The Tijuana Bible Reader. Victor J. Banis

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The Tijuana Bible Reader - Victor J. Banis

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that first excursion into Ecstasy had instructed him to place his strong hands under the god’s lithe, light legs and move him up and down quickly, shallowly on his prick as they pranced about in a passionate polka. Hercules had howled with rapture and then helplessly squirted the shit like bullets even as he squirted his youthful cum into the giggling Mercury’s belly! Now he moved Equesto’s ass up and down on his tool while they both squealed like idiots, but he was older and more experienced now, and though it churned his shit with sensation, he kept a tight asshole!

      But Equesto was no Mercury for weight, though he had a dreamier, creamier ass, and Herky’s arms began to tire, and even the Centaur’s front legs were wearying of their extra strain. So Hercules said, as he let his brother’s back hoofs rest on the ground, thereby losing almost the total touch of their lovely union, “Let’s fix you in a more restful position.” The muscled youth was already rolling the Centaur over on his back. Equesto knew he was in the hands of an expert and moved willingly, just anxious to get that dick back deep in his butt, which was glowing with good feeling already. “Draw your legs way back,” Herky said as he got on his knees waddling in with his big slimy peter leveled, to sink it in again, “because I’m going to fuck the shit out of your ass, baby!”

      The promise thrilled the Centaur with a stabbing sweetness in the pit of his pendulous nuts and as he drew his legs back, a hugeness of hardness surged into his big meaty peter, and it twitched vigorously with anticipation. The sight of this massive male-tit, with its bulby glans fully peeled and bursting with juices, and the swollen bloated balls in their deep, loose bag hanging back against the thick, throbbing shaft, and down there between the spread buttocks just underneath the plumy switch of the Centaur’s tail, that fat, brown, greedy rectum frothy already with fucking juices, brought as vigorous a vitality to Hercules’ prick, extending it jerkily, skinned back, to a good twelve inches of fucking-flesh, dripping with the dews of desire.

      With a simultaneous sigh of utter satisfaction from both youths, the peter was plunged once more deeply into the nest of nectary sweetness...this time all the way to the hairy root of the strong man’s pleasure-piston! Ooooh, it felt so good!

      They pumped together, groaning with the glory of the tingling sensation that thrilled belly and balls as their bodies slid in undulating union. Hercules felt the deep, warmth of the slimy sheath like a sucking mouth enveloping his peter in an omnivorous feast as he drove it in, and the draining drag of the anal tube as he withdrew lingeringly, and as the sweetness stung his balls he shivered with pleasure. And Equesto savored the plunging deliciousness of that dick, piercing deep into his bowels, seeming to send before it surges of dizzying feeling that made him cry out hoarsely with delight. The fucking belched between them with a ripeness of honey, and their loins melted into a oneness of utter exquisiteness.

      The Centaur braced his front hoofs against the ground and rearing his body, his arms wound about Herky’s neck and dragged his mouth down to merge with his whimpering lips in the rabid rapture of a thirsty kiss. And then as Hercules’ arms fastened about Equesto, and Equesto’s arms found their way about those broad shoulders, the two, still dredging kisses between murmurous lips, lay fully together pumping furiously, feeling the slimy suctioning sound of their parts, jazzing juicily in a pleasure that seemed to ooze up slowly from deep between their legs like the first hints of moisture of the hidden spring, dampening the soil. Then bubbling as the feeling festered eruptively near the surface as they began to cry out in senseless little squeals, and then bursting out like a fountain, spurting, shooting with a streaming sweetness as Hercules pissed his load.

      With a sob he drove his dick as deeply into the massaging asshole as he could to plant his spermy seeds in his brother’s belly, and as he felt the cream gushing out of his balls with the rich recurrence of thrills, he sobbed out deliriously, “I’m coming! I’m coming! Oh it feels so damned good!” Equesto was eating Herky’s mouth with ravenous groans, not saying anything, but his brother felt the long, throbbing thickness of the stud-like cock thrusting out from between them, retchingly, and he heard the ripe splat of the horse-man’s cum upon the ground.

      For a long quivering moment they laid, glued deeply together, steeping in the snug, sucking gloving of their bodies, and Hercules felt the spinning, exhilarating thrill slowly draining out of his belly and limbs as his peter softened in the pocket of the Centaur’s asshole. Their lips still touched in the wondering discovery of their first kiss, tasting the sweetness of mouths as their tongue explored the interiors eagerly, and their hands moved with loving lechery over the other’s flesh. And between their bodies the strong young man felt the unrequited turgidity of Equesto’s tool, for even though it had shot off in the excitement of Hercules’ ecstasy, it was not truly relieved.

      The muscular man reached down and fondled the pulsing prick, feeling its warm, hard-muscled stem, the taut, glistening burgeoning of the swollen glands bathed with its cummy slime, and the Centaur whinnied hysterically. His massive meat was tingling with eruptive electricity.

      As Hercules severed the suturing swab of their lips and stood up over the horseman youth suddenly, Equesto asked nervously, “What are you fixing to do, Herky?” He could hardly believe there were any more thrills to possibly tingle his balls...but he had a few things to learn. As his brother lifted a muscled thigh and positioned his brown, succulent-looking asshole over the tip of Equesto’s penis that stood up like the stallion’s spear it was, the Centaur had a delight in store he had not even counted on, and he shivered with expectant ecstasy as glans and rectum touched, and his eyes almost ached in their sockets as he stared at the incredible sight of that enormous bulb of his peter driving deliciously up into the elastic spreading of the brown-ringed hole to suck it in!

      Equesto could not restrain the soft scream of unutterable bliss as he felt his cock sinking into that tight, slimy-succulent cavity of his handsome brother’s shithole. A thrusting torrent of thrills seemed to surge up through his own bowels with an enervating sweetness. He wound his arms more tightly about Hercules and dredged his quavering lips with a deep thirstiness into Herk’s mouth, his tongue flashing about helplessly like a snake. Oh gods, his whole big body seemed to be slowly, deliciously drawn into the snug, swabbing sublimity of those practiced bowels!

      But even the sophisticated strong man, with his surfeit of sex, was experiencing a deepness of delight he had not known was possible. He felt a shortness of breath, sobs of pleasure crowding in his throat, a suffusing of an excruciatingly sweet sensation through his belly and legs, as that huge dong drove deeper and deeper into his turds. He let his grip on Equesto loosen so that the weight of his body could impale his body more quickly on this thrilling lance of love.

      Both youths moaned with a heavenly hysteria as they felt their parts sliding and touching far into the belly of the beautiful muscle-boy, and their mouths glued gluttonously in a frenzy of fucking-kisses....

      Even if the throes of his threatening climax was jollying his testicles to juice, the Centaur felt it would be redundant to say he could no longer take it lying down, so with harsh, inarticulate whinnies he began to struggle to his feet, automatically pumping his glossy butt to keep his penis fucking in that delicious poop-pocket. And Hercules, having known the ecstatic energies of a fucker about to come...though let us hasten to say, never with a horse...quickly, expertly fastened his arms and legs about the Centaur’s magnificent torso, and hung on for dear life!

      True, this was apt to be a rather tiring position, but Equesto, rearing rapturously, and crying out with hysterical horse-sounds, was thrusting his ass back and forth like a mad machine, feeling his pounding peter sliding in and out of that marvelous man-hole, shooting thrills through his belly like waves overlapping themselves as they washed frettingly up on the beach. And Hercules, clinging tenaciously to the frantic creature, was able to get a few good licks in himself, driving that tool into himself so deeply and forcibly he gasped for breath and the pleasure rocketed through him with a delectable dizziness.

      And then that massive, meaty penis surged swellingly, tightening in the asshole so much, each

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