The Tijuana Bible Reader. Victor J. Banis

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The Tijuana Bible Reader - Victor J. Banis

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bastard! I’m going to have you until you can’t walk!” Ted’s hands massaged Phil’s muscle-ridged back strongly, working down slowly to his waist hips, his slim, tight-curved cheeks. “What an ass!” he sighed. “It’s so tight, Phil—I can feel what it’ll be like already!”

      Eagerly, Ted forced Phil over on his back, falling on him heavily. Phil felt Ted’s lips pressed against his own, and then Ted’s hot tongue was driving like a spear-head into his mouth. The man’s nakedness was pressing down on the youth, and Phil felt the growing excitement of the sensuous lips and the probing tongue. For the first time he was experiencing this act and finding it pleasant. Then Ted was pulling free.

      “You like to French, don’t you?” Ted murmured with a smile, falling on his back beside Phil.

      “Yeah, I guess so,” Phil grinned, running one hand over the man’s mature body.

      “What else do you like?”

      Phil grasped Ted’s cock and placed it upright against his own as he sprawled on top of him. “I dunno—what do you suggest?”

      Ted wrapped his arms about the youth and chuckled. “I want to lay you on your back and French you all over. And every time you get hard, I want to take it.” He ran his hands down over Phil’s strong back. “I want to do you ‘til you’re worn out.” He rubbed his palms over the young sailor’s trim cheeks and felt them tense. “Then I want to brown you!” Ted smeared his fingers across his mouth quickly, covering them with spit and then working them deep into Phil’s ass. “You’ve got a real tight one, but I know you can take it. I’ll be nice and gentle—and you’ll love it. C’mon, honey,” he whispered, his voice husky with excitement, “let me screw you!”

      Phil answered by dropping his full weight on the man, forcing their bodies even tighter together and searching out Ted’s mouth with his lips. For the first time, he drove his tongue between the lips, duplicating Ted’s quivering movements, then driving it into the warm, damp mouth fully. Then Ted jerked his head away.

      “I can’t wait!” he cried. “Take me! My God, take me!”

      Infected with Ted’s fury, Phil pressed even harder against the man’s tense nakedness and found his mouth once more with his tongue. Ted struggled to free himself, and then a tremendous spasm shook through his body. An instant later, his cock trembled convulsively and then unloaded its liquid burden against Phil’s belly. The climax ended as suddenly as it had begun, and Ted turned his head away, groaning.

      “I wanted you to take it, Phil.... You lousy bastard, I wanted you to take it at least.”

      Phil rolled to his knees beside Ted, breathing hard. “I—I didn’t think you’d go so fast.”

      Ted stared at the husky, naked youth and at the huge, rigid cock jutting from his groin as if demanding its satisfaction. “Fuck me, Phil,” he murmured thickly, twisting away on his side. “Shove it to me all the way!”

      Phil stared at the broad, smooth back and the full, relaxed cheeks. Numbly, he felt the angry desire within him and recognized this new source of relief. Quickly he bent forward and thrust his dick between the waiting cheeks.

      “Oh no!” Ted groaned. “You’re too big to take bare! Use some of my come to make it easier.”

      Phil reared back and ran his fingers over his belly, collecting the thick, cold liquid which Ted’s climax had left there. Then he rubbed it over the head of his taut dick, feeling its stickiness drip down along the throbbing length of the organ. Breathing hard, he bent forward and slid his pole between Ted’s cheeks.

      “What a fucking machine!” Ted exclaimed. “I’ll give it a ride to remember!” He reached back swiftly and seized the trembling organ, guiding it easily into his ass. “There, it’s all yours!”

      Phil felt the warm flesh open before the demanding head of his cock. He felt the new sensation, the excitement, the desire. Ted rose to his hands and knees, and Phil drove his cock forward into him.

      “Screw it in, kid! Let me have all of it!”

      The youth quickly found the speed, the position, the rhythm that pleased him most. This new act was wildly exciting, and he soon felt Ted’s hips rising to meet the solid thrusts of his organ. Then the demands within him were overwhelming him, closing about him, cutting him off from reality. He did not hear Ted’s cries of delight and pain and passion; he withdrew into a secret world where his mastery of this man was his total existence.

      “Harder, Phil! Don’t be afraid! Jam it to me!”

      The rhythm became wild and uncontrollable. The flames in the youth’s groin burned white-hot and demanding. And after what seemed like an eternity of fury, the throbbing flood burst its banks and boiled over. The sailor cried out and held the man tightly, driving the aching climax into him feverishly....

      Phil lay on his back, lost in the darkened world of his satisfaction. He felt relaxed and strong and more alive than he had thought possible. Then he felt a damp towel rubbing over his flesh, washing his crotch carefully. Opening his eyes, he found Ted, still naked, bending over him, a pleased smile on his face.

      “Gees, that was great, Ted!”

      “You acted like you’d never done that before,” Ted chuckled. “I guess a lot of guys are afraid to try a piece of meat as big as yours. I’m glad I’m not!”

      “So am I!”

      Ted straddled Phil’s hips and bent low over him. “That isn’t the only position, you know. I’ll show you another as soon as you get it stiff again.” He reached into Phil’s crotch and gripped the heavy, relaxed cock. “Lovely!”

      “Better take it easy,” Phil smiled proudly. “That little beggar gets hungry real fast when you play with him.”

      “You’re an athletic young stud,” Ted sighed, rubbing his hands up over Phil’s torso. “I want to have it every time you get hard—all night long.” He lowered his body to the youth’s and embraced him. “I put a jar of Vaseline on the table there. Use all you need, honey.”

      ACT III

      The innocence of youth retreated farther into the past with each new experience.

      Phil’s body was maturing into solid, virile manhood, and with that manhood came a further intensity of the desire within him. Night after night he sought men who would worship before his magnificent young body and relieve the passions filling him. He went back to Ted often at first, but as time passed, he found other men eager to gain their own satisfaction in accepting a young sailor’s demands. Phil was young and handsome, and his passion seemed almost unending. He knew what he liked, and he took what he wanted.

      The student had learned many things from his teachers. Now he was to receive an unexpected lesson....

      * * * *

      The three young sailors staggered down the street toward the lonely row of darkened barracks.

      “Shit,” Jack muttered, “everybody gets leave except us. Shit!”

      “We oughta have a party,” Phil said, stumbling against Jack and leaning on his shoulder heavily.

      “You’ve already had a party,”

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