Echoes of Eternity. Hal M. Helms

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Echoes of Eternity - Hal M. Helms

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is a good path. The shadows in the valley through which you have come are meant to urge you to seek the light—the light of My truth and My mercy. Do not carry the shadows with you as you emerge into this next chapter of your life. My sunlight radiates and drives out the doubts and fears. Let, allow, permit My goodness to dominate your soul. Work at it, My son, for your sake and for the fulfilling of My will through you.

       March Eighth

      Thou dost show me the path of life; in Thy presence there is fullness of joy, in Thy right hand are pleasures for evermore.

       Psalm 16:11

      There is no fear in love. There is no love in fear. I want you to recognize the basic element in the fears you entertain. Yes, you are embarrassed by the fear that gets exposed to others. Yes, you have repented of your fears, but I am calling you to go beyond that—and to do battle with your sinful nature. It is so deeply ingrained in you that it will take your repeated encounters to make progress here. Don’t be put off by this, and don’t give up. You have the weapons you need. Use them, and with them, expect My divine assistance. In this way, you can grow in love, the love that casts out fear.

       March Ninth

      Cast your burden on the Lord, and He will sustain you; He will never permit the righteous to be moved.

       Psalm 55:22

      Choose life! Choose thoughts and hopes of life! And turn away from the accusing fears that arise in your mind. I am calling you to life—to the abundance of life that you have not yet tasted. O My child, I am a generous and loving Father, and it is My pleasure to give abundantly. Choose to accept My proffered gift and live.

       March Tenth

      My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.

       John 10:27

      Hearing and seeing inwardly are My gifts to My loved ones. Yet they must be cultivated and developed to become the full blessing I intend them to be. In the past you have often judged others who did indeed hear and see what was hidden from you. Your judgment put new blinders and stoppers on your own inner eyes and ears. When I give sight to the blind and hearing to the deaf, I am signaling you to allow this miracle to happen. You have no idea how much injury you have done with your faithless judgments. Be on guard, My son, when they rise up in you.

       March Eleventh

      It is these who follow the Lamb wherever He goes; these have been redeemed from mankind as first fruits for God and the Lamb.

       Revelation 14:4

      Mine it is to speak or be silent. Yours it is to wait and to listen. Ours it is to meet here, Spirit to spirit, and to renew our pledges of love. Mine it is to have mercy on you, and yours it is to remain aware that you are in constant need of this. Only in this way can your mind align itself with My will, and your steps be kept on the right path.

      There is no shortage of mercy, no holding back on My part. It is My joy to have My children to receive and to rejoice in it.

       March Twelfth

       And the son said to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you; I am no longer worthy to be called your son.” But the father said, … “Let us eat and make merry; for this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.”

       Luke 15:21–24

      Listening is hard for you, because you have always had many thoughts of your own. Or so you supposed, not knowing how to discern those that came from Me. Each day you come to Me with much doubt and inner restraint. It is as though you come with your ears stuffed with cotton, and only slowly take it away that you might begin to hear Me. I have told you that I am not reluctant to speak to you. It is your reluctance to hear that causes the long delay. Notice that when the “cotton is out,” My words come through without delay.

      My son, you are still in doubt of My love and care for you. You are still in the “slave” position—acting in fear and hiding. I invite you home, My child. You have always craved a home—and I tell you, of a truth, your true home is with Me. Nothing else will satisfy that inner yearning. Come home, and quickly begin to accept My divine, fatherly care. Live as a son and not as a slave!

       March Thirteenth

      Steadfast love and faithfulness will meet; righteousness and peace will kiss each other.

       Psalm 85:10

      I, the Lord, change not. In Me is no fickleness, no capricious judgment. My will is always, and in every case, right and true. This is the sure foundation for your own perception of right and wrong—My unchangeable truth and judgment. Mercy does not rule out judgment—“Mercy and truth have kissed each other.” Because of this, judgment is to be feared only as it requires the loss of wrong and the choice of what is right. Sometimes this is painful and requires much struggle in the soul—a kind of birth-pang towards life.

      There are structures of justice in your soul, but they are still mixed with the darkness of accusations against My mercy and goodness. Whenever these dark thoughts and feelings arise, you must make the hard choice of believing that My process is a merciful and loving one, even when circumstances appear otherwise.

       March Fourteenth

      Therefore come out from them, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and touch nothing unclean; then I will welcome you, and I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.

       II Corinthians 6:17–18

      I have heard your prayer and your desire for more conscious dialog between us. You hold the key to this—and if you are willing to follow on, it shall be so.

      Marvel not that I, the Lord of Heaven and Earth, leave this matter in your hands and heart. It is an expression of the dignity I have bestowed on My created sons and daughters. I have yielded to your key decisions in our relationship, so that the relationship may be based on grace and free choice. Only choices freely made can open the door to the goal I have in mind for you.

      Another thing: do not worry so much about getting it all right. Of course you will make mistakes. You are hard of hearing, aren’t you? But My love for you is great enough to protect you from serious errors or misinterpretation. Children stumble and fall as they learn to walk, and after all, My child, you aren’t writing the Bible!

       March Fifteenth

      To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of God; but for others they are in parables, so that seeing they may not see, and hearing they may not understand.

       Luke 8:10

      It is My will for you to continue writing and speaking of My love. Others may give account of other aspects of My Word, but I want you to continue to sound a clear note on this theme. Most of your readers and hearers have only a slight realization of the depth of My love for them, and few, very few, allow the mystery to amaze them. There is a whole new experience in

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