Unlocking Your Intuition. Carol Ann Liaros

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Unlocking Your Intuition - Carol Ann Liaros

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      Psychic is someone who receives information from beyond the five physical senses of seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, or tasting.

      Psychokinesis (PK) also referred to as telekinesis. It is the influence of mind over matter—the ability to move or influence objects by thought. Spoon bending and table tipping are examples of this phenomenon.

      Remote Viewing is the term used to gather information from a distance without the use of the five senses.

      Retrocognition involves having or perceiving knowledge of the past through psychic or intuitive means.

      Telepathy is mind-to-mind communication, more commonly known as “mind reading.” Telepathy, which is not to be confused with clairaudience, involves direct contact with another person’s thoughts. Telepathic communication may be perceived word for word or as a general impression. Some individuals are better at sending telepathic thoughts, while others at receiving them.

       Suggestions When Visiting a Psychic

      • Every person has his or her own area of expertise. If possible, find out if it is relationships, precognition, retrocognition, locating lost objects, etc. What are your needs?

      • Make a list of questions to cover everything you want to know. Some people are nervous or intrigued with information the psychic gives them and may leave with questions unanswered.

      • Be prepared: If the psychic does psychometry, have all of your objects ready. Follow the instructions of the psychic. Allow the reader to proceed in his or her own manner. Record the reading. Sometimes we hear what we want to hear, not what was said. Also, you can check the accuracy of the psychic to discover what areas he or she has been most accurate for you. (Be concerned if the person will not allow taping.)

      • Do not send telepathic messages. You will not want your fears/guesses/wishes fed back to you.

      • Be courteous, even if you are a skeptic. The individual deserves to be treated with consideration. As the psychic is concentrating, do not rattle papers, smoke, squirm in your seat, interrupt, or display other distracting behaviors.

      • Do not press for information. The psychic will give you everything he or she receives. A good reading is designed to help you cope with your life.

      • Be discerning. Not critical.

      • Keep an open mind—but not a sieve!

      • Remember the percentage of accuracy varies with each psychic. Get the perspective of friends whose judgment you trust to review the reading with you. Sometimes our blind spots interfere with our evaluation!

      • Inaccuracies can occur in readings if the psychic is reading your mind (telepathy) or misinterpreting information he or she receives. It can be a good idea to ask how the person receives the information. You may recognize the information while he or she may be interpreting from his or her own experiences. Be willing to verify.

      • After the reading is completed, share the information that you can verify. Psychics are human and feedback can be very helpful for them. If the psychic makes predictions, it would be very thoughtful to write and let the person know the outcome.

      • Do not try to prolong the reading beyond the agreed-upon time limit.

      • Do not expect the psychic to remember your reading—and maybe even you!


       Relaxation and Concentration: The First Lesson

      Since tension and interference by the intellect are the most common barriers to the psychic processes, relaxation and concentration are the most important keys to using your ESP. Intuitive impressions are subtle and sometimes elusive. Too much tension acts as a kind of anesthetic that numbs your sensitivity to higher levels of awareness. This static blocks your sensitive feelings. Relaxation, on the other hand, increases your sensitivity to physical and mental perception of all kinds. In fact, each of your intuition exercises should begin with some type of a relaxation technique, such as the one offered in this chapter.

      As you explore your own intuition, it will become clear why relaxing the body and concentrating the mind are so important. But in addition to developing ESP, there are many more good reasons for relaxation and concentration. One is stress reduction. Stress is one of the major causes of physical, mental, and emotional disease. Excessive stress on the body and the nervous system can result in imbalance, often leading to illness, bodily disorders, and even premature death. In the last few decades, society has recognized this problem and has responded with increased emphasis on “wellness” programs, physical exercise, yoga, and meditation.

      In addition to quieting the mind and relaxing the body, relaxation techniques have positive effects upon an individual’s physical health and mental/emotional well-being. In many ways, relaxation is similar to the practice of meditation, which has been scientifically proven to be beneficial. Individuals who practice meditation regularly experience a calm and relaxed state of body and mind, renewed vitality, mental alertness, and increased concentration. They feel less stress in their lives and seem to cope better when stressful situations arise. Meditators also report having more restful sleep patterns or require less sleep to begin with.

      Psychologists who have studied meditation have found regular meditators to be happier, more relaxed, and often able to demonstrate more openness and empathy in their relationships than individuals who don’t meditate. Meditation has also proven to be effective in curing or improving physical and mental disorders such as ulcers, allergies, asthma, depression, anxiety, arthritis, and even epileptic seizures.

      Developing ESP, like practicing meditation, requires more than relaxation. It requires concentration. I define concentration as keen, one-pointed attention. It is the process of focusing the content of your awareness to such a fine point that it is able to break through to an even higher finer level of sensitivity. Like relaxation, concentration involves letting go. It involves releasing all of the thoughts and the worries that preoccupy your mind and instead focusing your attention upon a single object of concentration. As you learn to let go of the tension in your body and mind while focusing your attention on the matter at hand, you will find that intuitive exercises are easier and much more fun than you imagined.

      Although this may sound labor-intensive, working with your intuition is actually a lot simpler than the ways in which we normally attempt to accomplish something. In fact, I find it much easier to simply relax and concentrate on what I need to know or gently focusing upon what problem I need to solve (allowing the process of ESP to do the work for me) rather than feeling as though I must “DO” something. I sometimes say, “ESP is for lazy people.” And by lazy, I don’t mean being irresponsible or doing nothing; I mean doing things in an easy, relaxed manner. Many of us have a difficult time with relaxing because we are taught that to be productive, worthwhile individuals we have to struggle and work very hard. I enjoy working, but because I often do things in an easier fashion, I have the time and energy to enjoy myself, no matter what activity I’m involved in.

      It is helpful for the intuitive process to include a relaxation and concentration exercise before every ESP exercise.

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