Meridian Qigong Exercises. Jwing-Ming Yang

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Meridian Qigong Exercises - Jwing-Ming Yang

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circular motion thirty times. Finally, change to the other side, and repeat the circular motion thirty times. Remember, you should focus the movement in the lower back.

      33. Spine Waving (Marjari Asana) (脊椎波動) 每邊30image

      Move your upper body forward again with your elbows comfortably supporting the upper body and the head facing down.


      Next initiate a waving motion from the lower back upward, moving your vertebrae section by section. Repeat thirty times.


      Then turn your upper body to the left and repeat the same spine-waving movement thirty times.

      Finally, turn your body to your right, and repeat the same movement thirty times.


      If you decide to continue your practice to the full self-massage regimen, you may skip these recovery exercises and go straight to massage. Most of these exercises will be repeated in the massage chapter.

      1. Massage the Abdomen Gently with Circular Motion (圈摩腹部)

      After you finish your spine-waving movement, lie facing upward. Remember, you should feel comfortable. If you feel uncomfortable, you should stop massaging.


      Use both hands to gently and comfortably massage the stomach and abdominal areas with a circular motion following the direction of the bowel system. In other words, starting from just above your belly button, circle your hands to your left, then down, then to your right, and around back to above your belly button. Massaging in this direction smooths the qi circulation. If you reverse the direction, you may create stagnation in the circulation, and that may cause constipation. You should massage in circles until a warm feeling gets deeper and deeper.

      2. Massage the Inner Hip Joints (搓摩胯部)image

      Next extend your massage to the lower abdominal area and groin area. Gently massage the entire area for a couple of minutes, and then gently slide downward to the sides of the groin and inner hips. Massage for three to five minutes.

      3. Massage Testicles/Ovaries (按摩睪丸/卵巢) and Pressing Huiyin (指點會陰)image

      If you are a male, use your fingers to massage and rub your testicles for a few minutes. If you massage too much and feel uncomfortable, you should stop.

      If you are a female, you may massage the ovary areas for a few minutes. Again, if you feel uncomfortable, you should stop.


      After massaging, use your middle finger to press the perineum/huiyin (CV-1) (會陰) cavity and gently circle rub ten times in each direction to loosen the muscle. This massage allows your qi to move more freely. While you are massaging the perineum/huiyin, you should gently hold up your anus.

      4. Abdominal Deep Breathing (小腹順息)

      This is a relaxing “Buddhist” breath.


      Place both arms beside your body and relax. Breathe deeply and move your abdomen with each breath. When you inhale, you should expand your abdomen and gently push out your anus; when you exhale, you should withdraw your abdomen and gently pull in your anus. Repeat the breathing for three to five minutes.

      5. Circle the Tongue to Generate Saliva (赤龍攪津)

      End the sequence by circling the tongue.


      Circle your tongue in your mouth to generate saliva. Keep circling the tongue and collect saliva until the mouth is full. Then divide the saliva into three gulps, and swallow it while breathing deeply. If you have time, you should repeat two more times.

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