Silver. Susie Harris

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Silver - Susie Harris

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gold and beautiful silver tipped ivy grows across the ceiling and separates book sections. The fae helped him to create the ivy for even though it is made of silver it grows and somehow filters the air. It keeps the halls at the perfect temperature and humidity to preserve the precious scrolls and artifacts he has collected. Glowing orbs that follow you, as you walk so as not too much light ever touches the books light it. It is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen and that is saying something considering I lived in Nibiru.

      He recorded history and collected tablets, scrolls and artifacts from everywhere he went. Even the fae entrusted him with their history in beautiful gold leafed books. Of course he was the only one who could read them, as none of us took the time to learn to read Aelyria. There are many dialects in the fae world but all spoke the ancient tongue. Luckily for us they could also speak and understand any language spoken to them, probably one of their spells. Our entities when we speak the words automatically translate to whomever the words are meant for. But because of that it just seemed a bit too much to take our time to learn their written word.

      I went to the tree of knowledge but the entrance to the library? Well it was like it was never there. I searched everywhere even casting a finding spell but to no avail. So the only explanation I could come up with is that he had cast a protection spell around it and possibly a forgetting spell. It is what I would have done if I were in his shoes.

      A forgetting spell wouldn’t have affected me if it were done when my powers were bound in my human form. I know of this spell because I remember him using it on Michael long ago. He made him forget his pet a horse Hovapinar or Hov as he calls him. Michael was given Hovapinar as a gift by the goddess Gna. Who of course was not a real goddess but she ran errands to the home worlds of the Norse and Roman Gods as the people of the time called them. The ancient alien theorists are right though; these were not Gods just visitors from other planets and worlds some with magic and some with technology. Gna had magic and Hovapinar is full of magical forces. When he is near I defy anyone not to feel the electricity in the air. Michael and Hov had a unique bond that was palpable when they were together. So when Gna and the others left this world. She allowed Hov to stay with Michael. They are inseparable. But when Raziel cast the spell, Michael did not recognize Hov and told him to go away. Hov went crazy causing tidal waves and earthquakes across the Earth. Father came and made Raziel take the spell of Michael. He was not pleased that Raziel could perform such a spell over one of his own without his knowledge. Michael himself was furious. But Raziel talked quietly and calmly to them saying that someday this spell will be important. That he had been told by one of the fae seer.

      I was shocked at the time that they both forgave him and left it alone. But perhaps he saw things that we did not and shared that with them secretly and that is why they left it be. Perhaps this is what he needed it for...

      The knowledge and items contained in the great library would put us all in danger if they ended up in the wrong hands. So I am glad with the disappearance of Gavreel and the others. There is hope of it being safe from anyone trying to use it to his or her advantage. Even though I long to see it again. Perhaps one day.

      With all of his knowledge and expertise of magic both light and dark, Raziel is proving very difficult to find. I feel I’m running out of places to look. Perhaps it is time to talk with Michael.

      I have decided to talk to the fae first. There is no point in coming out of hiding so openly as to talk to Michael until at least I have some idea of what has occurred in my absence. They are almost as powerful as we are, although they would say otherwise. Of course I am concerned about bringing any threat into the fae's realm. But hopefully they have protection from whatever maybe attacking our kind.

      As I said before the fae can be tricky so I have pondered on who may be the safest to contact. After much thought I have decided on contacting Queen Una, in all my past associations with her she was meek, humble and kind. I am ashamed to say I do not even know if she has become a queen officially but she was on the path to marry Redcrosse when I last saw her and Redcrosse did become an autumn king. So I have to presume she became queen. I hope so; she possessed such beautiful very rare qualities for a fae. I believe the fae court would definitely benefit from her quiet guidance.

      Now to contact her may be a little more complicated. I know Legolas the elf gave me a spell long ago, which could transport me to any fae as long as I pictured them in my third eye. I only used it once or twice and my memory, though it is very good, I don't want to rely upon it. As one wrong word or mispronunciation could be catastrophic with the fae. There spells can be very powerful and one word can change the result drastically.

      I had learnt the hard way turning a friend of mine to stone. This was long before the age of man. Oberon had to be called to reverse it. It was not good.

      After this Oberon gave me a book to keep any spells I did learn and it spoke each word separately just by thinking it so no spell would be cast accidentally. I hid this book deep in the Elvin mountains near Lerkalpoldara.

      This means I will have to cross into the Elven realm. Passing through these worlds is not easy and I will have to keep my human self-alive. I won't be able to keep my essence tethered to my true form. My connection with my human self will be disconnected while I am in the Elven realm.

      I must execute this retrieval precisely and covertly no one can know of my presence. It must be quick with no errors. Cloaking myself in my true form will not be difficult against my own kind but elves...that will be more challenging. Elves see things differently, especially in their own realm. Through Elven eyes you see the aura of a person before seeing them and the energy fields flowing through and around them. Any cloak would be obvious as I tried to move anywhere through their realm. I would be a colorful swirl of energy moving towards the mountains.

      The only way I can pull this off is by finding an Elven cloak. These are very rare but when worn no elf can detect you. Now I just have to remember where I saw one last.

      All the cloaks I remember are just so long ago. Everyone has moved on to different cities or realms. I'm at a loss at where to look.

      I saw on the news today that there is a group of scientists in Karlsruhe, Germany working on an invisibility cloak using nanotechnology. I guarantee they are trying to reverse engineer the one used long ago in the story you refer to as Momataro. The Germans are always trying to reverse engineer everything. If Hitler's engineers hadn't been misled by our kind. The war would definitely have ended differently... so I guess a quick trip to the Karlsruhe institute of technology is in order.

      Chapter 6

      I love Germany "the nation of poets and philosophers" to quote Wolfgang Menzel. But besides the people it is beautiful. The cities mixing very old structures with ultra modern. The beautiful slanted roofs for the snow to fall and not collect. The majestic mountains and crystal clear streams. Not so much the rivers. The Rhine is quite disgusting with the pollution of man. But even the Rhine retains its beauty in its own way. I have always loved listening to the sounds and bathing in the views, of the amazing composers and painters of Germany both present and past. It is truly enchanting.

      I went in the early hours of their morning around 2am. They are on a different time zone to where I live, so I adjusted my visit accordingly. I was hoping that all the scientists were gone by then. As I'm sure you realize, you never know with the academics whether in this world or any. Raziel never followed the light schedules. I think they just work when their mind allows them to. No matter what anyone else is doing.

      I was lucky that it was empty, of course there was still guards patrolling the grounds and the cameras. But both of these are not a concern to me when I am cloaked.

      I scanned the buildings to see if there was any energy signatures’ coming from the cloak. But if they had it stored facing down there wouldn't be.

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