The Travels of Ludovico di Varthema: In Egypt, Syria, Arabia Deserta and Arabia Felix, in Persia, India, and Ethiopia, A.D. 1503 To 1508. Ludovico di Varthema

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The Travels of Ludovico di Varthema: In Egypt, Syria, Arabia Deserta and Arabia Felix, in Persia, India, and Ethiopia, A.D. 1503 To 1508 - Ludovico di Varthema

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described; Varthema hides in a mosque, 52; agrees with a ship-master going to Persia, and sails, 54.

      Chapter showing why the Red Sea is not navigable, 54.


      Chapter concerning the City of Gezan [Gazan], and of its fer-

      tility, 55, 56.

      Chapter concerning some people called Baduin [Bedawin], 56-57.

      Chapter concerning the island of the Red Sea called Chama-

      ram [Camran], 57, 58.

      The island and its productions, 57; the mouth of the Red Sea, and island of Bebmendo (Bab el-Mandeb); arrival at Aden, 58.

      Chapter concerning the city of Aden, and of some customs respect-

      ing the merchants, 59, 65.

      Aden described; intense heat; Castle (of Seerah), 59; mode of securing the Sultan's dues from ships; Varthema denounced as a Christian spy, and put in irons, 60; sent to the Sultan at a city called Rhada (Radâä), 61; dialogue with the Sultan; the author


      professes to be a Mahomedan, but cannot utter the creed, and is cast into prison, 63; Sultan's guard of Abyssinians; their dress and arms, 64; camels and tents, Go.

      Chapter concerning the partiality of the women of Arabia Felix for

       white men, 65-68.

      The Queen's kindness to Varthema, 65 ; he feigns madness, 66, 67; he is removed to the palace, 68.

      Chapter concerning the liberality of the Queen, 68-73.

      The Queen makes much of him, but he evades her advances, 68-70; she procures his release from the Sultan, 71; he goes to Aden and engages a passage to India, 73.

      Chapter concerning Lagi, a city of Arabia Felix, and concerning

      Aiaz, and the market in Aiaz, and the castle Dante, 73-75. Whilst the ship delays he travels over Arabia Felix; to Lagi (Lahej), 73; Aiaz ('Az'az), 74; Mahomedan sects; strong city of Dante (Damt), 75.

      Chapter concerning Almacarana, a city of Arabia Felix, and of its

       abundance, 75-77.

      Goes to Almacrana (El-Makranah), a city on a mountain, 75; great reservoir; and the Sultan's treasure kept there, 77.

      Chapter concerning Reame, a city of Arabia Felix, and of its air,

      and of the customs of the inhabitants, 77, 78.

      Goes to Reame (Yerim), 77; fat-tailed sheep; seedless grapes; longevity of people, 78; fashion of horns.

      Chapter concerning Sana, a city of Arabia Felix, and of the strength

       and cruelty of the King's son, 78-80.

      Goes to Sana (Sanaa), 78; the Sultan's endeavours to capture it, 79; the Sidtan of Sana's mad son, who eats human flesh, 80.

      Chapter concerning Taesa and Zibit and Damar, very large cities

       of Arabia Felix, 80-82.

      Goes to Taesa (Ta'ez), 80; its antiquity and buildings, 81; goes to Zibit (Zebid); goes to Damar (Dhamar), 82.

      Chapter concerning the Sultan of all the above-mentioned cities,

      and wherefore he is called by the name of Sechamir, 83, 84. The name explained; the Sultan puts no one to death but in war; but had thousands in prison.

      Chapter concerning apes, and some animals like lions very hostile

       to man, 84, 85.

      Returns to Aden, 84; finds a mountain with numerous apes, and destructive animals like lions (supposed hyenas), 85; goes on board ship.

      Discourse touching some places of Ethiopia, 85.

      An accident sends them to the coast of Ethiopia, where they enter the port of Zeila (Zaila).

      Chapter concerning Zeila, a city of Ethiopia, and of the abundance


      of it, and concerning some animals of the said city, such as sheep and cows, 86-88.

      Traffic of Zeila, slave trade, &c, 88; products; oil of zerzalino; fat- tailed Berbera sheep, 87; twisted-tailed sheep; stag-horned cows; one-horned cows; the Sultan, his soldiers, &c, 88.

      Chapter concerning Barbara, an island of Ethiopia, and of its

       people, 88-90.

      Arrival at Barbara (Berbera), 88; sails for Persia, 90.


      Chapter concerning Diuobandierrumi, and Goa, and Giulfar, lands

       of Meschet, a port of Persia, 91-93.

      After twelve days reaches Diuobandierrumi (Diu in Guzerat), 91; goes to Goa (Gogha), 92; to Giulfar (Julfar in the Persian Gulf), 93; and Meschet (Maskat).

      Chapter concerning Ormus, a city and island of Persia, and how

       they get very large pearls at it by fishing, 94, 95.

      Chapter concerning the Sultan of Ormus, and of the cruelty of the

      son against the Sultan his father, his mother, and his bro- thers, 96-99.

      The Sultan's eleven sons, the eldest a devil, the youngest simple, 96; the former murders his father, mother, and brothers, except the youngest; he tries to get rid of two powerful favourites of his father, and is slain by one of them, 97, 98; who causes the younger brother to be proclaimed Sultan, 99; the many merchants of Ormus.

      Chapter concerning Eri in Corozani, of Persia, and of its riches,

      and of the abundance of many things, and especially of rhu- barb, 99-101.

      Varthema passes 3 to Persia, and travels to Eri (Herat) in Corazani (Kkorassan), 99; abundance of silk and rhubarb; population, 101.

      Chapter concerning the river Eufra, which I believe to be the

       Euphrates, 101-103.

      Arrives at a large river called by the people Eufra (? Pnlwan), 101; reaches the city Schirazo (Shiraz); turquoises and rubies from Balachsam (Badakhsan), 102; musk, and its power when pure; character of the Persians; liberality and kindness of Cozazionor (Khawaja——), a Persian merchant who proposes that Varthema should travel with him; they set out towards Sambragante (Samar- cand), 103.


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