C. S. Lewis and the Craft of Communication. Steven Beebe

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C. S. Lewis and the Craft of Communication - Steven Beebe

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The “E” of “HI TEA”: The Principle of Evoking Emotions

      8 Audience Centered

       Principle Five: Effective Communicators Are Audience Centered

       Misanalysing His Audience: Learning from Communication Failures

       Editing for the Audience

       Relating to the Audience

       Speaking to an Audience

       Being a Good Audience Member

       Summary: The “A” of “HI TEA”: The Principle of Being Audience Centered

      9 How to Communicate Like C. S. Lewis

       How to Be Holistic

       Communicate for the Eye and Ear

       Use Interesting and Varied Supporting Material

       Communicate to the Whole Mind

       How to Be Intentional

       Have Something to Say

       Develop a Clear Communication Objective

       Use Language Precisely

       How to Be Transpositional

       Use Comparisons Skillfully

       Communicate for the “Mind’s Eye”

       Craft Effective Visual Metaphors

       How to Be Evocative

       Tell Stories

       Get Messages Out of People

       Master Nonverbal Communication Skills

       How to Be an Audience-Centered Communicator

       Enhance Your Credibility

       Select the Appropriate Communication Channel

       Analyze and Adapt to Your Audience

       Remember HI TEA

       Be a Holistic Communicator

       Be an Intentional Communicator

       Be a Transpositional Communicator

       Be an Evocative Communicator

       Be an Audience-Centered Communicator


      ←x | xi→

      Professor Steven Beebe reveals that nobody can fully appreciate the genius of Lewis without seeing the brilliance of Lewis’s skill as a communicator. Lewis’s scholarly books like The Allegory of Love and English Literature in the Sixteenth Century: Excluding Drama are masterpieces for their ability to follow a narrative thread through such a wide fabric of material. They hold a reader’s attention for ←xi | xii→their clarity, their imaginative depiction, and their delightful winsomeness. He was certainly a master communicator as an academic. Furthermore, The Chronicles of Narnia are stories admitted into the very canons of classical children’s literature, next to likes of Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland, Kenneth Grahame’s The Wind in the Willows, the Brothers Grimm, and Hans Christian Anderson. Lewis the master communicator could tell a story to delight the hearts of children. His storytelling skills also classify his science fiction among some of the best of that genre, such as Ray Bradbury and Isaac Asimov. How was it possible that he could communicate with such skill across such wide territory?

      Lewis was also a scintillating debater. As the first president of the Oxford Socratic Club, he became what Oxford Philosopher Austin Farrer called “Oxford’s Bonny Fighter.” Lewis could stand on his own two feet and debate the best minds in Britain during the 1940s to mid-1950s. Nevertheless, his communication skills were not limited merely to oral communication; he was also highly capable when it came to debating in print. His dispute with Professor E. M. W Tillyard in The Personal Heresy is a noteworthy model of academic engagement. There are no ad hominem arguments in the book,

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