Sweet Spot. Kimberly Kaye Terry

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Sweet Spot - Kimberly Kaye Terry

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breath caught. She closed her eyes and swallowed. Although his touch made her stinging lips ache, it was an ache that felt good, sinfully good.

      “Turn over for me,” he said and obligingly she turned so that she lay open to him.

      “Use your fingers to spread your vagina,” Demetri instructed he, and felt his cock stir at the image she presented, splayed out in front of him. He read the instant of hesitation in her eyes and waited.

      Her small hands reached down on either side of her mound and opened the lips of her vagina for him.

      He offered her a small lift of his lips in satisfaction at her hesitant, yet obedient, compliance.

      “You have the sweetest pussy I’ve ever seen.”

      He wiped between her lips with the towel and a small trickle of warm water ran between the dark plum-colored inner lips of her vagina.

      “I’ve never had anyone do this to me before,” she admitted in a low voice.

      He glanced up at her, a question in his eyes. “Not even your man?”

      “What do you mean?”

      “Your man never does this for you?”

      At the question, she bit her lip, worrying it between her teeth. “Wha-what man? Who says I have one?” she stammered out the question. She pushed against him when he pinched the tip of her clit between two towel-wrapped fingers. The sting, he knew, hadn’t really hurt.

      But it had gotten her attention.

      “Don’t lie to me.”

      He ran small circles around her clit with his fingers, massaging the tightening bud, easing the small hurt.

      “The one you’ve been coming to the club with.”

      He continued to clean her, not making eye contact with her, his attention on his task.

      “I’ve seen the two of you around the Sweet Spot,” he said.

      The fact that he’d noticed her before tonight gave her a thrill.

      After long moments she spoke.

      “I, well…” She stopped and took a deep breath. “I caught him having sex with his secretary,” she finally finished.

      At that he glanced up at her. “Not very original, huh?”

      He gently inserted a finger, wrapped in the towel, deep inside her body. Her back arched away from the mattress, a hiss of pleasure escaping her lips.

      “Not. Not very,” she finally managed to say.

      “Damn fool,” Demetri said and when she laughed breathlessly, it pulled a smile from him as well.

      All laughter stopped, replaced by a heartfelt moan, when he leaned down and kissed her pussy as his finger skewered deep inside her and slowly dragged back out.

      “His loss, my gain,” he said.

      Without waiting for a response, he bumped her thighs apart and leaned down, replacing his fingers and towel with the warmth of his mouth, and finished the task of cleaning her with his lips, tongue, and teeth.



      The cool breeze wafting over her body from the open balcony doors and light filtering into the room wasn’t what woke Gaby up. The unfamiliar weight of what could only be a man’s—a very large man’s—arm was draped loosely across her waist.

      That, as well as the big hand attached to the arm clamped between her thighs, cupping her mound, the other lightly resting on her exposed breasts, and a warm, hard chest blanketing her back, was what woke her.

      Slowly she opened swollen, gritty eyes, glanced down at her nakedness, and stifled a groan.

      She’d hoped—prayed—that last night had all been a dream. A wild, out-of-this-world, don’t-wake-me-’til-I-come kind of dream…but a dream nonetheless.

      She eased a hand down and touched her thigh, feeling the stickiness of her own cum.

      “Damn,” she whispered when she realized it was, had been, all too real. When he mumbled, she clamped her lips shut, not wanting to wake the slumbering man.


      The memory of what he’d done to her last night caused a rash of heated memories to flood her mind.

      Slowly, carefully, Gaby removed his hand from where it nestled quite comfortably between her thighs and plucked the other from her breast, keeping a wary glance on him to make sure he didn’t awake.

      Despite their nocturnal excess, his cock was still slightly thickened as it nestled in the crease of her ass.

      “Who are you, super damn man?” she whispered and promptly clamped her lips shut when his shaft twitched against her.

      She then eased away from him, snaking her body from beneath his arm, and scooted over to the edge of the large, canopied bed. Frantic eyes darted in his direction when he stirred, mumbling; she feared she’d awaken him before she could get the hell out of Dodge.

      Her breath caught and held until he wrapped one of his big arms around a pillow, and laid facedown, on the bed, uttering a grunt. With a sigh, Gaby rose from the bed.

      She looked back over the man in question, and despite last night’s excess, despite the fact that she knew good and well it was only for one night, one part of her played “what if.”

      What if she stayed lying next to him? What if he woke up and wanted a part two…or, considering the number of times they’d had sex, part five or six?

      What if…

      She shook her head at the thought.

      No, she’d be best off escaping while she could. The ramifications of what she’d fully participated in weren’t something she was ready to deal with. No point in thinking of an encore.

      She winced when her legs hit the floor. Her thighs, her backside, dear God, even her breasts—all had the same delicious ache that gave testimony that he’d earned his nickname in spades.


      Although what he’d done to her, had her doing to him, had been anything but sweet. It had been the kind of raw, nasty sex she’d never experienced in her life.

      And it had fulfilled every one of her fantasies, to the nth power. Exceedingly so.

      She winced again when she caught sight of the many used condoms lying spent on the floor.

      On tiptoes she walked around the room gathering her clothes, casting furtive glances in his direction every few seconds, making sure he wasn’t awake.

      Donning her clothes quickly, haphazardly, she dressed. After

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