Mistresses: Blackmailed With Diamonds / Shackled with Rubies. Robyn Donald

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Mistresses: Blackmailed With Diamonds / Shackled with Rubies - Robyn Donald Mills & Boon Romance

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a bit of shopping. But she only just went, so she might be a couple of hours.’

      The thought of waiting there for two hours suddenly made my stomach churn. I needed to be doing something as the most important moment of my life drew near.

      ‘I have to go,’ I said. ‘I’ll be back later. Bye, Nick.’

      ‘What did you call me?’

      ‘Er—Grandad. See ya!’

      I went to my office, to be met by the news that Grace was waiting for me.

      I found her sitting in a chair by the window. I saw her before she saw me, and caught a look of misery on her face that she normally hid. As soon as she glanced up the old look was back. It was armoured and guarded for war, but I wasn’t fooled now. I was remembering what Della had told me about her.

      ‘I came because it seems the only way to see you,’ she said curtly. ‘You’re never home and you’re always busy.’

      ‘I’m not too busy for you,’ I said, sitting beside her. ‘I’m glad you’re here, because I’ve got a lot to tell you.’

      ‘I can imagine. I heard about your party for your low-life friends. I’m not surprised I was excluded from that. All you think about now is how to make life easy for your little crook.’

      ‘She’s not a crook. The charges have been dropped.’

      ‘I suppose you did that?’

      ‘Yes, I did it.’

      ‘May I ask how?’

      ‘They were dropped because she’s innocent. She always was.’

      She didn’t answer and I took her hands. ‘Gracie, come on—’

      She tried to snatch her hands away. ‘Don’t call me Gracie.’

      I kept hold. ‘I’ll call you Gracie if I want to. It’s what I used to call you, remember? When I was a boy?’

      ‘That was a long time ago.’

      ‘Not that long. You called me Jacko and I called you Gracie. We were happy then.’

      I could see that the memory had softened her a little, but she wasn’t going to give in too easily.

      ‘We’re not those people any more.’

      ‘Yes, we are,’ I insisted. ‘That was our past. Ours. Yours and mine. And nobody else can ever share it or know about it.’

      She looked at me.

       ‘Not even Della?’

      ‘Not even Della,’ I said, knowing I had to conceal how much Della had contributed to this moment. ‘You were a second mother to me, and nobody else knows what that means. I miss it, Gracie. I miss how close we were. Don’t you?’

      ‘Yes,’ she whispered, holding onto my hands now. ‘But you grew up and went away.’

      ‘You used to say I’d never grow up, and you were right. I’m still Jacko inside, and I always will be. Only to you, of course. I wouldn’t let anyone else call me that.’

      She smiled hesitantly. ‘Jacko,’ she said.

      I drew her to her feet.

      ‘Come on, I’m taking you to lunch. Things are happening, and I want you to be the first to know about them.’

      I told my secretary to hold all calls, and we went out to the Ritz. It was a long lunch, and a happy one. It was years since we had felt so close. I told her all about my future plans, and although I could see she was shocked she didn’t make an issue of it. Near the end of lunch I slipped out to call Harry Oxton.

      Grace didn’t seem surprised when he turned up to escort her home. She gave me a smile I hadn’t seen for years and said significantly, ‘I see Jacko the Joker is still alive.’

      ‘Good grief!’ I exclaimed. ‘That was one of your names for me too.’

      ‘Or sometimes Jumping Jacko.’

      ‘Yes, I remember now. Those names were truer than Bully Jack ever was, and I think they’ll be happier than he ever was.’

       ‘That all depends on her answer, I suppose?’ Grace said.

      ‘Yes, and it’s far from certain. Cross your fingers for me, Gracie.’

      ‘I will. The very best of luck—Jacko.’

      We hugged each other tightly, and she went off with Harry.

      Now I had the real mountain to climb. I ought to go round there, but I found myself putting it off. There was no hurry. She would know she was safe by now, and that was what mattered.

      The truth was that I was scared to face her.

       Della’s story

      Grandad pounced on me as soon as I got home.

      ‘You’re in the clear,’ he carolled. ‘They’re dropping the charges.’

      ‘Where did you hear that?’

      ‘Jack told me. He was here. He went to see Cunningham and got him to agree.’

      ‘But how did he do that?’

      ‘Bribery and corruption, he said. Oops!’ He put his hand to his mouth. ‘He made me promise not to tell you.’

      I hardly heard. I was beginning to realise that Jack hadn’t stayed around to tell me the good news himself.

      ‘Where is he?’ I asked.

      ‘He said he had to go.’

      ‘Did he say when he’d be back?’

      Grandad shrugged.

      Mixed with relief there was a sinking feeling inside me. Jack had done what he promised, but it hadn’t mattered enough to him to tell me himself and see my face. He couldn’t have told me more clearly that I was in the past.

      All that day I was sure he’d call me, but the phone stayed silent. Didn’t he even want to hear about my joy? Didn’t he want to bother with me at all?

      At last I gave in and called his office.

      ‘I’m sorry,’ his secretary told me. ‘Mr Bullen said to hold all calls.’

      I hung up and sat staring at the phone.

      It rang and I seized it up. ‘Jack?’

      ‘No, it’s Thomas Wendell. Just to keep you up to date with what’s

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