DevOps Master Courseware. Alejandro Pestchanker

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DevOps Master Courseware - Alejandro Pestchanker

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      During the full day simulation each of the Training Participants should show the following skills and competences: Overall observations during the simulation.

CompetenceObservede-CF reference
Cooperation and collaboration in the teamAttitude
Communication in the teamD9
Supportive to other training participantsD9
Team playerD9
Apply DevOps knowledge to help the team performanceD9
Has an open learning attitudeD9

      During the full day workshop there are 12 individual exercises. In each round, the co-facilitator(s) will not play roles in the simulation but concentrate on the facilitation exercise. In each round we will swap the roles. One ‘player’ will be facilitator and the facilitator will become ‘player’. The simulation will be organized as follows:


      Each of the participants has to finish a ‘Self-reflection’ document. This document must contain the following aspects:

QuestionFounde-CF reference
1. Which knowledge and skills did you learn during this simulation?D9
2. What can you do with this knowledge and skills?D9
3. Which knowledge and skills do you still need to develop?D9
4. How are you going to develop this knowledge and skills?D9
5. What kind of support do you need and from who?D9

      Describe in a document how you think you can use your new knowledge and skills in a real project in your own organization/project.

      Describe the following aspects:

ElementFounde-CF reference
a. SituationA.1;A.9;D.11
b. ProblemC.3;C.4;D.11
c. SolutionA.5;A.6;B.1
d. ApproachA.2;A.9
e. ActionsA.9;B.6
f. RisksB.2;C.2
g. MeasuresB.3;B.4
h. OutcomesA.7

       How an ATO can become GamingWorks Certified Delivery Partner

      An ATO / trainer can become a Certified Delivery Partner of GamingWorks and being certified to deliver the DevOps business simulation ‘The Phoenix Project’.

      These trainers from the ATO must follow a 2-days ‘The Phoenix Project’ Train-The-Trainer (TTT) from GamingWorks, followed by a ½ day instruction how to use the exercises in the simulation. Evidence of this training will be requested in the EXIN accreditation process.

      A Certified Delivery Partner (CDP) trainer must have a solid understanding of DevOps principles based on work experience in DevOps.

      If required a CDP can request an additional day to the Phoenix project Train-The-Trainer to refresh aspects of Management of change and communication and collaboration skills that students will be expected to display.

      Contact GamingWorks for more information and the license model.


      Raadhuisplein 27A

      2411 BD Bodegraven The Netherlands

      Phone: +31 (0) 172 615169

      The trainer has the Certified Delivery Partner acknowledgement of GamingWorks.

      The DevOps Master training can have the following structures:

      1. In case of 8-12 training participants you can organize 2 days of theory and a full day simulation.

      2. In case of less than 8 training participants there are two options:

      a. In addition to a two day theory training, organize a 1 day open DevOps business simulation only with 8-12 participants

      b. In addition to a two day theory training, organize a full day DevOps business simulation with 8-12 participants as an in-house training at the location of (one or more of) the training participants.

      A participant has passed the requirements of practical assignments under the following conditions:

      1. Participant has participated in the whole simulation

      2. Participant has co-facilitated at least one of the mentioned exercises and has demonstrated at least 65% of the required aspects.

      3. Participant has delivered the “Self Reflection Document” to the ATO and has documented the aspects of this document on a professional level.

      4. Participant has delivered the “Transfer Document” to the ATO and has documented the aspects of this document on a professional level.

      The ATO should save the student’s scorings and products in archive, they can be requested in an EXIN audit.

      Copyright © EXIN Holding B.V. 2017. All rights reserved.

      EXIN® is a registered trademark.

      DevOps Master is a registered trademark.

      No part of this publication may be published, reproduced, copied or stored in a data processing system or circulated in any form by print, photo print, microfilm or any other means without written permission by EXIN.



       Checklist 1

       Checklist 2a


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