Everything Fails. T Van Santana

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Everything Fails - T Van Santana

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was over in one corner of the room, her face down like she’s staring at her feet.

      Wendy waved a gun. “That’s our girl.”

      Rand smiled, “Yeah, I know.”

      Wendy smacked him in the stomach with the side of her gun. “Shut it.”

      He laughed, grabbed at his stomach, pulled a gun.

      “And how the fuck did we get guns past the scanners?”

      “Printed, baby,” Wendy said. Cos this was back when that would have worked.

      Rand howled at the ceiling, shook his upper body. “Yow! Let’s get it on, girls!”

      My brow crunched, mouth bent down. I couldn’t believe I fucked that guy. I mean, he’s obviously high as shit, too, but come on. He’s a douche. A real slowdown.

      Some of the patients looked up, but most looked right back down.

      “Let’s just get her and go,” I said.

      Mickie turned to me, cupped my face. “Just be rad.” She held my face for a moment longer, then spun around and rushed toward Roxy. “C’mon, Roxy. Let’s jam.” Mickie grabbed Roxy by the arm and pulled her up to her feet.

      Roxy looked up at us with blank eyes. Her eyes cleared, and she smiled. “Hey, bitches. ‘Bout time.”

      Wendy put her masked lips to Roxy’s. “We wouldn’t leave you, girl.”

      “Aw,” Roxy said. “That’s sweet. Now can we get the fuck outta here? My asshole is dried out. I haven’t shit in a week.”

      Rand laughed. “Yeah!”

      Wendy smacked his stomach again. “Shut it. Which way out?”

      He pointed with his gun. “This way. Through the family room.”

      “Aw, shit,” I said.

      He bounced around in place. “I know, right?”

      Wendy led us to the family room, where about six families were gathered, visiting with someone they loved who was staying there. Held there. Whatever.

      “All right, you fucking piggies,” Rand called out to the whole room, “get fucking wigglin’!” He waved his printed carbine around, letting out a few rounds for emphasis. “Who’s ready for a day pass?”

      Everyone ran into the cafeteria. There’s kids and parents and all that. It’s a fucking mess.

      “What is this fuck doing?” I asked Mickie.

      “I dunno,” she said. “Stay close.”

      Wendy stood up on her toes, put her face in his. “Chill it, shithead. We’re leaving.”

      Rand waved the gun. “There’s no rush. I’ve got them all here for you, baby. For you and me to have some fun.”

      Wendy went back down on her feet, turned her head. “Boring.”

      Rand went over and grabbed a kid. “How about this one?”

      I didn’t wait. I just moved, went in behind him like in blades class and took him down. I had him pinned by the throat and choking out in about three seconds.

      Wendy walked up next to me. “That’s cool, baby. Now do him.”

      Rand’s masked face stopped wiggling.

      I looked over my shoulder at Wendy. “What?”

      “Kill him.”

      “He’s gonna be out in just a second …”

      Wendy shot him in the face.

      The kid screamed.

      I held his twitching body under me, familiar again. It was a body that I had clung to, however long ago and however insignificant, and it touched my memory in a familiar way, familiar almost in the sense of family, like we’re all people related and should not be hurting each other. And we should not have been.

      Slowly, I pulled my hand back. “Fuck. Why did you do that?”

      “He’s an asshole,” Wendy said.

      “Yeah, but …”

      My mind was blurry with chems surging, natural and augged. I couldn’t see it clearly. Had I …

      “And now he’s nobody,” Wendy said. “Let’s go.”

      I looked over at the kid, who’s staring at me, tears in the eyes, their mother wrapped around them, covered in Rand’s remains. Her face wore contempt, not gratitude.

      I wanted to say I was sorry. But I didn’t say anything.

      Mickie put her hand on me, light in the fingers. “C’mon. It’ll be okay.”

      I gave Rand one last look and stood up.

      We walked right out the building. No alarm went off. No security came for us. My nerves were absolutely fucking fried.

      After we were down the steps, Wendy peeled her mask off.

      “Let’s go dancing,” she said. “I kinda got a beat in my feet.”

      “I just wanna go home,” I said.

      Wendy put her eyes on me. “Don’t be boring.”

      Mickie pulled her mask off and stood in front of me. “If I asked you to go, would you go?”

      My blood told me right away. “Hell yes,” I said.

      She smiled, long teeth and red lips. “Rad. Then will you go with me?”

      “For as long as you want.”

      I thought she was going to kiss me, but it didn’t happen then. She put my hand in both of hers, then turned around and walked me back to the car, with Wendy and Roxy.

      The blur of the liberation washed away in whirring cars in music beats.

      Wendy slid a hand down her front as she crouched low, then pushed herself back up again while Mickie leaned in close, towering over her.

      Roxy was next to me. Out of it, but smiling. “Two foxy bitches,” she said.

      I felt nervous. “Yeah. How are you feelin’?”

      She shrugged. “You know me. Fucked up. Nothin’ new.”

      “You look tired.”


      “Yeah,” I said.


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