Sweet Spot. Kimberly Kaye Terry

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Sweet Spot - Kimberly Kaye Terry

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into the flesh of her hips and he shoved his thick, turgid cock deep inside her body in one long, hot, thrust, forcing her to her tiptoes.

      Helpless, feeling stuffed, so turned on, so hot, her body began to shake. Gaby held out against rooting her body against his thick shaft.

      “It’s taken care of,” he murmured, his lips pressed against her neck.

      He opened his mouth and began sucking on her, licking her neck before pulling the fleshy portion of her earlobe into his mouth. Pushing away from her, he grabbed both of her hands and placed them in front of her, forcing her to grasp the railing.

      “Keep them there.”

      With the sight of her rounded bottom slapping against him, her plush breasts jostling with every thrust, Demetri felt his balls tighten, his cock grow thicker inside her slick heat.

      He placed one hand on her thigh; he placed the other loosely around the back of her neck to steady her as he plunged inside her tight, moist heat.

      “Hmm, yes, yes,” she cried out hoarsely with each jostling of her body, her pussy clamping hard on his erection, testing the limits of his control.

      He slapped one of the round, brown globes, sharply. The surprise of the sting made her gasp. “You don’t want anyone to hear us, do you?”

      When she shook her head no, he shafted into her smoothly, forcing her body to lurch forward.

      Her smooth brown back glistened with sweat in the moonlight, her body gyrating, grinding against his dick with her head hung down low as she not only accepted his powerful thrust but also gave back as much as she got.

      His thrusts became deeper.

      He’d given her the directive not to speak, not to cry out. Yet, he had to clamp his mouth tight, grit his teeth together, and close his eyes against the feel of her tight heat clenching and gripping, milking his dick with each glide and retreat of him inside her heat.

      He closed his eyes against the sight of her back rising and falling as she panted against his thrusts as he rocked into her.

      He’d wanted to draw out the pleasure longer, wanted to get her so strung out, so desperate to come, she’d do anything.

      He might have been able to, had she not chosen that moment to reach between her legs and grasp his sac.

      The minute her light touch stroked him, his body tightened, and his balls tingled. Sweat dripped down his face and landed on the smooth curve of her waist.

      He removed his hand from her neck, where he’d pinned her, to move between her legs. As he pumped inside her in tight rhythmic strokes, his fingers separated the lips of her pussy and stroked her straining bud.

      He heard the scream lodged in her throat as her body began to spasm.

      She bucked against him, her body jerking and her whimpering cries frantic as she ground herself against him

      Demetri waited until the last minute to release. He savored the last delicious moments of her wet heat clamping and releasing his shaft before, with a groan, he could hold back no longer. He placed one hand at the curve of her waist and pulled out of her sweet, hot pussy.

      He grasped his cock firmly in his hand and ripped off the condom. With four short pumps, his cum jetted from his body, landing on the smooth brown curvature of her spine.

      The muscles in his neck corded, he felt the veins pulsing as he came on her until he was finally depleted. The last of his cum left his body in painful spurts, landed, slid off her back and down her sides. He rested his chest on her back, gulping in large breaths of air.

      After his breath calmed and he’d come out of his haze, he turned her around and lifted her into his arms, carrying her away from the balcony and into the bedroom on unsteady legs.

      He placed her in the middle of the bed and fell down behind her. Within minutes, she was asleep.

      A satisfied smile lifted the corners of his mouth when he heard her soft snores.

      In that moment, she seemed so benign. So innocent. It was hard to imagine her to be the con artist she was thought to be. It was also hard to ignore his gut reaction to her. The one that his mind had to fight against, doubt filling him about his plan to get her to trust him.

      To dominate her. She’d responded beautifully, better than he’d thought.

      When she’d come into the club without panties and all but begging him to fuck her, he counted himself lucky and had began to devise his plan. Now, his gut was telling him there was more to her than met the eye.

      He finally settled down beside her, an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach.

      He pulled her close to his body, and he, too, drifted off into sleep.


      When he woke, she was nestled close to him. So close he could see, in the moonlit room, the spattering of freckles across the short bridge of her nose. A small smile lifted one corner of his mouth. She looked so sweet. So innocent.

      Demetri sat up in the bed and glanced around, looking for the clock. It was just after two in the morning. He’d been asleep for an hour.

      He’d been surprised when he’d drifted off to sleep soon after having sex with her. It was something he hadn’t done with a woman in a long time.

      Now, awake, he glanced down at her, studying her as she continued to sleep.

      One of her small hands was open, palm up, the other tucked beneath her cheek as she lay in peaceful repose. The skin on her face looked incredibly soft.

      He moved a hand as though to touch her cheek and caught himself. Instead, he reached around her and grabbed a prophylactic from the nightstand and jerked it onto his shaft.

      “Wha-what is it?” she sleepily asked, her eyes shifting open slowly, when he pressed her fully onto her back.

      “Nothing…just this.” He settled between her thighs, nudged them farther apart. Grasping his cock, he pressed past her swollen vaginal lips and eased inside her body until he was fully seated in her. He groaned once he was inside, his dick pressing deeply into her core.

      She hissed, her hands coming up to his shoulders to brace herself. “Wait. I, uh—”

      He covered her protests with his lips. He earnestly explored the cavern of her mouth with his tongue in deep, carnal strokes that mimicked the strokes he delivered inside her clenching heat.

      Placing his hands beneath the bend of her knees, he opened her so that her body cradled his snugly, her knees lying over his forearms, and began to slide in and out of her body. His strokes were short, steady, strong.

      He ground against her so that with every stroke he pressed against her tight little clit, rolling his hips to increase the friction, as he adjusted her body along his, aligning them so that he hit her spot with each controlled stroke, until she whimpered and cried out.

      No sounds could be heard in the moon-washed room, save their mutual harsh breaths as he stroked into her, digging into her sweetness with fevered attention

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