Meridian Qigong Exercises. Jwing-Ming Yang

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Meridian Qigong Exercises - Jwing-Ming Yang

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      Inhale, tighten your hips, and hold up your anus and perineum. Then exhale, relax your hips, and gently push your anus out for thirty repetitions.

      21. Shoulders/Torso/NeckLift Torso and Shoulder from Side to Side (Arms Beside Torso) (提軀幹/肩膀) (垂臂) 左右各 10

      This exercise will loosen up the torso and exercise the muscles and tendons connecting to the lower back.


      Place both arms comfortably beside your torso. Raise your right shoulder and torso and then raise the left side, ten times each side.

      22. Lift Torso and Shoulder from Side to Side (Arms Upward) (提軀幹/肩膀) (上伸臂) 左右各10

      This exercise enhances the stretching of the torso muscles connecting to the lower back.


      Lift your arms upward so you can stretch the muscles/tendons on the shoulders. Next extend your right arm and torso higher than the left to stretch your arm and torso, and then lift the left side higher than the right, ten times each side.

      23. Circle Shoulders (肩膀繞圈) 正反各10

      This exercise loosens up the shoulder joints and will help prevent many shoulder problems.


      Place your arms beside your torso so they are comfortably situated. Circle one shoulder ten times and then the other side ten times. When you circle them, make sure the circles are as big as possible so the tendons and ligaments are stretched. The direction of the circling is not important.

      24. Stretch and Open Four Limbs (四肢分張) 20 秒,重復一次image

      Open and extend your arms and legs as wide as possible. Stay in this stretched position for twenty seconds. Relax for five seconds, and then repeat.

      25. Stretch and Open Four Limbs (Opposite Sides) (左右開拔) 每邊2次,每次10image

      Keep both arms opened, and cross your legs so your torso is twisted and stretched. While you are twisting your torso, you should also turn your head to the opposite side so the neck can be stretched and you experience a full spinal twist. Stay in this position for ten seconds, and then switch the position of your legs to the opposite side and hold for another ten seconds. Repeat.

      26. Turn the Head Left and Right (左右轉頭) 每邊10image

      Turn your head to one side, twisting your neck muscles, tendons, and ligaments, and hold for three seconds. Change to the other side for another three seconds. Repeat ten times on each side.

      27. Toss the Body Left and Right (左右翻身) 每邊10

      This exercise will loosen up the entire torso. If you find that this turning exercise makes you feel dizzy or nauseated, you should reduce the number of repetitions.


      Toss your body from side to side, ten times to each side.

      28. Sway the Body Sideways (側躺微晃) 每邊30

      This exercise will relax the torso and allow qi to circulate smoothly. You’ll find it can be very pleasant, like rocking yourself to sleep.


      Turn your body to one side, and then rock and sway gently and lightly thirty times. Turn to the other side, and rock and sway again thirty times.

      Facing Downward29. Left and Right Sway the Body (左右晃身) (面朝下平身) 每邊30

      This exercise will loosen up the back-muscle tension caused by facing upward.


      Turn your body, and lie facing downward. Swing your waist area left and right gently to loosen up the torso. Swing thirty times.

      30. Sway Hips (臀左右晃) (跪式) 每邊30

      This exercise will loosen up the lower back muscles.


      Pull your legs into a kneeling posture. Gently sway your hips from side to side thirty times.

      31. Stretch the Torso—Forward, Left, and Right (跪拔上身) (前、左、右拔) 30

      This stretching exercise will open up tight back muscles.


      Extend both arms forward as far as you can so that the torso is stretched. Stay there for about thirty seconds. If you like, you may gently swing your hips from side to side while maintaining the stretch.


      Next move your upper body until your head is facing left. This will focus the stretching in the right-side muscles of your back. Stay in this position for thirty seconds.


      Finally, turn your head to your right to stretch the left-side back muscles. Stay in this position for thirty seconds.

      32. Circle the Waist—Forward, Left, and Right (腰部繞圈) (前、左、右繞) 每邊30

      The previous stretching exercises have opened up the tight back muscles. Now we go deeper and exercise the vertebrae.


      Focusing on the lower three sections of vertebrae from L2 to L5 with gentle and slow circular movements, circle thirty times, and then reverse the circling

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