Wrangling Wes. Jacquelin Thomas

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Wrangling Wes - Jacquelin Thomas Mills & Boon Kimani

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that this is for charity?”

      “I’m actually thinking about putting myself on the auction block,” Charles announced. “I’m pretty sure I can still fetch a dollar or two.”

      Wesley laughed. It had been three years since the death of his grandmother May. He knew that his grandfather was lonely and some female companionship might be just what he needed, even for one night.

      “Maybe you should, Grandpa. Jameson and I will need some stiff competition tomorrow night.”

      “Actually, Grandpa, you should participate in the auction,” Jameson agreed. “Then I can sit this one out.”

      His mother shook her head. “There’s room for all three of you. Jameson, why do we have to go through this every year?”

      “I know it’s for charity, Mom,” he said, “but I hate being on display like a piece of meat.”

      Wesley stole a glance at his mother, who was silently studying his sister. He noted the intense but secret expression on Laney’s face. Something was going on with her—something she was not ready to share with any of them.

      “You’re awfully quiet, Laney,” Gwendolyn stated. “Are you okay?”

      “I’m fine.”

      It was apparent to Wesley that his mother was not convinced. “Why don’t you go out for a morning ride? It might lift your mood,” he suggested.

      In truth, he was not convinced, either. “I’ll ride with you,” Wesley offered. Maybe if it were just the two of them, Laney might open up to him.

      “Thanks, Wes, but I really don’t feel like riding,” Laney responded as she rose to her feet. “I think I’ll just go down to the office. I need to check on the medical supplies and see what needs to be replenished. I know that we are out of some stuff.”

      “What’s going on with Laney?” Wesley inquired after she left the room. “She hasn’t seemed like herself in days.” In fact, he thought Laney looked a little pale.

      Jameson agreed. “I’ve noticed it, too. Maybe it’s because she’s no longer in the limelight as much. She could be going through a sort of media withdrawal.”

      “I don’t think that’s what it is,” Gwendolyn stated. “But I know my daughter. Something is bothering her.”

      He had never seen Laney look so troubled. Wesley had no idea what was going on with his sister, but he intended to find out.

      * * *

      Lydia LaSalle...LaSalle...she repeated over and over in her mind. Her feet slowed as she neared the front desk of the hotel.

      “Hello, my name is Lydia LaSalle and I have a reservation.” Her voice sounded a pitch higher than she would have liked.

      The hotel clerk, a young woman, glanced up from the computer monitor, smiling warmly. “Welcome to the Granger Hotel, Miss LaSalle.”

      Lydia set her iPhone on the counter and pulled a wallet out of her purse.

      “We’ve reserved the Emerald Suite for you.”

      She smiled. “Thank you.” Lydia relaxed as she accepted the room key from the clerk. She worried that the fake driver’s license would not pass the woman’s scrutiny, but everything was working according to plan.

      “I hope you will find your stay with us an enjoyable one,” the front-desk clerk said.

      “I’m sure I will,” Lydia responded. She put away her wallet as she walked toward the elevators.

      “Miss LaSalle...”

      It took a moment for Lydia to remember that the woman was addressing her. She turned around to find the desk clerk holding up her cell phone. She had been caught off guard—something Lydia could not allow to happen again.

      “Oh, my goodness,” she murmured. “Thanks so much. I would be completely lost without my phone.”

      She had checked in the hotel as Lydia LaSalle but her real name was Lydia Emerson. As far as the people in this small town were concerned, she was a wealthy heiress on vacation.

      Lydia tipped the bellhop twenty dollars after he set the three pieces of designer luggage inside her suite. She had just recently arrived in town, but she had a to-do list a mile long.

      As soon as she was alone in the suite, Lydia ran into the bedroom and dived into the king-size bed.

      “Ooh...this feels wonderful.” Although she traveled a lot, Lydia had never stayed in a room as extravagant as this one, which was decorated in rich jewel-tone colors and dark mahogany.

      “Okay, enough being silly,” she whispered. “I have a lot to do, so I need to get unpacked.”

      She picked up a suitcase.


      She hopped on her left foot and clutched at the bruised toes on her right one. Shooting a furious glare at the bolted-down table, Lydia limped her way over to the king-size bed.

      She laid the suitcase down on the bed.

      With her aching toes throbbing in concert with her beating heart, Lydia opened it and began removing the contents.

      She moved forward, encountering the average-size walk-in closet. Lydia hung up the gown she’d planned to wear to the upcoming charity function. She had only dreamed of wearing a couture creation like this and never expected it to come true.

      After unpacking, Lydia sat down on the edge of her bed. She picked up her cell phone and dialed.

      “Hey, girl...”

      She smiled at the sound of her best friend’s voice. “Jasmine, I just wanted to let you know that I made it to Granger.” They’d met during Lydia’s first week in Los Angeles and had become fast friends.

      “I can’t believe you’re in Montana. With your job, I figured you’d be taking trips to places like Europe or some exotic island.”

      “Not this time around.”

      “Take lots of pictures for me. I doubt I’ll ever visit Montana.”

      Lydia laughed. “It’s actually quite pretty here. The mountains, the lakes and miles of gorgeous blue sky.”

      “Really? Maybe I should come visit.”

      “You’d be bored after a couple of days, Jasmine. While it’s beautiful here, there is nothing but a bunch of ranches, cattle and cowboys—none of which is of interest to you.”

      “You’re right,” her friend responded. “I really don’t know how you’re going to survive these next few weeks. You’re a city girl.”

      “I’ll manage,” Lydia responded with a chuckle. “I’m sure I’ll have enough work to keep me busy.”

      “Well, make sure

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