Nasty people. Shelley A Dewar

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Nasty people - Shelley A Dewar

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get out of sight, we had to walk back up the road a bit so she could relieve herself before she did piss in her pants and thank God she made it. Ok! She was emptied and we were totally ready this time to go back to the house. We were slowly creeping and crouching, moving toward the window again hoping to hear something or someone in the house besides just the television. We did hear some voices and at first thought it was just the television again but then we realised it was two people talking and it was definitely a man and woman’s voice and our ears pricked. We had to listen really closely to see if we could recognise the male’s voice and bingo! We all confirmed it was Paul's and put our hands together with a high five sisters! What a proud moment it was for all of us, catching this lousy mongrel!

      Once we knew it was definitely Paul, we quickly walked across to the paddock opposite the house where it was dark and we were out of sight, so we thought. At first we just stood there whispering to each other about our discovery but then in the distance, the female who was in the house was standing looking out the window. She could obviously see us standing there through some of the light shining from the highway.

      We all just said, “Oh Shit!” Then we started nervously gibbering to each other, “What do we do, what do we do?” Then I said in a quick responsive voice, “Drop to the ground and don’t move!” We hit the dirt like we were in a battle field ready to be shot at and didn’t dare move. I know my heart was thumping so I knew Gale and Lee’s would be too but because we were so immature, we were trying not to laugh at the same time because of the situation we were in. We kept looking at her standing at the window looking out at us and hoped she would go away but no such luck, the bitch kept staring out. We whispered to each other and said, “We can’t get up if she keeps staring so what the hell is going to happen next?” We were trying for a solution but our worst nightmare comes true.

      We saw a male figure which was obviously Paul’s appear at the window with her and together they were just standing there staring out. They stood there for at least another minute or two but then he disappeared while she stayed at the window. Where did he go or what was he doing? Panic had really set in for us and I reckon we could hear each other’s hearts thumping. This was scary shit!

      Next the front door to the house flies open and outside he came to investigate. Oh my God! We just lay there near on shitting ourselves with fear not knowing what to do. We knew he wouldn’t ignore us being there and just had to watch and wait to see what he would do next. We knew it was bad when he walked over to some old scrap heap that was at the front of the house and picked something up that looked like a steel bar which obviously he was going use to hit us with it. He then began walking towards our direction, cursing and mumbling under his breath so we knew he was pretty angry. Step by step he was getting closer to us which meant less distance to escape him and if he did catch us he would probably beat the crap out of us thinking we were up to no good, with no questions asked. But he had to catch us first, right? It was now where the really shitting oneself feeling comes in but it was still strangely exciting and the adrenalin rush was a bit of a buzz to be honest.

      Even so, we had to make a decision and a damn quick one at that to get out of there. It was either stay there and be bashed or make a run for it and hope for the best. Run was the option! I then whispered to my friends we have to make a run for it and I mean run for our lives! I told them to get up on my count of three and do not look back until we are up on the highway but try and stick together just in case he catches one of us.

      He was now getting even closer and his pace was getting faster so we had no choice but to act so I asked, "Are you ready?" They assured me they were more than ready so I gave them the one two three and with that we got up as fast as we could and ran for dear life. When we did, we heard Paul was hot on our heels swearing and cursing at us which made us run even faster.

      When we reached the highway, we were yelling and screaming not to mention waving our arms in all sorts of directions trying to flag someone down to help us, but no-one would stop. Wonder why? I don’t blame anyone as we must have looked like a bunch of lunatics! We then realised the danger was over when he was nowhere to be seen so we stopped running and calmed down. I would say he gave up the chase because we were pretty fast runners back then and Paul being a lazy fat bastard couldn’t run to save his life. He probably passed out on the first sprint.

      Once we knew we had definitely lost him, we raced back to Mum’s car and got in as quickly as we could and yelled, "Get out of here, now!" As we were speeding off we were laughing so hard, Gale almost pissed her pants, once again.

      I look back on it now and think it was a pretty dangerous situation we had put ourselves in, not to mention, a quite frightening one at that. It may not have turned out the way it did and anything could have happened if he had caught us. I think we had some angels looking out for us that night. I guess when you’re young, you don’t realise the consequences and the real dangers, thinking you’re pretty invincible and it’s all a big joke. I’m just thankful it didn’t backfire on us!

      After that night, the wanker would still come home from his so-called job and so-called days off and carry on as if nothing had changed. He was being even nicer than before but now we knew why and we were on to him. It was becoming sickening and to be honest, funny to watch. We think he must have been guilt ridden but he still didn't realise we knew about his affair and that we had one up on him and he was making an absolute dick of himself trying to suck up to all of us. It was just a matter of time before we rid of him. None of us could wait!

      I remember the final straw between my Mum and Paul and it was a blessing in disguise I guess however; not a very pleasant memory for me.

      While Mum was sleeping one night, he asked me if I would like to go for a drive to keep him company while he spied on some place he was going to burgle. I had nothing else to do so I agreed and went with him. While we were sitting in the car talking, he leaned over and kissed me and for some reason I let him. Why? I have no idea why! I then thought, “This man is supposed to be my mother’s boyfriend and protect us, not molest us. What the hell was I thinking to let him do this? Or more so, what was he thinking?” I felt disgusted and immediately told him to stop pushing him away at the same time. Later on I realised why I let him do what he did. He was the only one in my life at the time who was like a father figure. Fuck knows why I felt that way because he was nothing like my father! I loved my father but just never saw enough of him and I missed him and this hurt. I obviously needed that male attention I didn’t get from my own Dad in which I craved. The next day I told my Mum what happened and because she was so angry and disgusted, she had no choice but to approach Paul and tell him that he had to leave. My understanding is, she told him that no man ever touches any one of her children and I don’t care what you do to me, and I want you out! I think any excuse was welcomed by him to leave so he could be with this other woman because there were no arguments about it and he just agreed with her and said, "No problem, I will go."

      We were actually amazed as to how easy it was for him to leave and thought he would kick up a big fuss about it, but nothing. It was obviously what he wanted to hear so he could go and finally be with his floozy. God help her and good luck is what we all thought! He eventually confessed he was having an affair and that he was sorry. Like hello? We weren’t! Good riddance!

      It was the best thing that ever happened and to be rid of the mongrel forever, was the biggest relief. Mum and he stayed in contact for a little after that but only as friends and could talk about things that went down because it didn’t matter anymore. They even talked about how and when she found out he was cheating. He apparently felt guilty about that and how he had treated my Mum over time. Thank God he never found out about us three spying on him, until he left. He told my Mum, he thought it was three young teenage boys but when she told him the truth, he was rather amused and never thought anything more of it.

      It took a while for us to get back to normal and even though

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