Wrangling Wes. Jacquelin Thomas

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Wrangling Wes - Jacquelin Thomas Mills & Boon Kimani

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gazes straight on. Lydia gave them a tiny smile before walking toward the bar. Lydia caught sight of Wesley coming toward her and quickly changed directions. She was not ready for him to take notice of her.

      “Your dress is stunning,” a young woman complimented. She was standing directly in Lydia’s path.

      “Thank you. I love the color of your gown,” Lydia responded with a smile. “That shade of blue is a favorite of mine.” After a brief pause, she added, “Hi, I’m Lydia.”

      “It’s nice to meet you. My name is Maggie. Welcome to Granger.”

      “I suppose in a town this size, everyone knows everybody.”

      Maggie nodded. “You’re absolutely right, honey. We can spot an outsider as soon as they step across the city limits. If you don’t mind my asking, what brings you to Granger?”

      “A few months ago, I came across an article on the town and decided it would be the perfect place to visit,” Lydia stated. “I’ve always wanted to see Montana.”

      “Since Laney Broward won a gold medal at the Olympics, we have had a flood of folks from all over. Some come to visit and end up staying. I think it’s wonderful. This town can use some new blood, if you ask me.” Maggie took her by the arm. “C’mon over here, honey. Let me introduce you around. Maybe that way the folks will stop staring you down. We’re a curious bunch here in Granger.”

      Lydia chuckled.

      They moved about the room, pausing here and there so that Maggie could introduce her.

      “I don’t think I’ve ever met people who were so warm and welcoming,” Lydia said.

      Maggie led the way to where a group of important-looking attendees were standing. Lydia glanced over her shoulder, searching for Wesley. She found him standing near the buffet table with two other men.

      Their gazes met and locked.

      After what seemed like an eternity, Lydia turned her attention back to Maggie.

      “Where are you from?”

      “Los Angeles,” Lydia replied. She stole a glance to where she last saw Wesley. Lydia’s eyes traveled the room, searching when he was no longer there. She found him sitting down at a table with his sister. The two appeared deep in conversation.

      At the sound of her name, Lydia pasted on a smile as Maggie continued to make introductions.

      As they neared the table where the Broward family was sitting, Lydia released a soft sigh. It seemed the men had decided to leave the table for whatever reason.

      “Hey, y’all,” Maggie uttered in greeting. “I want to introduce you to Lydia. She’s visiting our lil’ town.”

      Gwendolyn smiled. “It’s very nice to meet you, dear.”

      “It’s a pleasure to meet you, as well,” Lydia responded. She turned her attention to Laney and said, “Congratulations on winning the gold.”

      “Thank you,” Laney murmured. “I hope you’ll enjoy Granger.”

      “I’m sure I will. It’s so beautiful here.”

      Lydia was glad when they moved on to the next table. Maggie was intent on her meeting everyone at the fundraiser, it seemed.

      “Oh, the auction is about to start,” Maggie said. “We should take our seats.”

      “Thanks for the introductions,” Lydia told her. “I appreciate it.”

      “Happy to do it,” Maggie responded with a smile. “I’ll catch up with you after the auction.”

      Lydia walked quickly, her heels tapping a steady rhythm across the dance floor.

      The moment she had been waiting for all night long had finally arrived.

      Lydia was ready.

      Chapter 2

      “Get ready, ladies, to bid money to win a date with some of our most eligible males in Granger. Winners get a romantic date featuring a delicious candlelight dinner, wine and dancing,” the auctioneer announced.

      Lydia felt a shiver of anticipation course down her spine. Single women all around the room rose to their feet and gathered near the stage. She was careful to remain near the back of the gathering group, farthest from the front.

      “Let’s start the bid at one thousand dollars for this handsome cowboy here,” said the auctioneer. “Jameson Broward loves to travel and is looking to take one lucky girl on a romantic date exploring international cuisine. I don’t know about you, but I love to eat, so this sounds like heaven.”

      Laughter and chuckles rang out across the room.

      Lydia noted that Jameson wore a handsome smile, but that smile did not reach his eyes. He did not appear at all happy to be on the auction block.

      She took a sip of her white wine. This was about to get interesting.

      “One thousand dollars,” a woman called out.

      “Eleven hundred,” a second woman countered.

      “Fifteen hundred,” another bid.

      A young woman standing near Lydia won Jameson for five thousand dollars.

      The Broward patriarch, Charles, also ignited a bidding war—between a twenty-something-year-old and a more mature woman, which Lydia found amusing.

      The young woman’s tenacity and wallet won out at three thousand dollars.

      “Looks like Miss Patti Wier has won herself a cowboy and a gentleman,” the auctioneer said.

      Laughter and cheers rang around the room.

      Now it was time for Wesley to step up on the auction block. Lydia knew instinctively that he would bring in the most money, and she was prepared.

      “This handsome cowboy has a surprise in store for some lucky woman. Girls, I tried to pry the details out of him, but Wesley Broward’s not telling. Don’t you just love a man who can keep a secret?”

      “One thousand dollars,” Lydia heard someone yell out.

      “Two thousand,” another said.

      She glanced around the room as others quickly tossed out bids.

      The bidding was fast-paced and frenzied.

      When the amount rose to six thousand dollars, only two women were still in a bidding war.

      “Six thousand five hundred.”

      “Seven thousand dollars.”

      The room grew quiet.

      It’s time, Lydia decided.


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