pay the full six-month rent upfront. London forced zim to still take the extra hundred dollar bill, shoving it into zis hands. An electric shock sparked between them. London wondered where ze’d acquired the static electricity.

      “Right, um.” London said, shaking her hand from the aftereffects of the shock. “I’ll deposit this later today. So, Ailleianne, when do you think you are going to move in?”

      “If you prefer to call me Aillie, I give you permission. I would like to move in to my new room now.”

      Aillie continued to stand on the doorstep. London blinked a couple of times, realized she was in her new tenant’s way and moved away from the doorway. When ze continued to stand there, she made sure to invite Aillie in. Ze walked in, carrying zis suitcase. As ze walked past her, London noticed there were also two boxes on the steps. She wondered how ze’d gotten them here, not seeing an unfamiliar car on the street. She grabbed the surprisingly light boxes and deposited them in the living room before locking the front door. Then she realized what she had done.

      She turned to Ailleianne. “Sorry, I’ve lived alone too long. I always lock my door. I hope that doesn’t bother you.”

      “There have been 97 crimes reported in the last 30 days in the northeast side of Madison, which mostly entail theft, or theft from a vehicle, although there have been reports of assault and/or battery, as well as breaking or entering of a private residence. There are also 32 reported sex offenders living within a one-mile radius of your house.”

      “Yeah. So I keep my doors locked.” She turned back to the door, making sure the latch and the deadbolt were secure. “Can’t believe you wanted to live here if you know that much.”

      “I would like to rent this space.”

      “Oh, um, sure. I wasn’t going to kick you out.” London wiped her sweaty palms on her jeans. “So, when is the rest of your stuff coming then?”

      Aillie mutely pointed to the lone suitcase near the door, and the boxes London had carried in.

      “Uh. Right. Guess you are a light packer.” London, wondering why she didn’t have more doubts, forged ahead anyway. “Well, you can head to your room. Feel free to put your stuff away and make yourself at home. In your room, at least. Um, if you need anything, just let me know. I’m going to finish my coffee in the kitchen and then get ready for work soon.”

      She busied herself in the kitchen, looking up whenever she heard noise. Not that there was much of it. There were couple of drawers opening and closing. After that, she didn’t hear anything.

      This having a roommate thing was way harder than anyone had told her.

      “What do I do now?” Aillie asked, ducking down to poke zis head in the doorway.

      “I’ll be heading out to work later. I work at a store in East Towne Mall. Um, do you have a job? I mean, I don’t want to be nosy, but you seem to have enough in terms of finances to rent. So, are you, like independently wealthy?”

      “I have secured enough finances to not require a career in the immediate future. I am studying here. Is that not okay?”

      “No, that’s cool. I didn’t realize you were a student. Are you going to be heading to the university? And do you have hobbies? When do you think you are planning on being around the house?” When Aillie continued to stare at her, London continued abashed, “Sorry, that was too personal. You don’t have to answer. This whole thing is new to me. I’ve lived with friends but never strangers. I’m not used to sharing my home with someone I don’t know.”

      London looked back down at her coffee, wondering what to say now.

      “I am also unfamiliar with this arrangement. I have never lived in such a strange land. I would like to spend today getting used to your house.”

      London’s head snapped up. Of course! That’s why Aillie was such an unconventional person. Ze wasn’t from around here. London wondered where ze lived, but guessed it was from a European country. Maybe a village somewhere? Ze’s English was good, if not a little too specific.

      “Okay, I guess you can watch TV, um, if you want?” London hesitated. “Or not actually TV. I had to cut that… I mean, I don’t get many stations. My antenna went down, and I don’t subscribe to cable stations. I’ve got a lot of movies though. Why don’t you watch a movie? Do you want to pick out a good one? There’s a black nylon case near the TV in the living room. Open it up and find one. I’ll be in there in a few minutes.”

      Watching a movie with the new tenant... That'll help us bond, right? London really wished she’d figured this out before she advertised for a lodger. But she finished tidying up and went back to the living room.

      London found her new lodger standing over her case, pointing to the title ze selected. "So you found a DVD? Well, let's see what you picked out." She walked over and saw it was actually the first one in the case.

      "Alright, I’ll put in in the DVD player. The system is a couple of years old but it’s not too difficult.” Feeling Aillie’s eyes on her, London slid the disc out of the case, and popped it in after turning on both the TV and DVD player. She went to sit

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