Wrangling Wes. Jacquelin Thomas

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Wrangling Wes - Jacquelin Thomas Mills & Boon Kimani

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      Chapter 1

      Wesley Broward groaned loudly as he flung his right hand toward his shrilly ringing alarm clock. The sun wasn’t up yet, but the small town of Granger, Montana, was already coming alive as cowboys working cattle on the BWB Ranch rode out to pasture to begin the day’s work.

      Getting up at 4:00 a.m. every morning to saddle a horse and trot off across the prairie was not for everybody—it definitely was not Wesley’s idea of a great way to start his day. But for most cowboys it was the norm—an important part of the job they cherished.

      With another groan of protest, Wesley propelled himself out of bed and padded barefoot into the bathroom. A pair of tired brown eyes stared back as he gazed at his reflection in the mirror. He brushed his teeth and then fingered his neat goatee before jumping into the shower.

      Fifteen minutes later, he was dressed in a pair of faded denims, a crisp plaid shirt and cowboy boots. Wesley headed out to the main house, where his parents and grandfather lived. He was on his way to join the rest of the family for breakfast. Wesley and his siblings, Jameson and Laney, often had their meals in the main house, although they all lived on the ranch.

      His parents, Steven and Gwendolyn, flourished in thirty-four years of marriage, despite town gossip that theirs was an arranged marriage, a merger between two wealthy families. Even though his parents had an unconventional courtship and marriage, they truly loved and respected one another. They shared something he had never experienced with most of the women he dated—complete and total honesty. There was always some hidden agenda.

      His mother’s family—the Webbs—had made its fortune breeding rare stallions. When the two families were joined, Steven and Gwendolyn Webb Broward became the two largest landowners in the state. Wesley reasoned that his parents’ marriage was so successful because Gwendolyn was wealthy in her own right. She and Steven were equals.

      Just as Wesley entered through the front door of his parents’ home, he heard a familiar voice holler, “Come and get it.”

      Amused, Wesley broke into a grin as he quickly made his way to the dining room. The cook, Rusty, had been whipping up meals for cowboys for nearly twenty years. Rusty recently celebrated his fourth year with the Broward family. His culinary skills were in high demand, and Wesley was grateful that the sixty-something-year-old man had decided to work for his family.

      “Morning, y’all,” Wesley greeted as he sat down across from his sister, Laney.

      “Good morning, dear,” his mother responded with a warm smile. “Rusty made all your favorites this morning.”

      Wesley grinned. “It’s a good thing I brought my appetite.”

      He picked up a plate and loaded it with Rusty’s famous sausage, egg and cheese casserole, three slices of bacon, assorted fruit and a biscuit.

      “Laney and I are driving into town later this afternoon,” Gwendolyn announced as she reached for her water glass. “We need to pick up our dresses for tomorrow night’s gala. Have you boys picked up your tuxedoes yet?” She took a sip of ice water.

      “I brought mine home last Saturday,” Jameson announced as he slathered butter on a biscuit.

      “I’ll grab my tux and Dad’s later this afternoon,” Wesley stated. “Grandpa said that he’s wearing the same one he bought last year.” His gaze traveled to where Charles Broward sat—on one end of the table while his son, Wesley’s father, sat at the head.

      “I sure am,” Charles confirmed. “It’s clean...looks good as new. I’m not spending money on another tux. Y’all can bury me in it as far as I’m concerned. I intend to get my money’s worth.”

      Wesley laughed as he helped himself to another biscuit. He loved his grandfather’s sense of humor and his zest for life. At the age of eighty-four, Charles Broward was still in good health and enjoyed running cattle every now and then.

      “Mama, I hope you can maneuver around all of the tourists,” Jameson said. “Granger’s not been the same since Laney brought home that gold medal.”

      Wesley felt a thread of pride snake down his spine at the mention of his sister’s name. Laney was skilled in three-day eventing, a grueling sport that combined the disciplines of dressage, show jumping and cross-country, which recently earned her a gold medal in the summer Olympic Games. “I think it’s a good thing,” Gwendolyn responded. “Tourism has certainly picked up.”

      Wesley agreed. More and more visitors were flocking to the town every day, including celebrities.

      Although some said that the town was a mile from heaven, it was in reality located about one hundred miles north of the capital city. Granger had a population of two thousand. The only reason anyone had ever heard of Granger was because of his family’s financial standing. The Broward family was named the wealthiest ranchers in the state of Montana.

      Gwendolyn wiped her mouth on the edge of her napkin. “Granger is a beautiful place to live and raise a family. The town has a rich history and much more to offer. It’s a hidden gem, in my opinion.”

      He studied his mother for a moment. She was gentle, serenely wise and beautiful. She was also one of the top horse breeders in the country.

      Gwendolyn met his gaze and smiled warmly. “Mayor Thorne told me that business has been booming for downtown Granger. Even our local grocery store is experiencing a boom in business. Laney’s success as an Olympian has contributed to Granger’s long-term economic stability.”

      Frowning into his glass of orange juice, Jameson uttered, “I can’t believe you’re okay with a bunch of strangers coming into town and corrupting everything our community has built here.”

      “Stop being so negative, Jameson,” Laney interjected, a hint of irritation in her voice. “This is a good thing. Mama is right. Tourism is a good thing because it brings in money for the town. I certainly don’t see anything wrong with that.”

      “I don’t, either,” Charles stated. “Now, what I don’t like is the sudden influx of celebrities coming to Granger and wanting to turn it into some type of playground for the rich and famous. I heard some singer wanted to buy the Triple K Ranch and remodel it into some fancy mansion.”

      “They were talking about it on the news last night,” Wesley contributed. “It’s not going to happen though. The owners have decided not to sell the place.”

      “Good,” Jameson stated.

      “Tomorrow is the big night,” Charles announced. “The annual Cowboy Auction.” His gaze traveled over to his grandson, and he said, “Wes, I’m sure you’re gonna bring in a pretty penny. You being the ‘Most Eligible Rancher’ and all.”

      “Grandpa, I wouldn’t even participate if it wasn’t for charity,” Wes responded smoothly, keeping his face void of emotion. His family cosponsored the annual gala fundraiser for the Granger Farmland Preservation Society.

      “You and Jameson usually bring in the most money,” Gwendolyn interjected. “The Granger Farmland Preservation Society appreciates all you do for the fundraiser.”

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