Risky Business of Love. Yahrah St. John

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Risky Business of Love - Yahrah St. John Mills & Boon Kimani

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is why not Reid Hamilton?” Zach inquired. “He’s been your father’s right-hand man for years.” He stopped and gave the waiter his menu. “I’ll have the roast prime rib.”

      “Reid may be the right man for my father, but he most certainly is not the right man for me,” Jonathan stated.

      “Is there some sort of bad blood between the two of you?” Zach inquired, sipping on his mineral water.

      Jonathan shook his head. On the surface, Reid was slick and smooth. Jonathan didn’t know if it was his smugness or the way he always seemed to know it all, but something about Reid rubbed him the wrong way. Call it intuition if you will, but he’d never liked the man.

      “No, I simply don’t trust him.”

      “Well don’t be afraid to speak your mind,” Zach replied. “Though I’m flattered by your faith in me, but are you sure you’re ready to go out into the minefield that is the political arena? You know there’s nothing but lions and bobcats.”

      “I’m well aware of all the players,” Jonathan said confidently, “and I’m ready to play the game.”

      “Are you sure?” Zach asked. “I thought you were having fun in the city council.”

      “I was,” Jonathan replied, “but I’m ready for something new. Something bigger.”

      “And are you ready for all the ladies that are about to fall into your lap? As a single congressman, every socialite on Capitol Hill is going to want to snag you.”

      “The socialites you speak of are all interchangeable. I haven’t found a unique one out of the bunch.” He’d spent his life enjoying the fairer sex. It was no secret that he loved women, but none had ever sustained his attention for long.

      “Maybe you’re expecting too much,” Zach offered.

      “I want the total package. Attractive. Intelligent. Articulate. A sophisticated woman with a body made for sex.”

      “You sure don’t want a lot,” Zach chuckled.

      “I know, I know. It’s a tall order. Do you think such a woman exists?”

      “Ah, you never know,” Zach said. “Mrs. Right could be right around the corner.”

      Chapter 2

      After a working dinner, all Jonathan wanted to do was kick back and relax. He found himself at a local bar in Center City. Ordering a Corona, he took a seat on a stool and soaked in the scenery around him. The bar didn’t consist of much: a small dance floor, a pool table and a dartboard in the corner.

      He was discussing the pool game with the bartender when she walked in. She was stunning in a red silk blouse with a deep V neckline and a short black skirt that revealed a killer set of legs. She oozed sex and it made Jonathan immediately want the siren in his bed. He’d never picked up a woman before with the sole intention of sleeping with her, but then again there was a first time for everything.

      Straight honey-blond hair hung generously down her shoulders, making him want to reach out and run his fingers through it and make it unruly. He tightened the grip around his bottle and groaned.

      “Ummm, now there’s a hot one,” the bartender commented, filling up several bowls with beer nuts.

      “Have you seen her in here before?” Jonathan inquired.

      “Not that I can remember.”

      “Hmmm.” That meant like him, she’d come for a break from reality as well.

      Sultry and sexy, she strutted past him and went straight to the pool table. She struck up a conversation with several of the bar patrons already engaged in a game. They were as mesmerized as he was and easily allowed her access.

      He watched her sashay over to the wall and grab a cue stick. One of the men, more bold than the others, came over as if to show her how to hold a stick, but she shook her head. Clearly, she was self-confident about her pool game. With all eyes in the room on her, she leaned down and swiftly hit a ball into the left corner pocket. Two more followed suit amid whistles and catcalls.

      Walking around the pool table, she handled the cue stick with ease, landing several more shots. And just as easily as she’d insinuated herself into their game, she exited and came toward the bar.

      Ciara sighed wearily. She hated coming to places like this. They reminded her too much of her mother’s dancing days, but oddly enough it was bars like this that made her feel the most comfortable after a long, hard day.

      “Can I get a whiskey sour?” she demanded, leaning back against the bar and surveying the room.

      “Mighty strong drink for a lady,” Jonathan stated.

      Ciara squared her shoulders. “And how would you know what I need?” she asked defensively. She’d had a hard day at work with Shannon riding her tail and she was in no mood for a do-gooder. All she wanted was to drink in peace.

      Jonathan grinned. Apparently, the lady had a hell of an attitude. “I don’t, but if you want to drive home this evening then you had better not have too many of those.”

      “And how do you know I intend to drive home?” she asked, glaring at him.

      Jonathan noticed that anger had caused her hazel eyes to turn slightly green. He felt his manhood swell immediately. It had been too long since a woman had turned him on this quickly.

      The bartender slid the drink her way and she wasted no time in emptying the contents of the glass and pushing it back his way.

      “Another, please,” she said with authority. Perhaps she had something to prove.

      “Slow down,” Jonathan said. “Those things can creep up on you.” He took another swig of his beer.

      “Thanks for the advice, but I know how to take care of myself,” Ciara replied, finally turning in his direction. When she did, she was blown away.

      She didn’t think they even made ’em as delicious as him anymore. Tall. Broad shoulders. Skin the color of buttermilk. And that square jaw and those chiseled cheekbones. Ciara felt herself warm instantly. Back in her college days, a tall, fair-skinned, attractive brother would not have remained single for long.

      “I’m sure you can,” he replied, raising his bottle and clicking it against her glass. “Cheers.”

      “Cheers.” Ciara attempted a smile. “Listen, I’m sorry, okay? I had a bad day at work and I just came here to get a drink and decompress.”

      “I understand.” His face split into a wide grin. “Mine wasn’t the best either.” Outside of Zach agreeing to be his campaign manager, he hated being bullied into letting Reid be his adviser, but he didn’t want to be at odds with his father. “Why don’t you tell me about it?”

      Her eyes rolled upward and Jonathan took that to mean she didn’t want to talk. And that was fine with him. He’d be content just sitting beside her and looking at her. She was a beautiful woman and it had been a while since he’d felt an instant attraction to someone. It surprised him because

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