Risky Business of Love. Yahrah St. John

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Risky Business of Love - Yahrah St. John Mills & Boon Kimani

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pleasure when Jonathan turned his attention to the other breast, laving the nipple with his tongue until it turned into a rocky pebble. “Yes, oh yes,” Ciara said.

      “That feels good,” she whispered, encouraging him. But she wanted more. She wanted to feel his hot, enlarged shaft pulsating inside her.

      “I want you now,” Ciara ordered.

      “I want you, too,” he said, but he wanted to do it the right way and take her in his bedroom and make love to her slowly. His body couldn’t wait, though; his manhood was throbbing for release.

      “Then take me,” Ciara said, boldly meeting his molten stare. She wanted him right then. Wherever and however.

      Jonathan bent down, grabbed his pants and pulled a condom out of his wallet. He quickly sheathed his enlarged penis, protecting them both. Lifting Ciara’s leg, he plunged deep inside her moist haven. He pulled back slowly, allowing Ciara’s body to register his thick, hard member inside of her before filling her completely. Then he began a steady pumping motion, bringing them to the edge of a precipice before slowing the pace again.

      “Wrap your legs around me,” he said, bodily lifting her off the couch. When he ground his hips intimately against her and squeezed her buttocks, exquisite pleasure took hold of Ciara, causing her to clench her thighs tighter and tighter. Her fingers dug into his shoulders and she kissed his ears, neck and chest, inhaling his musky masculine scent.

      Jonathan uttered a low growl in the back of his throat when he felt her muscles contract around him. As their bodies rocked with that age-old rhythm, Ciara’s breathing became more shallow and she gasped for breath. And when Jonathan gave one final thrust, a burst of bright light surrounded Ciara as she spiraled out of control and into the abyss. Seconds later, a shudder racked Jonathan’s body and he fell on top of her. After a moment, he rolled over onto his side.

      “Wow!” Jonathan whispered in her ear, smoothing down her hair with one hand.

      “That was pretty amazing!” Ciara exhaled as she finally caught her breath and laid her head down against his chest.

      “You’re telling me,” Jonathan said. He wiped his brow and swallowed hard, hoping to force more air into his lungs.

      “Ready for the next round?” Ciara inquired.

      Jonathan smiled. The woman was insatiable! “Slow down, we’ve got all night.”

      The next morning Jonathan awoke feeling alive and exuberant, but when he turned to gather the mystery woman in his arms, he found the bed empty. The only reminder of the night before was an indentation of where her body had lain.

      Disappointed, he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He’d hoped to share breakfast with the woman who’d sated his every desire last night and this morning. But instead of sleeping over, she’d skulked off. He guessed she didn’t want to be reminded of her scandalous behavior in the morning light. But oh how great it had been! Whoever she was, she’d known exactly how to please him.

      Twenty minutes later, Ciara inserted her key into the lock and rushed inside the apartment she shared with her sister.

      It was nearly seven o’clock and if she didn’t hurry, she was going to be late for work and Shannon would probably have a cow. She was heading toward her bedroom door when the bathroom door opened and Rachel appeared through a cloud of mist.

      “And look who shows up the next morning,” Rachel commented, cinching her robe tighter around herself. “Do you know how many calls I made when you didn’t come home?”

      Ciara hung her head low. “I’m sorry, sis,” she replied, rushing to her room. Rachel followed behind her and watched Ciara sort through her closet for something to wear.

      “It would be nice if you’d called. I was worried,” Rachel said, sitting down on Ciara’s four-poster bed. “It was so unlike you to stay out all night. You always come home.”

      Ciara smiled when she looked at Rachel because it was like looking at a younger version of herself, except Rachel was several inches taller and had darker hair. She had similar facial features as Ciara and the same almond-shaped eyes.

      “I know, I know,” Ciara said as she undressed. “It’s just that the mystery man last night was so different from all the other men I’ve been with. I can’t explain it, really.” Once she was in her undies, she grabbed her robe from the bedpost and tied it around her middle.

      “It was that good, huh?” Rachel asked.


      “Just be careful,” Rachel advised. “You know nothing about this man. He was a complete stranger.”

      An image of his naked form flashed before Ciara’s eyes, causing her to smile naughtily. “I know enough.” Who could forget those big strong hands and that big powerful member as it thrust into her aroused flesh over and over. Ciara had to blink several times to control her racing hormones.

      “Besides that,” Rachel sighed.

      “C’mon, Rach, you’ve got to know what an adrenaline rush it is when you’re with a man.” Ciara’s hazel eyes lit up as she spoke. “It’s like when you’re on a really great roller coaster and it’s so thrilling that you have to get back on again and again. Just to feel that rush of excitement. Well that’s what this feels like.” Ciara left her bedroom and grabbed a fresh towel out of the hall closet.

      “Well, then I’m glad you enjoyed yourself,” Rachel said.

      Ciara wondered if her comment was genuine because Rachel was much more cautious than she was. She rarely dated while Ciara was known for leaping before she looked.

      “So are you going to see him again?”


      “Why not?”

      “Because it was a one-time thing never to be repeated,” Ciara replied. “Although I must admit he totally relaxed me last night. You should try it sometime, little sis.” Ciara smacked her on the butt with the towel and rushed off to the bathroom, leaving Rachel to stare openmouthedly after her retreating form.

      “Are you ready?” Charles Butler asked as he rose from behind his desk and stood in front of his son, Jonathan. They were in his office and on their way to his resignation speech at Independence Hall later that morning.

      “Give me a minute, okay?” Jonathan said, pushing past his father and adjusting his tie in front of the mirror. With all the people surrounding him of late, Jonathan couldn’t breathe.

      “Here, let me do that, honey.” Dominique Butler jumped up from the couch and helped her son with his tie. As she stared into his piercing brown eyes, Dominique couldn’t be more proud of her handsome, articulate and charismatic son. She had little doubt that all of her husband’s constituents would be lining up to vote for her son.

      “Is all this hoopla really necessary?” Jonathan wondered aloud to whoever was listening. “I’m not even announcing my candidacy.” You’d think he was, considering how his parents were wound so tight. But he guessed he shouldn’t be surprised; he’d been working toward this moment his entire life.

      For years, he’d worked on his father’s

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