Sweet Spot. Kimberly Kaye Terry

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Sweet Spot - Kimberly Kaye Terry

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into his mouth and with one final thrust he emptied deep inside her, his heart thudding harshly against his chest, his arms, legs, and body violently shaking. He’d fucked her so hard, determined to make it all about the sex.

      As his body relaxed, he forced himself to forget the way her tight sweet snatch gloved his dick ferociously in its delicate grip. Forced himself to ignore the hot little mewling sounds of pleasure she made as he stroked into her. No matter what he did, no matter what deviant demand he made, she willingly accepted.

      His cock was finally soft, his hard-on disappearing as he lay nestled between her soft thighs. He moved himself off her, away from the temptation of flipping her around, and lifting her by her pretty round ass, and going another round or two with her. He ignored the need to fuck her until he’d gotten his fill of her.

      God, what the hell was wrong with him?

      As she lay spent on the pillow, facing him, her soft, curvy little body nestling close, he stared up at the ceiling with sightless eyes.

      She was just a job. And this was just a lay.

      A way to get her to trust him. Get her to fein for it, for him. She was only a lay: no more, no less.

      He reminded himself of this as she placed one small hand in the middle on his chest, her head near his heart. Unconsciously, he lifted her hand, laced it with his as it rested on his chest. She murmured something unintelligible, a smile lifting the generous curve of her mouth, and settled into sleep.

      She was so vulnerable. He’d read the vulnerability as the night wore on. With each demand he made of her and which she willingly accepted, she showed him her vulnerability.

      And he would use that same vulnerability against her.

      He would do whatever it took to get her to open up to him and tell him everything.

      If he played his cards right, played her right…it wouldn’t take long.

      His gaze ran over her smooth brown back, past the indentation of her waist, past rounded hips and the plump cheeks of her apple-shaped buttocks. He followed the visual journey back, until he reached her face, silhouetted, half in shadow from the moon’s glow.

      Her face was flushed and her eyes were closed; a small smile lifted the corner of her generous mouth as she lay facing him.

      Her wild, mussed hair fanned the pillow she lay on. The content look on her face, coupled with the relaxed way she lay spread on the bed, presented a picture of a woman completely satisfied, completely at odds with how she looked down at the bar, where her nervousness and anger were easy to discern.

      No…it shouldn’t take him very long at all to get inside her mind, to push past her defenses.

      His cock twitched in response to the erotic picture she presented.

      Despite his intent to leave her alone, knowing she was exhausted and sore, he placed his hand at the small of her back and ran it over the swell of each rounded butt cheek, before his hand worked its way between her thighs. Her wetness saturated his finger.

      She released a quiet moan when he cupped her warm mound and two fingers sliced into her seam, opening her to his probing fingers. Another glided over the stickiness of her residual cream nestled inside the lips of her pussy.

      When she winced as he fingered her, he jerked his head up, glancing at her face. “Sore?”

      She opened drowsy eyes to look at him. “Yeah, somewhat,” she said and uttered a small, sexy laugh before allowing her eyes to drift closed, again.

      “Don’t move. Stay just like that,” he said and she murmured an assent. “I’ll be right back.”

      With one last lingering caress against her mons, he moved away from her and off the bed. Demetri walked to the kitchen and opened several overhead cabinets until he found what he was looking for and removed the small container of Epsom salts and a bowl.

      He filled the bowl with warm water and poured in a generous amount of the salts, twirling it with his fingers to help it dissolve.

      On his way to the bathroom, he glanced over at the bed, where she lay quietly in the same position in which he’d left her. He smiled.

      Turning, he went into the bathroom, retrieved a wash towel, and returned to the bed.

      Placing the basin on the bedside table, he wrung the water from the small towel and sat down on the edge of the bed.

      She lay with one hand under her cheek, the other hugging one of the pillows near her. Demetri felt the corners of his mouth lift at the picture she presented of decadent innocence.

      After wringing the water from the towel, he folded it around one hand. With the other hand, he spread her legs farther apart.

      “What are you—”

      “Sssh, it’s okay. I’m just washing you.”

      She moaned when he began to run the towel over her body in slow swirls, starting at the S curve in the small of her back and working his way down and over each of her rounded butt cheeks.

      When he got to the plump underside of one, he trailed his towel-covered hand beneath the crease and moved to her mound, separating the soft lips of her pussy, lightly seaming her crease. He moved the towel away, down her legs, around the bend of her knee, and dipped the towel back into the water.

      With her eyes closed, she jerked when she felt the warm, wet towel, touch her again, stroking down her back following the line of her spine. Gaby smiled and turned her face to the side, one arm hugging the pillow closer.

      She breathed in his distinct, masculine scent from the pillow, knowing that both the scent and the man were firmly entrenched in her body. She’d probably always associate this unique scent with the man who’d made her feel more alive in the last few hours than she’d felt in a long time.

      Gabby felt a ping of shame because she’d made love—scratch that—she’d had sex with a man she didn’t know from a can of paint. Not only that, but she’d done so while still in a relationship with another.

      Even though the man she was involved with obviously had no qualms about sleeping with someone else.

      All guilt flew out the window when she remembered the woman’s frantic moans and cries of passion and Adam’s face, strained and flushed as he held on to the woman’s hips while driving into her from behind.

      “Do you like this?” the murmured question brought Gaby back to where she was, thoughts of Adam evaporating as strong hands stroked and smoothed over her body.

      “Hmm. Yes, I do,” she whispered as his hand, wrapped in the warm towel, ran over the rounded cheeks of her buttocks.

      “Open your legs for me.” When she obliged, he ran the towel along her inner leg, starting at her knees and working up to her thighs, before cupping her mound.

      Gaby squirmed around the towel, wincing when his fingers connected with her labia.

      “Sore?” he asked, and she nodded.

      “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be so rough with you,” he murmured and she heard him

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