Conviction Fitness. Chas Allen

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Conviction Fitness - Chas Allen

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      Mental Exercise 4 of 5

       Find Your Motivation

      Step 1: Identify 3 powerful hopes or fears that motivate you to get ripped.

      What is something you deeply wish for yourself?

      Or, what is something you greatly do not wish for yourself?

      Step 2: Take action.

      Turn your hope into a fantasy: Hope rests at arms length. Fantasy is up close, personal, and active. Or stand up against your fear: Turn your fear into anger to fuel you.

      Step 3: Visualize what fuels you. Embody it. See yourself living in your fantasy or fighting against your fear.

      Step 4: Use them. Let your motivations drive you to push harder, to keep your commitments, and to get stronger. Every day. Every time you train.

      Advance to: Improve Focus: Create Intensity

      Improve Focus: Create Intensity: 5 of 5

      Focus creates intensity. Like a magnifying glass focusing the sun, amplify your efforts.

      Every day inside the walls of The Lock Down feels like walking a tightrope. You can cut the tension in the air with a self-made shank made from a toothbrush. Use the imagery of this intense way of life to sharpen yourself.

      Mediocre effort produces mediocre results. Your life is on the line and you don’t have time to waste on mediocre effort. You need a sense of urgency about you. You need to create intensity. Intensity of effort is what achieves greatness. Strengthen your focus.

      Here’s how:

      Keys to Unlock Your Focus: (Bonus)

      Be Present: Embrace each moment fully by feeling and thinking only about what is happening, now.

      Abolish Limiting Beliefs: Remove all negative thoughts from your training sessions. Replace “I can’t” with “I can and I will”.

      Mastery: Develop mastery with repetition and practice of proper form.

      Act: Overthinking dilutes focus. Don’t think, just act.

      Confidence: Believe that you can achieve what you attempt and you will.

      Passion: Embrace the struggle and love your obstacles. The resistance that you push against is what builds your strength.

      Eliminate Distractions: Remove anything from your training sessions that take your focus away from your workout.

      Increase Willpower: Harness your own willpower. Develop it like a muscle. Every choice that you commit to, follow it through. As your willpower grows in strength, so do you.

      Mental Exercise 5 of 5

       Improve Focus: Create Intensity

      Step 1: Sit in a chair in an upright position.

      Step 2: Don’t move a single muscle for 15-20 minutes.

      Step 3: Observe your thoughts.

      Step 4: Replace any negative thoughts with positive, reinforcing thoughts.

      Advance to: Lock Down Nutrition

      Convict Fit Nutrition: Simplify your nutrition with the Golden Ratio

      Chow time! All inmates report to the chow hall! Hurry up, Inmate 10147-032! Line up and get your trey! Move!

      You’re here to get ripped. Most foods are heavy in carbohydrates and fats. The slop served in prisons is barely considered edible. But as an inmate, you have to get creative.

      You are what you eat. If you want to be lean, ripped, and packed with muscle, then you better eat like it, inmate. Shift your thinking. It’s not about the taste. You’re in the chow line now! It’s about the end result.

       Here’s the key, follow the Golden Ratio:

       4: Protein

       2: Carbohydrates

       1: Fats

      For every four grams of protein, you eat you should eat two grams of carbohydrates and only one gram of fats. Read the labels. Simplify your thinking. Think high in protein, low in carbs, and even lower in fats.

      Packs of mackerel are solid currency inside prison walls. Add a lean protein to any meal and cut back on carbs to boost your ratio.

      Advance to: Lights Out

      Lights Out: The Lock Down Sleep Requirements

      Lights out! No excuses. Shut the lights off or go to the hole!

      You have 8 weeks to get right and get ripped. Your body is on Lock Down every day and every night. You’re here to train, inmate. Sleep, rest, and recovery are just as important as your workouts.

      Muscle fibers work similarly to skin tissue when you get cut. The skin tears and forms a scar. The scar tissue becomes stronger and harder than the original skin. Similarly, your muscle fibers rip and tear during your workouts, then with rest, grow back stronger and harder.

      During your 8 weeks on LockDown, your body is going to be tearing itself down every day and rebuilding itself every night. The harder you push yourself with the weights, the harder you need to push yourself to get deep restorative sleep.

      Get 8-10 hours of sleep per night. Cut the excuses. And cut the lights.

      Advance to: Body Armor

      Body Armor: Adapt to change with flexibility

      Only the strong survive, right? Evolution and time in Convict Fit prove otherwise. The ability to adapt and evolve guarantees survival. Under the pressures of living in Cell Block-D, your body is going to be strapping itself tighter with ropes of muscle like powerful body armor. But if your body becomes too tight, too rigid, you won’t survive.

      Include a light stretch after your workouts. Stretching relieves the tension built inside your muscles during your training and speed recovery. It lubricates your joints and prevents injury. It even increases the amount of weight you can lift.

      Think of your muscles like a catapult. The longer the arm of the catapult stretches back before it releases energy, the farther the boulder flies. Protect your

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