Echoes of Eternity. Hal M. Helms

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Echoes of Eternity - Hal M. Helms

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Matthew 7:14

      The King’s highway is a narrow way. It is no smooth and painless path—it is the way the King Himself traveled when He tented among you for a season. Yes, the King’s highway is the way of the cross.

      The cross means death to that which would destroy life. Counterfeit paths lure many into places of peril and destruction. Like sheep they nibble their way out of the safety zone I have provided—and suffer loss and grief.

      Remember this word, My child: The cross destroys that which would destroy life. The deaths that you experience on this highway are not worth comparing with the life I am constantly offering and providing in their stead.

       February Ninth

      Trust in the Lord for ever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.

       Isaiah 26:4

      As you move through the day, be mindful of Me. Listen in your heart for that “still, small voice.” Let Me check your impulsive and cruel reactions to others. Become aware that you are hurtful and hateful when your pride is hurt. Let Me be your inner Companion and Guard against this side of you. I have only plans for good, so do not expect evil from Me—you do not need to defend yourself or your ideas.

       February Tenth

      My shield is with God, who saves the upright in heart.

       Psalm 7:10

      Go calmly into this day. Light arises in the darkness for the upright. My light is upon you, child, and I am near. Fear not what lies ahead. Calm your troubled mind with My peace. You are Mine, and My face is toward you for good. Let that assurance be your shield and buckler and your great reward.

       February Eleventh

      This is the day which the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

       Psalm 118:24

      Truly I tell you, you are Mine. I bought you with a great price: My own blood. You find it embarrassing to hear such tender words. This is what I meant when I told you that love means letting in. It is not your worthiness that is the issue. It is not to set you up in the wrong way. It is to heal the inner wounds and fill the inner emptiness that I speak to you in this way. Open your heart to Me, My son, and let us become acquainted with one another.

       February Twelfth

      The effect of righteousness will be peace.

       Isaiah 32:17a

      Your desire to avoid conflict is a part of the unreality you cling to. Your idea of a peaceful life is not My idea of it. You are not called to this false peace you mistakenly yearn for. You are called to the peace that passes understanding—peace amid the necessary clashes between light and darkness, truth and falsehood. When these clashes come, your duty is to seek to find the truth, hold the truth, uphold the truth and expose the falsehood. Many times you will lose the battle from the human point of view. But if you are being faithful to let the truth reign within, you will find the peace of which I am speaking.

       February Thirteenth

      The fear of man lays a snare, but he who trust in the Lord is safe.

       Proverbs 29:25

      I am never far from you, My child. My blessing is always at hand. When you feel separated from Me, no matter how dark and lonely it may seem, there is always a door into My presence.

      I have claimed you for Myself, for purposes higher than you can dream. These are not to build up your natural pride, but to bring to fruition My creative purpose. Let go ambitions. Let go competitiveness. Let go jealousy that guards little hoards of supposed treasures of place and power. All this is rubble compared with the life I desire to impart to you and to others through you. I am never far from you, My child.

       February Fourteenth

      But I have trusted in Thy steadfast love; my heart shall rejoice in Thy salvation.

       Psalm 13:5

      Your thoughts are not My thoughts, says the Lord. My thoughts are thoughts of peace; your thoughts are full of turmoil and unease. It is not easy for you to abandon your thoughts in order to hear Mine. The patterns are deep and well worn. But they are rainless clouds that produce no harvest.

      I invite you to learn of Me, My son. The way is still narrow and the gate is still strait that leads to life, and few there are who walk in it. Life is My gift to you. Life—life beyond mere existence—is My overflowing gift to you. Live it; do not despise nor deny it.

       February Fifteenth

      For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, says the Lord.

       Isaiah 55:8

      Yes, My son, My mercies are beyond numbering and they are new every morning. It is My pleasure to do good things to My children and for My children. Just as you desire good for yours, I seek the good for Mine.

      My ways are not your ways—and thereby you often become confused. You think of Me as one like yourself—but My love is a pure love—not contaminated with self and sin and guilt as is yours. So, as My love and My ever-new mercies operate in your life and the life of your loved ones, learn to entrust them and yourself to My tender care. Only then can you know the peace “that passes understanding”—for your peace will not depend on your understanding.

       February Sixteenth

      God exalted Him at His right hand as Leader and Savior, to give repentance and forgiveness of sins.

       Acts 5:31

      My son, the pain through which you are passing is a necessary part of the healing it is My purpose to effect. Turn your thoughts more to Me and away from the painful situation which grieves you. My mercies are sure and My promises are true. Remember what you have been told over and over—it is on ruins that I build. Therefore anything of the old state that is not yet ruined must be allowed to crumble.

      I want you to let go two things: a demand to be justified in relation to the past, and a willingness to go into condemnation when confronted with accusation. Take responsibility for bad judgment, for self-righteousness, for idolatry that sought to “carve” the idol to your liking. But having repented of these sins, accept My forgiveness and do not accept the accuser’s wiles to destroy your faith and hope in Me. I am still God—and I still love everyone in this situation. You can count on that and you will find strength in it. Don’t fight bitterness with bitterness.

       February Seventeenth

      Be still and know that I am God.

       Psalm 46:10a

      Yes, My son, I have heard your prayer, and I am speaking to you by My Spirit. Take heed and listen to what the Spirit says. You are reaching a dangerous part of the

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