The Tijuana Bible Reader. Victor J. Banis

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The Tijuana Bible Reader - Victor J. Banis

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      “Is your father, by any chance, Zeus, the King of the gods?” Hercules asked then.

      “Why, yes!” Equesto replied.

      “Then, old fellow,” Herc said, slipping an arm affectionately about the Centaur’s shoulder, and loving the feel of rippling muscle against his flesh that sent a helpless stiffness pulsing into his big peter, “we’re half-brothers because Zeus is my dad, too!”

      “What?” Equesto exclaimed, astounded.

      “Let’s face it, boy, our old man is a fuckin’ fool!” Hercules grinned. “He was diddling around my old lady’s crack too, and she just happened to remark she’d like just once to be jazzed by a real bull. Yep, just like that he changed into a big rutting bull and he creamed her with that huge cock and loaded balls until the juice was pouring out of her and she was pleading for mercy! Fortunately his real wife didn’t catch them, so I was born okay...but I got those big balls and peter from Pa!” He held up his meat in his hands, perhaps fondling it a bit too much and that old tool was beginning to stick out stiffly.

      Equesto eyed the herculean (if you excuse the expression) prick, with a far from casual gaze. “Beautiful! Just beautiful!” he said, reverently.

      “You’re kinda hung, too!” Hercules said admiringly, because the Centaur was having a little trouble between his legs also!

      “Which brings me to my problem, Herky!” Equesto said, as his huge penis lifted heavily. “It’s sex!”

      At the strong man’s quizzical look, the Centaur went on, “Well, as you can see,” he said, indicating his enormous cock which hung on a throbbing horizontal by now, “my damn tool is just too far removed to reach comfortably with my hands, so I can’t even jack myself off! As far as women are concerned I despise them and wouldn’t touch one of the bitches, even if I could. What I’d really like to do is knock it off with another guy, but every man I’ve propositioned has turned white as a sheet, gasped, and high-tailed it out of there! So I’ve got a constant case of the hots, and who wants to relieve his nuts just in ‘Wet Dreams?’ Then I saw you, Herky, never realizing you were my brother...but so much the better, because I believe you can help me if you will!”

      Hercules’ eyes misted with tears of sympathy for his brother’s predicament. He knew what it was to have the yen...real bad...but he had never had any trouble finding guys to fuck or suck. Most men were happy to oblige a fellow with a big juicy prick...if he was a man! But who ever heard of screwing around with a horse? “You’re damn right I’ll help you, buddy!” the muscular youth said, trying to figure out how to tackle this problem, and eager to get to it, because Equesto’s magnificent penis made his mouth water. His own prick wasn’t doing too bad either, hard and twitchy with delicious little tingles trickling up from his big balls, and Equesto fondling it with his hand, wasn’t making it any easier! “Why don’t you try sitting down for a start,” Hercules suggested, trying to help his brother as he wriggled and slid about awkwardly until he was resting on his butt, with his cumbersome hind legs spraddled ungracefully. But who the heck was thinking of grace with that massive peter sticking up like a young tree-trunk, jerking exquisitely with anticipation? Gods! That dick must have been well over twelve inches long and every bit of three inches thick, and the utter stiffness had skinned back the glans so that it thrust out burstingly like an enormous purplish plum, sleek with juices.

      “Let’s see!” Herc said, more or less to himself, as he slid down beside his brother, his own pecker reaching out so stiffly it ached.

      Equesto might have been driven out of his fucking mind by its beauty, if he hadn’t been so concerned just then with his own peter. He couldn’t help sobbing out happily as Hercules’ fingers curled about his big hunk of meat and pumped it tenderly. “Ooooh,” he moaned, “that feels so good! That feels so good!”

      And it was true! The knowing touch of an expert hand can send sweet shivers of sensation tingling through a guy’s nuts! Equesto leaned back, quivering with an indescribable delight, sighing with happiness in this newly found pleasure of those stroking fingers. And it gave Hercules a particular thrill in his own testicles to watch the shuddering, whimpering ecstasy of his brother over such unimportant stimulation. The muscle builder had known far more exquisite refinements of genital manipulation he had picked up in his travels, and especially in his voyage with the Argonauts and Jason in the search for the Golden Fleece. Believe me, those guys didn’t just pull at oars! And Herc intended to share some of that delicious knowledge with this poor victim of Hera’s bitchery!

      The Centaur was lolling back, steeping his senses in that flickering digital dallying between his wide, wavering hind legs, as his brother worked the swollen stud’s shaft up and down between his fingers, sometimes dragging the thin foreskin down fiercely so that the glands popped up like a fat succulent egg of enormous size, the lip of it gaping and oozing wetly with the slimy clear secretion of desire.

      Hercules gazed at the swollen, glistening bulb hungrily. He had blown some pretty big boogers in his time. He had often said that Jason had the largest peter in the world (modestly, of course, excluding himself!) But this joy-job put even the gorgeous Jason to shame! And now, hungry to taste it on his tongue, he leaned over quickly, sinking his lecherous liquid lips down over the tremendous tit. Seized with the sudden sucking sensation that sent darts of stinging sweetness streaking through his balls and belly, Equesto squealed out deliriously, retching under the strong grip of his brawny brother. If Here’s mouth had been free, he would have squealed too, for this was the best tasting penis he had ever eaten...a marvelously ripe animal flavor in the warm, hard, throbbing meat, the richly salty jets of piss that squirted generously over his taste-buds with each dredging drag of his lips up the succulent nipple. Already he had forgotten Equesto as his fingers laced demandingly about the Centaur’s swollen root and he lugged great nursing sucks off the tool between his twisting lips....

      “Oh, shit, Herky,” Equesto sobbed, “I just can’t take this any longer laying down!” His brother did not even stop in his munching, muttering feast on that luscious peter to answer, and as the Centaur struggled clumsily to his feet deliciously incapacitated by those delirious lips as by his ungainly build, Hercules did not lose a single suck on that tasty tit.

      Rearing and resting his front hoofs on a tree trunk, the happy half-man, half-horse looked down on the frantically bobbing head of his princely brother, hardly able to believe that anything could feel so thrillingly good as the rich, velvety slide of those lips, massaging his throbbing meat rhythmically. “Ooo baby,” he wept blissfully, “I never knew anything could be so beautiful! Oh, I saw Ganymede blowing Zeus one time...the way the old man retched back, all out of control, sobbing hysterically as the kid tapped his nuts with his lips...but I never knew it could be this utterly beautiful!”

      Well, Hercules knew how ole Zeus had felt! One time he had waggled his prick at that cute kid, Ganymede, and they had slipped off behind some rocks and the boy had wrapped those lips around Herc’s prong and had sucked the strong man down to his knees, jerking and crying out with a babbling idiocy as it felt like his big balls were melting off with sensation and being drunk down the lad’s greedy throat along with his cum. Zeus hadn’t kidnapped that boy from his parents for nothing...that boy knew how to eat a peter, and loved that hot creamy cum more than all the ambrosia on Olympus! There wasn’t a male god who hadn’t been sucked clean out of his mind by that marvelous child!

      But Hercules hadn’t known there was a dick anywhere as delicious as this one! It had a taste in its long, thick, glistening stem that tantalized his tongue insanely. Hanging on Equesto’s quivering haunches, the muscular gay-boy twisted and turned his lips up and down on the nozzle trying to capture the furtive flavor that drove him wild with desire! Mmmm, it was so good! Maybe it was in the glans! He hung on the huge spastic shaft that protruded brown and

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