Unlocking Your Intuition. Carol Ann Liaros

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Unlocking Your Intuition - Carol Ann Liaros

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can recognize how you receive future events. When I see or feel them slightly to the left that is the past; when they are to the right, they tend to be about the future, directly in front of me is the present. Some people discover the opposite is true for them.

      Keeping a journal will help keep you balanced and humble. When doing readings, some people have a tendency to remember the correct answers and forget the misses; others are at the opposite end of the spectrum. They remember all the things that were wrong and don’t remember what was right until their friends say, “Oh, don’t you remember, you said. . . .” There it is in black and white in your journal and can be an accuracy barometer of your abilities. The psychic arena is one in which it is easy to get too egotistical or self-deluded; it is a field in which there can be a great deal of self-delusion. If you are doing really well and people are extremely complimentary, it is very easy to lose your perspective and become egotistical. However, if you have a record of your impressions, review your journal notes, and are aware of which impressions were correct and of which ones were not correct, you will discover the areas in which your accuracy seems to be higher. Just because someone is psychic doesn’t mean he or she is accurate in all areas. Most people tend to be more accurate in the areas in which they are interested.

      As I was keeping this notebook, one of my discoveries was that I seem to be skillful in precognition. In a scientific experiment that lasted for two years, I was tested and was found to be 93 to 97% accurate when predicting the future. However, I became interested in the 7% inaccuracy. Why aren’t readings 100% accurate? I discovered there are many reasons for inaccuracy. Some of the reasons are the following: the future can be changed; the way you are feeling that day affects accuracy; negative ions in the air stimulate psychic ability. The scientists kept records of moon phases, and it became obvious that during a full moon my scores went up; my accuracy also increased when I had my period! All my friends wanted a reading when there was a full moon, and I had my period! There are many things that influence accuracy.

      As you keep this notebook, you will learn your own symbols—some symbols are universal and some are personal. I also found my attitude about the readings was influential in the accuracy. When you have an aversion to a person and still make the heart connection, you get in touch with the soul; negativity disappears and probably won’t interfere in the reading at all.

       Key Number Five—Be a People Watcher

      Being a people watcher is a characteristic many psychics seem to share, and an erroneous assumption held by most was that everyone was a people watcher! I became aware that wasn’t necessarily true when I was sent to Jean Houston’s institute in Pomona, NY, where she was going to train two of us for three days. A woman, an architect, who also worked at The Human Dimensions Institute and I were chosen to go. After participating in some exercises, Jean gave each of us the thesis for her next PhD. She explained that we were to symbolically change places by doing everything the way the other person did them. We went to dinner where I proceeded to sit in the corner so I could see the door. The conversation went something like this with my friend asking “Why are you sitting there?” and my reply “I like to see the door.” “Why do you like to see the door?” “I like to see the people come in.” “Why do you like to see the people come in?” Now I’m getting exasperated! “Well, don’t you?” I asked. “I like to look at them. You know you can tell by the look on their face and the way they hold themselves, if they are happy, or sad, or angry.” She wanted to know why I cared. I explained that I like to make up a story about the people I see. For example, this person looks angry, and I make up a story about her. She had a fight with her sister, and because they are in business together, it’s affecting the business and the family. She replied “I never heard of that!” At that point, I wanted to know what she did. She explained she sits with her back to the door so she will not be distracted from the person with whom she is talking. I couldn’t believe it! In order to follow Jean’s instructions, she had me sit with my back to the door while she sat facing the door. She watched the people come in and made up stories about them. We both had difficulty in our changed positions.

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