The Tijuana Bible Reader. Victor J. Banis

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The Tijuana Bible Reader - Victor J. Banis

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took his time showering and drying off carefully. At last he wrapped his towel about his hips, picked up his shaving kit and went into the barracks.

      A beam of light from the streetlamp outside filtered through a window and fell across Phil’s bunk. The youth lay on his stomach, his arms folded under his head, breathing deeply with drunken sleep. Bob paused to watch the handsome, relaxed features, the sleek blond hair, the smooth tanned flesh taut over the heavy muscles of the shoulders and arms. His eyes followed down noting how the blankets clung to the dip in the small of the youth’s back and then rose sharply over the smooth-rounded curves of his ass. Bob ran his tongue over his lips and thought of the moments in the shower when the conquest was almost his, and he felt the familiar tenseness of desire come alive in his crotch once more. Then he bent over the bed and gripped the youth’s shoulder.

      “Asleep, Phil?” The youth did not move, and a pleased grin curled Bob’s lips. His hand slipped from the youth’s shoulder and gripped the blanket, pulling it down slowly to the foot of the bed. Phil’s handsome body lay naked and relaxed, and Bob let his hands move over it gently, pausing to probe between the trim cheek with his fingers. “Passed out, huh?” Slowly Bob spread Phil’s legs apart. “Maybe you’ll wake up in time for the fun!” The sleeping sailor did not move.

      Bob straightened and ran his hands over the black hair matting his burly chest. Then he jerked the towel from his waist. His cock hung down firm but not yet hard between his legs, and he raised it with one hand as he grasped his balls with the other. His nuts were loose and large and slippery, and he held them tightly, feeling the sensuous pain start to fill his groin. His dick stiffened quickly, the wide, flat head growing tense and hard as steel. He dropped his organs, arched his back and stretched proudly, his cock jutting out from his crotch potent and strong.

      Then Bob dumped the contents of his shaving kit on the empty cot beside Phil’s and picked out the small tube of lubricant. Hastily he smeared some on his fingers and then bent over Phil, working these fingers between the sleeping youth’s cheeks carefully. He added more and more of the greasy ointment until he had the passage well-oiled and felt it relax.

      “That’s the way, baby,” Bob muttered. “Now you’ll take it nice and easy.” He gripped his huge, rigid cock and slowly applied a light coat of lubricant to the taut head, grinning at it. “Take it easy, old man. There’s no rush this time!” He knelt on the bed between Phil’s muscular thighs. “This is the way I’ve wanted you for a long time, Phil!”

      Bob gripped Phil’s sturdy cheeks, spreading them wide, and bent forward, carefully slipping his mighty cock between them. Deeper and deeper the organ went, and Bob caught up a deep breath of pleasure.

      “There, the bulldozer’s opened the trail and the rest’ll go easy. Real easy!”

      The youth stirred and groaned. Through a veil of drink and sleep, Phil felt the man’s body pressing down on him, the fingers digging into the solid muscles of his arms, the huge organ easing its way deep into his helpless form. He felt numb, unable to fight or call for help or beg for an end to it. Who was this man using him? It was as though he was a bystander, watching from a distance. A man he couldn’t see was fucking a drunken youth. A handsome young sailor naked on his belly—empty barracks—being fucked by—? And he was that sailor!

      “Don’t—please!” Phil heard his voice come as though from another throat. “I can’t take it!”

      “You’ve already got it, baby,” Bob said hoarsely, forcing his cock as deep as it would go. “I told you it’d be easy. Grit your teeth and hang on!”

      Bob drew his hips back until the head of his cock almost slipped from Phil’s tight asshole. Then he drove it forward again, drew it back, thrust it forward. Phil felt the fury, the passion, the body smashing down on him, pinning him to the firm mattress; he heard the man’s panting breath, the groans of desire; he saw the world spin before his eyes, flames licking at his brain, brilliant colors bursting in the darkness that closed about him. From far off, Phil heard a voice, choked, straining, begging for it to stop, and he realized vaguely that it was his own voice.

      “All the way, baby!” Bob cried, oblivious of Phil’s begging. “Give it to me!” He wrapped his arms about Phil’s waist, jerking the youth’s hips high into the air and driving his trembling dick into the hot, slippery ass for the final time. “Take it, goddamnit—take it!”

      Then it was over. Bob lay heavily on top of Phil, breathing hard, sweat-beads forming between his shoulder blades and dripping down his back. At last, his heart ceased its mad pounding, his breathing slowed to normal, his cock softened between the young sailor’s cheeks.

      “That’s okay, kid,” he said gently, rubbing his hands over Phil’s shoulders and arms. “We’ll just lie here like this for a little while. Lie here like this with my dong still inside you. And when it gets hard again, I’ll roll you over on your back and let you try it that way. And after that....” He sighed. “You’ll get the full treatment tonight, Phil!”


      The lessons had been learned, each in its own time. Hesitantly at first, then with more and more confidence, the youth had put his training to use, taking what he wanted, offering what he wished. Slowly he had learned what he liked and what he didn’t like, how to get what he wanted to get and not give what he didn’t want to give. Where he had once feared the demanding giant at his groin, now he felt its virile strength proudly, knowing the many forms of satisfaction it could give him.

      And so youth gave way to manhood, and student became teacher....

      * * * *

      Phil stood on the beach stripped to the waist, tight-binding Levi’s hanging low on his hips. The night was dark but he could see the restless surf wash against the sand in endless motion. He rubbed one hand over the soft blond hair curling over his broad full chest, and he grinned, thinking of the first time he had come here....

      That was three years ago, and he had been young and innocent as he had lain naked on the blanket and allowed Jack to drink down the fire that burned so hotly between his legs. He chuckled softly as he thought of his first fumbling attempts to give Jack the same satisfaction that night, and of the other men on whom he had practiced and become proficient. He thought of the delights in discovering new methods, new experiences with each new partner. He remembered warmly the words of praise for his handsome face, his powerful body, his massive genitals. And he smiled as he thought how willing these men had been to do whatever he wanted.

      Ted had been willing. He had talked rough and demanding, but he had given himself to Phil in a way that the sailor had not then experienced before. With that experience came an irresistible need for repeating it—again and again—with many men, willing and unwilling.

      Phil himself had been unwilling when Bob first forced him into accepting this same act. But here too, he had learned and learned well.

      Phil sucked in a deep breath. He was no longer the slim, lithe youth with innocent eyes, smooth chest and loins aching for unknown experiences. His features had grown strong, handsome, mature, and his body was solidly muscled and ruggedly developed. Proudly he let one hand find the bulging crotch of his Levi’s and feel the powerful warmth beneath the coarse cloth. He’d come a long way in three years!

      Phil turned and sauntered slowly to the large blanket spread on the sand. Walt, a husky sailor several years younger than Phil, lay there on his back. Shirtless, a light growth of dark hair shadowed his high-curved chest and made a soft trail down over his belly, disappearing beneath his Levi’s. His black hair was short-cut, his features neat and youthful, and he

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