Mistresses: Blackmailed With Diamonds / Shackled with Rubies. Robyn Donald

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Mistresses: Blackmailed With Diamonds / Shackled with Rubies - Robyn Donald Mills & Boon Romance

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      ‘I guess I’m just one of the family. But I don’t mean to make a career of it. It was just the once, for you. And I only left a message so that you should know as soon as possible. When I got back to the office I found Gracie there. So I took her to lunch and made everything right between us—the way you said.’

      ‘I said?’

      ‘You gave me the clue about how lonely she was. I followed that up, and you were right. It made it easy to tell her that I’m leaving the firm for a while.’

      ‘What? But it’s your firm. How can you leave it?’

      ‘I’ll become a sleeping partner. Peter can run things. Maybe in a couple of years I’ll go back, but I have other things I want to do first—if you agree.’

      ‘Tell me about the other things,’ I said, but I thought I knew the answer.

      Grandad refilled his cup and Jack said absently, ‘Thanks, Nick.’

      ‘Why do you keep calling me Nick? Who’s Nick?’

      Jack gave the grin I loved. ‘I’ll tell you that when we’re on our way.’

      ‘Are we going somewhere?’ Grandad asked.

      ‘As soon as you’re ready.’

      He was like a big kid, keeping a secret. I might guess the secret, but he was only going to tell in his own good time—although I could tell he was bursting with it.

      The sun had started to come up when we left the house, and Jack headed the car north, towards the nearby canal.

      ‘So who’s Nick?’ Grandad demanded from the back seat.

      ‘He was my grandpa,’ Jack told him. ‘You’re so like him that it’s eerie.’

      Grandad considered. ‘You mean he was an old fool too?’

      Jack laughed. ‘Something like that. But he was my old fool and I was nuts about him.’

      We parked near a bridge and went to look down into the water.

      ‘There,’ Jack said. ‘Do you see her? She’s called The Bluebell.

      She was the loveliest barge I’d ever seen—a real, traditional canal boat, painted in bright colours. It spoke of long, lazy summer days drifting along dreamy waterways.

      ‘A hobo of the canals,’ I said. ‘What about the dogs? Three of them, you said.’

      ‘We’ll have them too. Great, daft creatures, lolling around, wanting to be petted all the time.’

      ‘It sounds perfect,’ I said happily.

      ‘I should have done this years ago. But it never became really important until now.’

      ‘Is she yours?’

      ‘Not yet. Not until you’ve approved her. But I’ve got the key.’

      We went below and looked around. She was more spacious than she looked from the outside, but she was also cosy.

      ‘This can be Grandad’s room,’ Jack said, indicating a door.

      ‘Then he’s coming with us?’ I asked eagerly.

      ‘I know better than to try to part you two. You wouldn’t leave him behind, and if you did you’d never have a moment’s peace, wondering what trouble he was getting himself into.’

      I flung my arms around him.

      ‘Can it really come true?’ I asked.

      ‘It’s going to come true. We’re going to make it—if it’s what you really want?’

      ‘It’s what I want more than anything. But won’t you miss your work?’

      ‘Maybe in a few years,’ he said. ‘But not for ages. I have another life to live first—our life together. A different world, well away from the other one. I don’t want to have to think of anything but you.’

      ‘No Bully Jack?’

      ‘Bully Jack only ever existed for a few moments, when he needed to do a bit of manipulating for you. Now he’s gone for ever. All that’s left is the man who loves you—’

      ‘And whom I love.’

      ‘It is true that you love me?’ he asked with sudden urgency. ‘I need to believe in that, because it’s who I am. I have this strange feeling that if you don’t love me I don’t really exist.’

      There were no words that would have convinced him, so I laid my lips on his and we stayed there for a long time.

      ‘You have to exist,’ I said. ‘Because if you don’t, neither do I. And without you I never will. Just as before you there was nothing.’

      ‘For me too,’ he said softly. ‘Nothing at all. But now, for the rest of our lives, we’ll have everything.’

Blackmailed by Diamonds, Bound By Marriage

      Sarah Morgan trained as a nurse and has since worked in a variety of health-related jobs. Married to a gorgeous businessman, who still makes her knees knock, she spends most of her time trying to keep up with their two little boys, but manages to sneak off occasionally to indulge her passion for writing romance. Sarah loves outdoor life and is an enthusiastic skier and walker. Whatever she is doing, her head is full of new characters and she is addicted to happy endings.

      Look for

       Bought: Destitute yet Defiant

      Sarah Morgan’s latest thrilling romance!

      Chapter One

      THE UNMISTAKABLE SOUND of footsteps echoed around the ancient stone stairs that led to the basement of the museum.

      Angie Littlewood glanced up from the notes she was making, distracted by the unexpected disturbance. Upstairs the museum was heaving with visitors but down here in the bowels of the old listed building there was an almost reverential silence, a silence created by thick stone walls and the academic purpose of the researchers and scientists who worked behind the scenes.

      Angie felt a flicker of surprise as she saw Helen Knightly appear in the doorway. As Museum Curator, Helen was usually fully occupied upstairs with the public at this time of day and Angie’s surprise turned to consternation as she saw the distressed expression on her colleague’s face.

      ‘Are you all right, Helen? Is something the matter?’

      ‘I don’t know how to tell you this, dear.’ Helen’s face was slightly paler than usual and Angie’s heart took an uncomfortable dive as her mind raced ahead, anticipating the problem.

      Obviously it was something to do

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