Conviction Fitness. Chas Allen

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Conviction Fitness - Chas Allen

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weighted plate to your chest with arms crossing in front of your body. From the elevated start position, hinge at the waist and lower your torso. Rise upward while maintaining your hold on the weight.


      Grab a stationary overhead bar, or assisted pull-up bar, with a wide double overhand grip. Begin at a dead hang and pull your body upward bringing your chest to the bar. Lower to near dead hang position. Repeat.

      Plank: 60 seconds: 3 sets

      Position two dumbbells shoulder-width apart on the ground. Tighten your core and fully extend your body to balance on your toes and gripped dumbbells. Maintain a straight back and legs.

      Side Plank: 30 seconds: 3 sets each side

      Grip a grounded dumbbell. Turn the body to one side and extend the legs. Balance on one hand and one foot, with the other foot stacked on top. Extend the top arm to form a straight line through the body.

      Cell Block-A: Day 3 Chest

       Incline Bench Press

      Pull your shoulder blades together, allowing your chest to open and isolate the pectoral muscles. Lower the bar or dumbbells toward your upper chest. Stop downward momentum 1-2 inches above your chest. Press upward to near extension of the arms.


      Grip two dumbbells above your upper chest. Lower the weights while slightly turning the top of the dumbbell to touch the bottom of your pectoral muscle. Keep elbows tucked to the body as you lower and press upward through the center of the chest.

       Decline Bench – Barbell

      Pull your shoulder blades together, allowing your chest to open and isolate the pectoral muscles. Lower the bar toward your upper chest, stopping downward momentum 1-2 inches above your chest. Press upward to near extension of the arms.

       Decline Flies – Wide Stretch

      Extend your arms with dumbbells gripped above your chest, palms facing inward. Control the weight as you allow the dumbbells to stretch wide to either side. Isolate your chest muscles as you pull the dumbbells back to center above your chest.

       Standing Plate Press

      Choose a weighted plate, either 25, 35, 45 pounds, or more. Squeeze the plate with one flat hand on each side. Lock the shoulder blades together with perfect posture throughout the lift. Press the plate outward in front of your chest. Return to center.


      Grip each bar with palms facing inward. Begin in an elevated position with arms extended. Bend at the elbows and allow your weighted body to lower until your arms achieve a 90 degrees angle. Press through your palms to raise your body back to position with arms nearly extended.

       Cardio: Choose One

      Focus on short bursts of intensity. Sprint then recover. 5-10 minutes total.



      Jump Rope

      Shadow Box

      Run Stairs

      Mountain Climbers

      Jumping Jacks


      Row Machine

      Stationary Bicycle

      Stair Stepper

      Elliptical Machine

      Cell Block-A: Day 4 Legs

       Front Squats

      Grip a dumbbell with palms facing upward. Lower your hips to break the 90 degrees plane at the knees. Maintain a strong spine with no round in the lower or upper back. Press through the heels to explode powerfully up to standing position.

       Standard Squats

      Place a bar across your traps and shoulders. Position your feet shoulder-width apart. Lower your hips to break the 90 degrees plane at the knees. Maintain a strong spine with no round in the lower or upper back. Press through the heels to explode powerfully up to standing position.

       Straight Leg Deadlifts

      Stand above a bar or two dumbbells placed on the ground in front of you. Stand with feet slightly closer than shoulder-width apart. Bend at the waist to grab the weight, maintaining a nearly locked position with your legs throughout the lift. Flex through the back, glutes, and hamstrings to raise your torso and lift the weight. Lower and repeat.


      Position a weighted bar across your shoulders and traps, or hold dumbbells on both sides of your body. Take a long stride forward. Bend at the knee to form a 90 degrees angle with the lead leg. Allow the back knee to bend and nearly touch the ground. Propel your front leg upward and return to standing position. Switch legs and repeat.

       Standing Calf Raises

      Place weighted plates on the ground. Step onto the plates with the balls of your feet at a slight elevation, leaving heels resting on the ground. Position a bar across your shoulders and traps, or grip dumbbells on each side of your body. Flex and focus on your calves as you rise onto the balls of your feet. Lower to starting position, touching your heels to the ground.

       Leg Extensions

      Sit in an elevated position with knees extended over the edge of a flat bench or similar flat. Place and grip a dumbbell between the feet (or use a leg extension machine). Extend the legs at the knees, lifting the weight through isolation of the quad muscles.

       Incline Raises

      Begin by laying on the back, either at an incline or on a level surface. Grip the edge of a bench or an immobile object behind the head for control. Raise the legs to a pike position while simultaneously lifting the lower back to extend the body and legs high into the air. Lower the back and legs to starting position and repeat.

       Incline Twists

      Perform an incline raise, lying in an incline position or on a level surface. Keep the shoulders against the bench as the torso lifts. Simultaneously twist the abdomen to one side extending to the highest peak possible. Lower and repeat in the opposite direction.

      Cell Block-A: Day 5 Arms

       Standing Bicep Curls

      Stand in an athletic

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