Risky Business of Love. Yahrah St. John

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Risky Business of Love - Yahrah St. John Mills & Boon Kimani

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head-on, and her job gave her the opportunity to catch his attention. Ciara pushed her way back up to the front of the pack. Thankfully, her mother had taught her how to stop a man in his tracks. Charles Butler surveyed the crowd and Ciara raised her arm, hoping he would call on her, and after several questions about his health, she got her wish.

      “The lady in the front, you have a question?”

      “Congressman Butler, some might consider the announcement that you’re stepping down as a prime opportunity to introduce your son, Jonathan Butler, as your successor. Would that be a valid statement?”

      Charles Butler was temporarily flabbergasted. “Well, uh…” Charles Butler stammered. Jonathan couldn’t remember a time when his father had gotten flustered by a pretty face, so he stepped to the podium to cover for his smitten father.

      And that was when he saw her.

      Chapter 3

      She was stunning. Jonathan would never forget how that honey-blond hair had luxuriously lain across his pillow. From where he was standing, she was as delicious a sexpot in the morning light as she’d been in the moonlight. A hint of cleavage peaked out of her buttercup suit jacket, making any man curious to find out what other pleasures she hid underneath.

      “I’m here in an unofficial capacity. I’m here as a son, supporting his father,” Jonathan replied, smiling down at Ciara. She returned it with a knowing smile of her own. So, she recognized him from last night? Let the games begin, he thought.

      “Well, that doesn’t exactly answer my question, now does it, Mr. Butler?” Ciara replied silkily, looking up at him beneath heavy eyelashes.

      Jonathan raised an eyebrow at her unwillingness to take no for an answer. And was she giving him that same come-hither look? Because if so, he would and could most certainly oblige.

      “Do you intend to run at some point in the future, Mr. Butler?” Ciara flashed Jonathan a sexy grin, eager to be the first to get the scoop.

      Lance looked down at Ciara. He couldn’t believe Ciara’s boldness. Here she was flirting with Jonathan on-screen. He hoped Shannon didn’t see this.

      “I may run for public office at some point in the future,” Jonathan answered evasively.

      More like the immediate future, Ciara thought but she let it rest. She’d hit her mark! Jonathan Butler was flustered.

      “One final question for Congressman Butler. What’s next on the agenda for you?” Ciara asked, batting her eyelashes at the senior Butler.

      “Mostly a whole lot of golf,” Charles Butler replied.

      “And with that last statement, the press conference is concluded,” Reid said, coming forward to the microphone. “We thank all the members of the press for their attendance.” Then he turned and glowered at Jonathan. He couldn’t believe that young snot was flirting with a reporter in the middle of a conference. Didn’t he know how unprofessional his behavior was? Jonathan Butler had no place in the public arena and Reid was determined to ensure he did not succeed in his election quest.

      “Son, I think you…” Charles Butler began, but Jonathan shooed him away.

      “Not now, Dad,” he said, his eyes never leaving Ciara’s. He longed to have her tiger eyes gaze at him again, and no one was getting in his way.

      “Excuse me for a moment.” He patted his father on the shoulder and stepped down from the podium.

      When he reached his destination, he found her speaking with her cameraman. Jonathan tapped him on the shoulder. “Excuse me, do you mind if I interrupt?” he asked Lance, eager to talk to the woman who’d garnered his attention the moment he’d laid eyes on her at the bar.

      His eyes traveled slowly down her curvy frame, taking in her buttercup pantsuit and low-cut jacket with one of those lacy things underneath. He loved the vibrant, sun-kissed hair, pert breasts and long, shapely legs that the formfitting fabric clung to. Her beautifully clear café au lait skin was perfect with the exception of a sexy mole near her mouth.

      He seized her beautifully manicured hand and lightly brushed his lips across it. A tingle of excitement rushed through Ciara at the feel of Jonathan’s lips on her skin. She remembered what it felt like to have his lips on other parts of her body, which caused her skin to color a bright red.

      Another reporter bumped into Ciara. Jonathan’s reflexes were impeccable and he placed his hand on the side of her back to steady her, sending an electric current right through Ciara’s spine.

      “My, my, my, Mr. Butler, you certainly are gallant.” Ciara fanned herself.

      “My pleasure,” Jonathan said, honoring her with a breathtaking smile, all the while inching closer. Ciara stepped backward to escape the heat being generated by his nearness.

      “You know that’s quite a bold move you made earlier, calling me out on my announcement.”

      “Really?” Ciara touched her chest, drawing Jonathan’s attention to her sumptuous endowments. “C’mon, you’re the news story here. Not your father. Everyone wanted to know if you were running for office. All I did was let the cat out of the bag.”

      “So your cornering me on live television was strictly for the public?” Jonathan asked, captivated by the honey-coated tone of her voice.

      “No, not completely.” Ciara smiled. “It was personal as well as professional.”

      “So you were trying to be provocative?” Jonathan queried.

      “The public loves it and my news director will eat it up.”

      “Well, your plan worked. You most certainly know how to titillate and not just the public,” Jonathan replied, remembering how he’d felt planted inside the tight warmth of her cocoon.

      Ciara flushed. “Now, now, Mr. Butler, remember we are in public.”

      “I know exactly where we are,” Jonathan replied smoothly. “And since I have you cornered,” he whispered in her ear, “perhaps you can tell me why you snuck out of my bed last night.”

      Ciara boldly looked up at him. “I didn’t sneak out of your bed. I walked. And furthermore, our evening together was over.”

      “And I take it that’s how you would like to keep it?” Jonathan inquired.

      “Wouldn’t you?” Ciara asked. “I doubt your father would approve of your one-night stand with a member of the press.”

      “I do not need my father’s approval. I see whom I choose.”

      “Very well stated but hardly true, Mr. Butler. In case you haven’t noticed, you’re smack-dab in the public eye,” she said, whirling around so Jonathan could view several curious sets of eyes watching their every move.

      “I think it would be prudent to leave our one night together as just that, one night. No matter how enjoyable.” She smiled seductively at him, revealing a set of pearl-white teeth. “It would not be wise for us to continue our association.”

      Jonathan leaned down so that only she

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