C. S. Lewis and the Craft of Communication. Steven Beebe

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C. S. Lewis and the Craft of Communication - Steven Beebe

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      1 The Case for C. S. Lewis as Master Communicator

      2 The Making of a Master Communicator

       J. R. R. Tolkien: Oxford Friend and Colleague

       A Most Reluctant Conversion

       Surprised by Marriage: Finding Joy and Observing Grief

       A Well-Read Mind Awake

      3 C. S. Lewis’s Big Ideas

       Longing: The Quest to Find Home

       The Tao: Universal Truth

       Christianity: Lewis’s Primary Sense-Making Lens

       Language: Metaphorical Shaper of Thought and Meaning

       Summary: Lewis’s Big Ideas

      4 Holistic

       Principle One: Effective Communicators Are Holistic

       One Style: Communicating for Both the Eye and the Ear

       Two Lewises: The Integration of Reason and Imagination

       Three Methods: The Integration of Rhetoric, Dialectic, and Poetic




       Summary: The “H” of “HI TEA”: The Principle of Being Holistic

      5 Intentional

       Principle Two: Effective Communicators Are Intentional

       The Meaning of Meaning

       Evidential Meaning

       Psychological Meaning

       Empirical (Symbolic) Meaning

       Master of Invention



       Summary: The “I” of “HI TEA”: The Principle of Being Intentional

      6 Transpositional

       Principle Three: Effective Communicators Are Transpositional

       Translation: A Prelude to Transposition

       Transposition: Communicating from Higher to Lower, Richer to Poorer

       Visual Metaphor: The Technique of Transposition

       Summary: The “T” of “HI TEA”: The Principle of Transposition

      7 Evocative

       Principle Four: Effective Communicators Evoke Emotions

       Evoke by Selecting the Right Word

       Evoke by Using Comparison

       Evoke by Placing Us in the Middle of Things

       Evoke by Telling Stories

       Evoke by Using Myth


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