Irresistible Greeks Collection. Кэрол Мортимер

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Irresistible Greeks Collection - Кэрол Мортимер Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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to a fancy reception to mark his Oscar-winning film.

      There was Xenon, tall and magnificent in an immaculate tuxedo, with Lexi beside him in jeans and a T-shirt still crumpled from her long, transatlantic flight.

      But you didn’t really notice the discrepancy in what they were wearing, or the fact that Lexi’s hair looked as if it could have done with a good brushing. All you saw was the light which shone from their eyes, which even the most cynical observers had remarked was brighter than all the flashes from the assembled cameras.

      That light was love.

      * * * * *

A Royal World Apart

      “Where are you running off to?” he asked.

      “Nowhere,” she said, turning to face him. Her expression—her eyes wide, her lips parted slightly, full and inviting—drew him in closer. “I just needed some air.”

      “Dancing with Bastian had such a strong effect on you?” he asked, advancing further.

      She turned her head, casting her face into shadow. Her expression was obscured. “No. It had no effect on me. As usual. But it was more disturbing this time since the date of my official engagement is set now. And he’s very likely the one I’ll be engaged to. If his bid is high enough. I’ve been too cowardly to ask what the price is on my head—or hand, as the case may be.”

      “You want to feel attraction for him?”

      “I want something. Anything.”

      Makhail stopped right in front of her, noticed a shimmer in her dark eyes, pale moonlight reflected there, betraying the depth of her emotion. He put his hand on her face. Just to offer comfort, just for a moment. There was no harm in that.

      The feel of her smooth skin beneath his palm sent a shock of desire through him. Strong. Foreign. Intense. It was almost enough simply to feel that need. To revel in it. The desire of a man for a woman. Almost.

       About the Author

      MAISEY YATES was an avid Mills & Boon® Modern™ Romance reader before she began to write them. She still can’t quite believe she’s lucky enough to get to create her very own sexy alpha heroes and feisty heroines. Seeing her name on one of those lovely covers is a dream come true.

      Maisey lives with her handsome, wonderful, diaper-changing husband and three small children across the street from her extremely supportive parents and the home she grew up in, in the wilds of Southern Oregon, USA. She enjoys the contrast of living in a place where you might wake up to find a bear on your back porch and then heading into the home office to write stories that take place in exotic urban locales.

      To Megan Crane and Paula Graves. It was our

      Twitter conversation that inspired me to write Mak.

      And to my fabulous editor Megan Haslam,

       who always helps bring out the best in me.


      THE scandalous princess had done it again. Evangelina Drakos had slipped away from yet another one of his top security guards. It was inexcusable. It was something that should never happen. And yet, it had. Three times in as many weeks.

      Makhail Nabatov did not tolerate mistakes. Mistakes, no matter how small—from losing the princess one was meant to be guarding, down to the simple act of spilling hot coffee on yourself while driving—could be disastrous.

      He slammed his car door and rolled his shoulders forward, trying to ease the tension that had every muscle in his body bound into knots as solid as stone. He didn’t believe in letting anything affect him like this. Yet another way Princess Evangelina seemed to be messing with the carefully well-ordered life he maintained.

      When he’d met her for the first time, all glossy brown curls, dark, glittering eyes and golden skin, she had seemed every inch the demure princess. Nothing like the bold, vivacious party girl who was making tabloid headlines with increasing frequency. He had wondered if the media had exaggerated her image.

      Over the past six months he’d discovered that the tabloids were right, and he was wrong. He was never wrong. And yet the Drakos princess had proven him so.

      He didn’t like it.

      It defied logic that one petite royal could cause so much trouble. And yet, this one seemed to have a knack for it.

      He punched the speed dial on his phone for the man he’d had watching out for the princess. “Ivan, where did you last see her?”

      “The casino. She disappeared into the crowd,” Ivan said, his voice filled with fear. More weak emotion. He despised it.

      “You’re fired.” Makhail clicked the end-call button and stuffed the phone back into his pocket, straightening his tie before striding down the electric strip of the only major city on the island of Kyonos. He was willing to bet Evangelina was still in the casino. Gambling away her father’s money, no doubt.

      He moved seamlessly through the crowd, weaving past revelers on his way through the gilded doors. Princess Evangelina wouldn’t be in the main entry trying her hand at the slots. He’d bet she was in one of the high-roller rooms. It was the only place in a casino for a spoiled brat with a penchant for drama and pink champagne.

      He passed quickly through the lobby and headed toward a pair of black doors in the back, flanked on either side by guards in suits.

      “Name?” One of the men asked.

      “Mak,” he said. “I’m here to see the princess.”

      “I’m afraid you can’t just …”

      One of the doors opened and a socialite in a skin-tight dress breezed out, the scent of alcohol clinging to her body. He took advantage of the moment and gripped the edge of the door, pulling it open the rest of the way and walking in.

      He spotted her right away, bent over the table, laughing as she watched the man to her right roll a pair of dice, cheering when the numbers came up favorably. Then she looked up, at him.

      Her dark eyes rounded, her pink lips parting slightly. She touched her companion’s arm and said something quickly before edging away from him. She wasn’t trying to run, not from him. She knew better than that.

      One of the guards rushed into the room and everyone looked up from the game. “Princess,” he said, “is everything …?”

      She regarded Mak cooly, her manner distant, disdainful. “I would prefer it if this man wasn’t here, but trust me when I say there’s no way you can remove him,” she said crisply. “He’s in the employ

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