Meridian Qigong Exercises. Jwing-Ming Yang

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Meridian Qigong Exercises - Jwing-Ming Yang

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can always adjust the number of repetitions as well.

      We will also introduce some important tui na and acupressure techniques in the next chapter. Again, if you find it takes too much time for you to do all of them each time, you may design your own schedule. For example, exercise in the morning, and massage before you go to sleep.

       1-2. Meridian Qigong Exercises Preparation

      First lie facing upward, and completely relax. Remain calm throughout each exercise. Open your legs slightly, and place your arms comfortably beside your body. Inhale slowly and deeply, and then gently and slowly let the air out. Bring your attention to your body’s feeling, and pay attention to the feeling in each area you are focusing on throughout the exercises. Remember, feeling is a language that allows your mind and body to communicate through the nervous system and qi (energy) circulation. If you are able to establish a deep feeling right at the beginning, you will have accomplished at least 50 percent of the effectiveness of these meridian qigong practices. Repeat this relaxed breathing at least three times.

      Facing UpwardArms/Legs (臂/腿)1. Extend and Squeeze Fingers/Toes (Arms Straight Upward) 張指/張趾與 握拳/握趾 (上伸臂)10 妙,重複2

      These exercises will lead the qi from the twelve qi channels, which are connected to the twelve internal organs, to your extremities. This is the first step to enliven and open the channels and improve your qi circulation right away.

      Extend both arms upward.

      Open and stretch your toes and fingers as far as you can for ten seconds.

      Next squeeze your toes and fingers inward, tightly, as if you are squeezing tennis balls in your hands, and hold for ten seconds. Repeat two more times.

      2. Stretch Wrists/Ankles (Palms Facing Each Other) (拔腕/提足) (對掌) (手胸前)10 妙,重複2

      This exercise will stretch the tendons and ligaments on the front side of the wrist area. Naturally, the tendons (Achilles) and ligaments on backside of the ankles will also be stretched. Your wrists and ankles are the two most important joints. The twelve channels pass through these two joints. When your wrist and ankle joints are opened and relaxed, the qi can reach the fingers and toes smoothly.

      Face your palms together, aligning the fingers, in front of your chest. Lift up your elbows so the wrists are stretched backward. While you are doing so, also lift up your feet and bend them toward the shins. Stay in this position for ten seconds and then relax for five seconds. Repeat two more times.

      3. Stretch Wrists/Ankles (Back of Hands Facing Each Other) (拔腕/伸足) (背掌)10 妙,重複2

      This exercise is opposite of the previous one. You’re stretching the backside of your wrists and also the front side of your ankles.

      Face the back of your hands together with fingers aligned. Then lower your elbows to stretch the backside of your wrists. While you are doing so, extend your toes downward and stretch the front of your ankle joints. Stay in this position for ten seconds and then relax for five seconds. Repeat two more times.

      4. Twist Wrists/Ankles (Outward) (拔腕/張足) (對掌扭擠)10 妙,重複2

      This exercise stretches the sides of the wrists and ankles with a twisting action.

      Face your palms together, with fingers perpendicular to each other. Use your right hand’s pinky finger to press the index finger area of the left hand while using the left hand’s index finger area to press the right hand’s pinky finger. This will create a twisting of both wrists using reversed angles. While you are doing this, extend your toes outward and stretch your ankles outward. Stay in this position for ten seconds and then relax for five seconds. Repeat two more times.

      5. Twist Wrists/Ankles (Inward) 拔腕/扣足) (換邊對掌扭擠)10 妙,重複2

      This exercise is the reverse of the previous one.

      Change your hand position. Use your left hand’s pinky finger area to press the index finger area of right hand and vice versa. While you are doing so, turn your toes inward and stretch your ankles inward. Stay in this position for ten seconds and then relax for five seconds. Repeat two more times.

      6. Circle Wrists/Ankles (Outward Turning) (轉腕/轉踝) (外轉) 30

      This exercise will loosen up the wrist and ankle joints and open the twelve qi channels passing through these areas.

      Relax your wrists and ankles; don’t clench. Make circular motions with your hands and feet outward (i.e., right hand/foot clockwise and left hand/foot counterclockwise). Circle thirty times.

      7. Circle Wrists/Ankles (Inward Turning) (轉腕/轉踝) (內轉) 30

      This exercise reverses the circular direction of the previous exercise and is part of loosening the wrist and ankle joints.


      Reverse the circular motions of your hands and feet. Circle thirty times.

      8. Sway Arms/Legs (晃臂/晃腿) (左右微晃) 30

      This exercise will loosen up the muscles/tendons of the legs and arms and allow them to relax. Consequently, the qi channels will be opened for improved circulation.


      Sway your arms and legs side to side gently and

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